
职称: 教授  博士生导师  硕士生导师 











2012.09~2017.06  兰州大学,自然地理学专业,硕博连读/博士(导师:陈发虎 院士)
2015.09~2017.03  美国匹兹堡大学,地质与环境系,联合培养(导师:Mark B. Abbott教授)
2008.08~2012.06  兰州大学,地理学基地班,大学本科/学士




2024.07~  至    今   兰州大学,资源环境学院,教授
2019.07~2024.06   兰州大学,资源环境学院,青年研究员,硕导(2019.12-),博导(2021.12-)
2017.07~2019.06   兰州大学,资源环境学院,师资博士后(合作导师:黄建平 院士)




1.《Fundamental Research》第一届青年编委(2024-2025)
2.《Frontiers in Earth Science》评审编委(2021-)
3.《Journal of Earth Science》第一届青年编委(2022-2023)
4.《Journal of Earth Science》第二届青年编委(2024-2025)
5.《Frontiers of Earth Science》客座编委(2022)
13.CEE、QSR、STOTEN、Anthropocene、Catena、Plaeo-3、Journal of Hydrology、Progress in Physical Geography、Acta Geologica Sinica、Journal of Earth Science、Journal of Mountain Science、Frontiers in Earth Science、Journal of Asian Earth Sciences、《第四纪研究》、《湖泊科学》、《海洋地质与第四纪地质》、《地理科学》、《地球科学》、《地球科学进展》、《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》等期刊审稿人
14. 兰州大学西部环境教育部重点实验室学术秘书(2021.4-)
15. 寒区旱区生物考古国家文物局重点科研基地办公室主任(2023.5-)
16. 《Fundamental Research》地学副主编助理(2020.4-2024.4)


围绕青藏高原东缘,在主要利用湖泊沉积学手段进行气候变化重建的基础上,开展了区域气候记录集成与考古资料比对研究,以“过程、格局、机理、影响”为主线,取得了三方面创新性成果。1)利用代表性湖泊沉积多代用指标分析,重建出全新世青藏高原东北部湖泊水位升高而云南高原湖泊水位持续降低的水文过程。2)遴选可靠的气候记录进行综合分析,揭示出青藏高原东缘全新世湿度变化呈现南北“反位相”模态。3)结合考古证据与湖泊沉积反映的农业活动变化,阐明了青藏高原东缘全新世湿度变化对农业社会发展影响的过程存在时空差异,深化了对气候变化影响人类社会发展模式的认识。主要围绕上述方向,在PNAS、Earth-Science Reviews、Quaternary Science Reviews、Science China Earth Sciences、Fundamental Research、Journal of Paleolimnology、《地理学报》等国内外重要学术刊物发表论文60余篇,其中SCI论文50余篇,第一或通讯作者论文30篇;参与出版专著3部。




(1)主持国家重点研发计划“青藏高原古代人群演化和考古文化谱系研究”第5课题“青藏高原古代人群与文化演化的食物经济基础”(2021.11-2024.10; 2021YFC1523605), 143.45万元;
(2)主持第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究第一期“人类活动历史及其影响”专题第4子专题“过去人-环境相互作用模式”(2019.11-2022.10; 2019QZKK0601) (第2负责人);
(3)主持第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究第二期“人类活动历史及其影响”专题第5子专题“高原人类生存环境变化及其对人类活动的影响”(2022.11-2024.10; 2019QZKK0601-02) (第2负责人);
(4)主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“甘肃夏河甘加盆地晚全新世气候环境变化及人类适应与影响”(2022.01-2025.12; 42171150), 58万元;
(5)主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“苟鲁措记录的青藏高原北部全新世降水变化研究” (2019.01-2021.12;41807442), 26万元;
(6)主持中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目“基于多钻孔对比的全新世青海湖水位变化研究” (2019.06-2020.06;2019T120962), 18万元;
(7)主持中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目“中国西南早全新世夏季温度与降水的不耦合及机制” (2017.12-2019.06; 2017M623272), 5万元;
(8)主持兰州大学青年研究员科研启动资金(2019.07-2024.06), 100万元;

