
职称: 教授  博士生导师 











1990.9-1994.7  西北师范大学地理系,获学士学位。
1998.8-2000.6  兰州大学自然地理专业硕士研究生。导师:陈发虎教授。
2000.7-2004.6  兰州大学自然地理专业,获博士学位。导师:冯兆东、陈发虎教授。




2004.7-2010.4  兰州大学副教授。
2010.5-今        兰州大学教授。


研究生课程 《环境考古》《自然地理学科研方法基础》等


中国地理学会环境变化与环境考古专业委员会 副主任
中国第四纪科学研究会间冰期气候与环境专业委员会 副主任


发表论文90余篇,近5年发表论文22篇(含SCI论文19篇)。SCI论文被引用2300余次(其中他引2100多次),其中,一篇论文在《Quternary Research》杂志评为2005-2010年被引用最多的论文,5篇代表性SCI论文被引用463次。


2005年获 “全国青年地理科技奖”


1.	科技部基础性专项课题,编号2017FY101003,中国沙漠及其毗邻地区人类活动遗迹调查, 2017.2-2021.2,505万元,主持。
2.	国家自然科学基金面上项目,编号41671189,新疆巴里坤湖和博斯腾湖纪录的过去15万年来的气候环境变化研究,2017.1-2020.12,75万元,主持。