(9)参与国家自然科学基金重点项目“青藏高原丹尼索瓦人的旧石器文化和环境适应研究”(2022.01-2026.12; 42130502), 296万元 (第1骨干成员) ;
(10)参与国家自然科学基金重大项目“人类世的历史背景”(2020.01-2024.12; 41991251), 448万元 (第2骨干成员);
(11)参与高端外国专家项目“云南高原湖泊记录的历史时期人地关系研究”(2018.06-2020.12; GDW20186200143), 51.3万元;(执行项目)


* = 通讯作者; # = 指导学生

(65)Wu, D.*, Pan, L.L., Kong, W.F., Chen, F.H. 2024. The Paleoanthropocene on the eastern Tibetan Plateau: An historical perspective for the Anthropocene. Anthropocene (In revision)
(64) #Cao, K.Y., Chen, L., Lu, Y.X., Zhang, Y., Li, M.J., Wu, D.*, Ma, M.M., Y.L., Wang, Chen, L., Zhang, X.N., Yang, R., Huang, Y.L., Zhou, A.F.* 2024. Ecological and environmental changes and their driving mechanisms of Lake Qilu in southwestern China since the last deglaciation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Under review).
(63) #Shao, S., Wu, D.*, Wang, T., Li Y.M., Guo, S.L., Xiao, Q.L., Feng, X.P., Deng, H.X., Tang, Q.H., Chen, F.H. 2024. Holocene extreme rainstorm flood events in the middle reaches of the Lancang‒Mekong River basin recorded by sediments from Lake Baima. Quaternary Science Reviews (Under review).
(62) Hillman, A.L., Bain, D.J., Wu, D., Abbott, M.B. 2024. Decoupling of the organic and inorganic lacustrine carbon cycle on the Chinese Yunnan Plateau in response to human activities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (Under review).
(61) #Chen, D., Li, Y.M., Guo, S.L.*, Wang, T., Chen, L., Hu, L.L., Huang, J.H., Pan, L.L., Ma, X.Y., Wu. D.* 2024. Climatic and anthropogenic forcing of vegetation change at different altitudes on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau over the past millennium. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 646, 112235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112235
(60) #Guo, S.L., Wu, D.*, Wang, T., Chen, L., Li, Y.M., Wang, T.X., Shao, S., Zhou, A.F. 2024. Hydrological evolution and differential response of the eco-environment recorded in Lake Maozangtianchi, eastern Qilian Mountains, during the last 900 years. Progress in Physical Geography. DOI:10.1177/03091333241252401 
(59) Chen, S.Q., Chen, J.H., Ding, G.Q., Ma, S., Ji, P.P., Zhou, A.F., Wu, D., Khormali, F., Hou, J.Z., Chen F.H. 2024. Dipole pattern of Holocene hydroclimate variations across the Asian drylands: critical evidence from West Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.  https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD039413
(58) Zhang, R.*, Li, M.R., Wu, D., Ren, X.P., Wang, Z., Ou, Y.H. 2024. Vertical variation in magnetic particles within atmospheric PM in indoor dustfall in industrial cities of northern China. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 10.1016/j.apr.2024.102075

(57) Wu, D., Ma M.M.*, Lu, Y.X., Guo, S.L., Wang T., Ma X.Y., Dong G.H., 2023. Out-of-phase relationship of Holocene moisture variations between the northeastern and southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its societal impacts. Fundamental Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.fmre.2023.02.014 
(56) #Wang, T.X., Wu, D.*, Wang, T., Chen, L., Guo, S.L., Li, Y.M., Zhang, C.B. 2023. Holocene temperature variations recorded by branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in a loess-paleosol sequence from the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Earth Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11707-023-1094-6 
(55) #Li, Y.M., Wu, D.*, Wang, T., Chen, L., Zhang, C.B., Guo, S.L., 2023. Late Holocene temperature and precipitation variations in an alpine region of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and their response to global climate change. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 615, 111442. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111442
(54) #Ma, X.Y., Wu, D.*, Liang, Y., Yuan, Z.J., Wang, T., Li, Y.M. 2023. Changes in regional religious activities in the last millennium recorded by black carbon in Lake Dalzong, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Science China Earth Sciences, 66(2): 303–315. doi: 10.1360/SSTe-2022-0064.
#马旭毅, 吴铎*, 梁源,袁子杰, 王涛, 李友谟. 2023. 青藏高原东北部达尔宗湖黑碳记录的区域宗教活动变迁. 中国科学: 地球科学, 53(2): 287–299. doi: 10.1360/SSTe-2022-0064
(53) Hou, J.Z.*, Cao, X.Y.*, Wang, M.D.*, Wu, D.* 2023. Holocene climate changes and paleoecology on the Tibetan Plateau: recent advances. Frontiers of Earth Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11707-023-1097-3
(52) #邵帅, 吴铎*, 王涛, 袁子杰, 李友谟, 冯小平, 周爱锋. 2023. 横断山区贡卡湖记录的晚全新世区域水文变化及其与印度夏季风的联系. 湖泊科学, 35(3): 1126-1138.
(51) 牛丽丽, 张青,陈林, 张姚, 吴铎, 周爱锋*. 2023. 中国中部高山湖泊记录的小冰期水热配置不同模态. 地球环境学报, 14(3): 315-327.

(50) Wu, D.*, Ma, X.Y., Yuan, Z.J., Hillman, A., Zhang, J.W., Chen, J.H., Zhou, A.F. 2022. Holocene hydroclimate variation on the Tibetan Plateau: An isotopic perspective. Earth-Science Reviews. 233, 104169. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104169
(49) #Yuan, Z.J., Wu, D.*, Wang, T., Ma, X.Y., Li, Y.M., Shao, S., Zhang, Y., Zhou, A.F. 2022. Holocene fire history in southwestern China linked to climate change and human activities. Quaternary Science Reviews, 289, 107615. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107615
(48) Chen, X.M.*, Huang, X.Z.*, Wu, D.*, Chen, J.H., Zhang, J.W., Zhou, A.F., Dodson, J., Zawadzki, A., Jacobsen, G., Yu, J.Q., Wu, Q.B., Chen, F.H. 2022. Late Holocene land use evolution and ecosystem response to climate variability and human disturbance in the watershed of Xingyun Lake, SW China. Catena, 211, 105973, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2021.105973
(47) #张陈彬, 吴铎*, 陈雪梅, 袁子杰, 陈发虎. 2022. 青藏高原东北部甘加盆地古梯田证实与年代初探. 地理学报. 77(1): 1-13
(46) #李友谟,吴铎*,袁子杰, 陈林, 陈雪梅, 周爱锋. 2022. 青藏高原腹地班德湖记录的全新世夏季风变化与流域环境响应. 第四纪研究, doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2022.06.0
(45)Bain, D.J., Hillman, A.L., Abbott, M.B., Tisherman, R.A., Wu, D. 2022. Metal ratio mixing models clarify metal contamination sources to lake sediments in Yunnan, China. Science of the Total Environment. 820: 153247
(44) Chen, L., Zhao, J.J., Zhang, Z.P., Shen, Z.W., Dong, W.M., Ma, R., Chen, J., Niu, L.L., Chen, S.Q., Wu, D., Liu, J.B., Zhou, A.F., 2021. Biomarker record of lake eutrophication induced by recession of the East Asian summer monsoon. Quaternary Science Reviews. 281: 107448.
(43) Cai, D.W., Zhu, S.Q., Gong, M, Zhang, N.F., Wen, J., Liang, Q.Y., Sun, W.L., Shan, X.Y., Guo, Y.Q., Cai, Y.D., Zheng, Z.Q., Zhang, W., Hu, S.M., Wang, X.Y., Tian, H., Li, Y.Q., Liu, W., Yang, M.M., Yang, J., Wu, D., Orlando, L., Jiang, Y, 2022. Radiocarbon and genomic evidence for the survival of Equus Sussemionus until the late Holocene. Elife, 11: e73346.
(42) Chen, C.Z., Zhao, W.W., Xia, Y.X., Gu, Q.R., Yi, W.W., Zhang, Y.H., Wu, D., Liu, J.B., Zhang, X.J., 2022. History of human disturbance to vegetation in the Southeast Hills of China over the last 2900 years: Evidence from a high resolution pollen record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 598: 111028.
(41) Hillman, A.L., Campisi, A., Abbott, .B., Bain, D.J., Griffore, M.P, Tisherman R.A., Yuan, Z.J., Wu, D., 2022. Yilong lake level record documents coherent regional-scale changes in Holocene water balance in Yunnan, southwestern China . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 601, 111148
(40) Zhang, Z.P., Shen, Z.W., Zhang, S.J., Chen, J., Chen, S.Q., Li, D.X., Zhang, S., Liu, X.J., Wu, D., Sheng, Y.W., Tang, Q.H., Chen, F.H., Liu, J.B., 2021. Lake level evidence for a mid-Holocene East Asian summer monsoon maximum and the impact of an abrupt late-Holocene drought event on prehistoric cultures in north-central China. The Holocene, 1-18. DOI: 10.1177/09596836221145362
(39) Zhang, N.M., Cao, X.Y., Xu, Q.H., Huang, X.Z., Herzschuh, U., Shen, Z.W., Peng, W., Liu, S.S., Wu, D., Wang, J., Xia, H., Zhang, D.J., Chen, F.H., 2022. Vegetation change and human-environment interactions in the Qinghai Lake Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, since the last deglaciation. Catena, 210, 105892