1)	Wang W, Wang Y, An C*, et al. Human diet and subsistence strategies from the Late Bronze Age to historic times at Goukou, Xinjiang, NW China. The Holocene, 2018, 4: 640–650.
2)	Duan, F., An, C*., Zhao, Y. et al. Vegetation and climate history of Anggertu Lake in the Tengger Desert over the last millennium. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2018, 36: 2166-2180. 
3)	Zhao, Y.T., An, C. B*., Duan, F.T., Zhao, J.J., Mao, L.M., Zhou, A.F., Cao, Z.H., Chen, F.H. Consistent vegetation and climate deterioration from early to late MIS3 revealed by multi-proxies (mainly pollen data) in north-west China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2017.244, 43-53.
4)	Zhao, Y.T., Nelson, D.M., Clegg, B.F., An, C.B., Hu, F.S. Carbon isotopic analysis on nanogram quantities of carbon from dissolved insect cuticle. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2017, 31(21), 1825-1834.
5)	Zhao J.,An C.-B*., Huang Y.,Morrill C.,Chen  F.-H. Contrasting early Holocene temperature variations between monsoonal East Asia and westerly dominated Central Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews , 2017, 178 :14-23
6)	Li H, An C B*, Dong W, et al. Woodland vegetation composition and prehistoric human fuel collection strategy at the Shannashuzha site, Gansu Province, northwest China, during the middle Holocene. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany, 2016:1-9.
7)	Dong, W.M., An, C.B*., Fan, W.J., Li, H., Zhao, X.Y.. Stable isotopic detection of manual intervention among the faunal assemblage from a Majiayao site in NW China. Radiocarbon, 2016, 58(2) :311-321.
8)	Zhang, X.N., Zhou, A.F., Zhang, C., Hao, S.T., Zhao, Y.T., An, C.B. High-resolution records of climate change in arid eastern central Asia during MIS 3 (51 600-25 300 cal a BP) from Wulungu Lake, north-western China. Journal of Quaternary Science, 2016,31(6), 577-586.
9)	Chen, F., Jia, J., Chen, J., Li, G., Zhang, X., Xie, H., Xia, D., Huang, W., An C. A persistent holocene wetting trend in arid central asia, with wettest conditions in the late holocene, revealed by multi-proxy analyses of loess-paleosol sequences in xinjiang, china. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016, 146, 134-146.
10)	Zhao, Y.T., An, C.B*., Mao,L.M., Zhao, J.J., Tang, L.Y., Zhou, A.F., Li,H., Dong, W.M., Duan, F.T., Chen, F.H., Vegetation and climate history in arid western China during MIS2:New insights from pollen and grain-size data of the Balikun Lake, eastern Tien Shan. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015, 126:112-125.
11)	Li Hu, An Chengbang*, Fan Wenjie, Dong Weimiao, Zhao Yongtao, Wang Haipeng. Population history and its relationship with climate change on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the past 10000 years. The Holocene, 2015, 25: 1144 - 1152.
12)	Cheng-Bang An*, Weimiao Dong, Yufeng Chen, Hu Li, Chao Shi, WeiWang, Pingyu Zhang, Xueye Zhao. Stable isotopic investigations of modern and charred foxtail millet and the implications for environmental archaeological reconstruction in the western Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Research, 2015, 84:144-149.
13)	An C.B*., Dong W., Li H., Zhang P., Zhao Y., Zhao X., Yu S.Y. Variability of the stable carbon isotope ratio in modern and archaeological millets: evidence from northern China. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2015, 53, 316-322.
14)	Chen F., Dong G., Zhang D., Liu X., Jia X., An C., Xie Y., Barton L., Ren X., Zhao Z., Wu X., Jones M. Agriculture facilitated permanent human occupation of the Tibetan Plateau after 3600 B.P. Science, 2015, 347(6219):248-250.
15)	Yanbin Lu, ChengBang An, Jiaju Zhao. An isotopic study on water system of Lake Barkol and its implication for Holocene climate dynamics in arid central Asia. Environmental earth sciences, 2015, 73:1377-1383.
16)	Huang X.Z.,Chen C.Z., Jia W.N., An C.B., Zhou A.F., Zhang J.W., Jin M., Xia D.S., Chen F.H., Grimm E.C. Vegetation and climate history reconstructed from an alpine lake in central Tienshan Mountains since 8.5 ka BP. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2015,432: 36-48.
17)	An Cheng-Bang*, Li Hu, Dong Weimiao, Chen Yufen, Zhao Yongtao, Shi Chao. How prehistoric human use plant resources to adapt environment change: a case study in the western Chinese Loess Plateau during Qijia period. The Holocene, 2014, 24 (4) 512-517
18)	Jiaju Zhao, Chengbang An*, William M. Longo, James T. Dillon, Yongtao Zhao, Chao Shi, Yufeng Chen, Yongsong Huang. Occurrence of extended chain length C41 and C42 alkenones in hypersaline lakes. Organic Geochemistry (2014) 75 48-53
19)	段阜涛, 安成邦*, 赵永涛, 张晓楠, 周爱锋, 黄小忠, 李国强, 夏敦胜, 陈发虎. 新疆湖泊岩芯记录的末次间冰期以来气候变化初步研究. 第四纪研究, 2018, 38(5): 1156-1165
20)	曹志宏,安成邦*,高信娟.1426-1949年腾格里沙漠边缘区旱涝灾害初探.中国沙漠,2019(01):1-8
21)	安成邦, 王伟, 段阜涛,陈发虎. 亚洲中部干旱区丝绸之路沿线环境演化与东西方文化交流. 地理学报, 2017, 72(5):875-891.
22)	陈发虎,安成邦,董广辉,张东菊.泛第三极地区环境变化与丝路文明的兴衰.地理教育,2018(04):1
23)	陈发虎,安成邦,董广辉,张东菊.丝绸之路与泛第三极地区人类活动、环境变化和丝路文明兴衰.中国科学院院刊,2017,32(09):967-975
24)	安成邦. 小麦与面条的邂逅. 自然杂志, 2016, 38(4):253-256.
25)	赵永涛,安成邦*,陈玉凤,赵家驹,周爱锋,施超.晚冰期以来乌伦古湖沉积物多指标高分辨率的古环境演化.干旱区地理, 2014,2:222-229
26)	李 虎,安成邦*,董惟妙,王树芝,董广辉.2014. 陇东地区齐家文化时期木炭化石记录及其指示意义.第四纪研究,34(1):35-42
27)	Loukas Barton, Cheng-Bang An. An evaluation of competing hypotheses for the early adoption of wheat in East Asia. World archaeology, 2014, 46: 775-798