(38) Wu, D.*, Zhang, C.B., Wang, T., Yuan, ZJ., Yang, S.L., Zhang, X.J., Chen, F.H. 2021. East-west asymmetry in rainfall on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the Holocene. Catena. 207, 105626. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2021.105626 
(37) #Yang, R., Wu, D.*, Li, Z.H., Yuan, Z.J., Niu, L.L., Zhang, H., Chen, J., Zhou, A.F.*, 2021. Holocene-Anthropocene transition in northwestern Yunnan revealed by records of soil erosion and trace metal pollution from the sediments of Lake Jian, southwestern China. Journal of Paleolimnology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10933-021-00193-x
(36) #Yuan, Z.J., Wu, D*., Niu, L.L., Ma, X.Y., Li ,Y.M., Hillman, A., Abbott, M., Zhou, A.F., 2021. Contrasting ecosystem responses to climatic events and human activity revealed by a sedimentary record from Lake Yilong, southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment, 783, 146922.
(35) Chen, L., Huang, Z.D., Niu, L.L., Dong, W.M.*, Xiao, S., Chen, S.Q., Zhao, J.J., Wu, D., Zhou, A.F. 2021. GDGTs-based quantitative reconstruction of water level changes and precipitation at Daye Lake, Qinling Mountains, over for the past 2,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 267, 107099. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107099.
(34) Wang, H.P., Hu, Y., Zhang X., Lv, F.Y., Ma, X,Y., Wu, D., Chen F.H., Zhou, AF., Hou JZ., Chen, J.H., 2021. Climate change since the last deglaciation on the NE Tibetan Plateau and the spatial extent of the Asian summer monsoon. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.7239
(33) Lv, F.Y., Chen, J.H., Zhou, A.F., Cao, X.Y., Zhang, X., Wang, Z.Q., Wu, D., Chen, X.M., Yan, J.J., Wang, H.P., Dong, G.H., Xu, Q.H., Huang, X.Z., Chen, F.H., 2021. Vegetation history and precipitation changes in the NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: a 7,900-yr pollen record from Caodalian Lake. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36(4), e2020PA004126. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020PA004126.
(32) Zhang, Y., Cui, Q.Y., Huang, YL., Wu, D., Zhou, A.F. 2021. Vegetation response to Holocene climate change in the Qinling Mountains in the temperate-subtropical transition zone of central-east China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9:734011. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.734011
(31) Zhang, Z.P., Liu, J.B., Chen, J., Chen, S.Q., Shen, Z.W., Chen, J., Liu, X.K., Wu, D., Sheng, Y.W., Chen, F.H., 2020. Holocene climatic optimum in the East Asian monsoon region of China defined by climatic stability. Earth-Science Reviews, 212, 103450
(30) Chen, F.H., Wu, S.H., Cui, P., Zhang, Y.L., Yin, Y.H., Liu, G.B., Ouyang, Z., Ma, W., Yang, L.S., Wu, D., Lei J.Q., Zhang, G.Y., Zou, X.Y., Chen, X.Q., Tan, M.H., Wang, X.M., Bao, A.M., Cheng, W.X., Dang, X.H., Wei, B.G., Wang, G.L., Wang, W.Y., Zhang, X.Q., Liu, X.C., Li, S.Y. 2020. Progress and prospects of applied research on physical geography and the living environment in China over the past 70 years (1949-2019). J. Geogr. Sci. 2021, 31(1): 3-45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-021-1831-2.
陈发虎, 吴绍洪, 崔鹏, 蔡运龙, 张镱锂, 尹云鹤, 刘国彬, 欧阳竹, 马巍, 杨林生, 吴铎, 雷加强,  张国友, 邹学勇, 陈晓清, 谈明洪, 王训明, 包安明, 程维新, 党小虎, 韦炳干, 王国梁, 王五一, 张兴权, 刘晓晨, 李生宇. 2020. 中国自然地理学与生存环境应用研究70年(1949-2019)进展与展望. 地理学报, 75(9) : 1799-1830.

(29) Wu, D.*, Zhou, A.F.*, Zhang, J.W., Chen, J.H., Li, G.Q., Wang, Q., Chen L. Madsen, D., Abbott, M., Cheng, B., Chen F.H. 2020. Temperature-induced dry climate in basins in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the early to middle Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 237(106311), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106311
(28) Chen, X.M., Wu, D., Huang, X.Z., Lv F.Y., Brenner M., Jin, H.L., Chen, F.H. 2020. Vegetation response in subtropical southwest China to rapid climate change during the Younger Dryas. Earth-Science Reviews, 201,103080. 
(27) Chen, N.B., Ren, L.L., Du, L.Y., Hou, J.W., Mulline, V.E., Wu, D., Zhao, X.Y., Li, C.M., Huang, J.H., Qi, X.B,, Capodiferro, M.R., Achilli, A., Lei, C.Z., Chen, F.H., Su, B., Dong, G.H., Zhang, X.M. 2020. Ancient genomes reveal tropical bovid species in the Tibetan Plateau contributed to the prevalence of hunting game until the late Neolithic. PNAS. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2011696117
(26) Chen, F.H., Zhang, J.F., Liu, J.B., Cao, X.Y., Hou, J.Z., Xu, X.K., Liu X.J., Wang, M.D., Wu, D., Huang, L.X., Zeng, T., Zhang, S., Huang, W., Zhang, X., Zhu, L.P., Yang, K., 2020. Climatic change, vegetation history and landscape responses on the Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene: a comprehensive review for future. Quaternary Science Reviews, 243, 106444
(25) Xia, H., Zhang, D.J., Wang, Q., Wu, D., Duan, Y.W., Chen, F.H., 2020. A study of the construction times of the ancient cities in Ganjia Basin, Gansu Province, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 30(9): 1467-1480.

(24) Chen, F., Fu, B., Xia, J., Wu, D., Wu, S., Zhang, Y., Sun, H., Liu, Y., Fang, X., Qin, B., Li, X., Zhang, T., Liu, B., Dong, Z., Hou, S., Tian, L., Xu, B., Dong, G., Zheng, J., Yang, W., Wang, X., Li, Z., Wang, F., Hu, Z., Wang, J., Liu, J., Chen, J., Huang, W., Hou, J., Cai, Q., Long, H., Jiang, M., Hu, Y., Feng, X., Mo, X., Yang, X., Zhang, D., Wang, X., Yin, Y., Liu, X. 2019. Major advances in studies of the physical geography and living environment of China during the past 70 years and future prospects. Science China Earth Sciences, 62, 1665-1701.
陈发虎, 傅伯杰, 夏军, 吴铎, 吴绍洪, 张镱锂, 孙航, 刘禹, 方小敏, 秦伯强, 李新, 张廷军, 刘宝元, 董治宝, 侯书贵, 田立德, 徐柏青, 董广辉, 郑景云, 杨威, 王鑫, 李再军, 王飞, 胡振波, 王杰, 刘建宝, 陈建徽, 黄伟, 侯居峙, 蔡秋芳, 隆浩, 姜明, 胡亚鲜, 冯晓明, 莫兴国, 杨晓燕, 张东菊, 王秀红, 尹云鹤, 刘晓晨. 2019. 近70年来中国自然地理与生存环境基础研究的重要进展与展望. 中国科学: 地球科学. 49(11), 1659-1696.
(23) Duan, Y.W., Sun, Q., Werne, J.P., Zhao, H., Zhang, D.J., Zhang, N.M., Liu, J.B., Wu, D., Chen, F.H. 2019. Mid-Holocene moisture maximum revealed by pH changes derived from brGDGTs in loess deposits of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 520: 138-149.
(22) 吴铎*, 周爱锋, 张家武, 陈建徽, 陈婕, 魏海涛. 2019. 我国季风边缘区湖泊沉积记录的全新世亚洲夏季风衰退事件. 第四纪研究. 39(3): 665-677.
(21) #张姚, 吴铎*, 张欢, 周爱锋, 王苏民, 陈发虎. 2019. 不同时间尺度青海湖沉积物TOC对气候变化的敏感性探讨. 湖泊科学. 31(5). DOI: 10.18307/2019.050
(20) 凌智永, 靳建辉, 吴铎, 刘向军, 夏敦胜, 陈发虎. MIS3以来雅鲁藏布江流域风成沉积及环境意义. 地理学报. 2019, 74(11): 2385-2400.

(19)Wu, D., Chen, X.M., Lv, F.Y., Brenner, M., Curtis, J., Zhou, A.F., Chen, J.H., Abbott, M., Yu, J.Q., Chen, F.H.* 2018. Decoupled early Holocene summer temperature and monsoon precipitation in southwest China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 193: 54-67.
(18)Zhang, Z.P., Liu, J.B., Chen, S.Q., Chen, J., Zhang, S.J., Xia, H., Shen, Z.W., Wu, D., Chen, F.H. 2018. Nonlagged response of vegetation to climate change during the Younger Dryas: Evidence from high-resolution multiproxy records from an alpine lake in northern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, doi:10.1029/2018JD028752.

(17) Chen, X.M., Huang, X.Z., Wu, D., Zhang, X.N., Dodson, J., Zhou, A.F., Chen, F.H. 2017. Modern pollen assemblages in topsoil and surface sediments of the Xingyun Lake catchment, central Yunnan Plateau, China, and their implications for interpretation of the fossil pollen record. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 241: 1-12.
(16) 王强, 魏海涛, 吴铎, 金明, 王鑫, 陈发虎. 2017. 中国中部全新世古地磁长期变和相对古强度研究. 第四纪研究, 37(1): 45-56.
(15) 郝盛吞, 周爱锋, 张晓楠, 吴铎, 尹丽颖. 2017. 湖泊沉积有机碳埋藏效率及其影响要素研究进展. 地球环境学报, 2017, 8(4): 292-306.

(14) Chen, F.H.*, Wu, D.*, Chen, J.H., Zhou, A.F., Yu, J.Q., Shen, J., Wang, S.M., Huang, X.Z. 2016. Holocene moisture and East Asian summer monsoon evolution in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau recorded by Lake Qinghai and its environs: A review of conflicting proxies. Quaternary Science Reviews, 154, 111-129. (Quaternary Science Reviews高被引论文)
(13) Wu, D.*, Chen, F.H., Li, K., Xie, Y.W., Zhang, J.W., Zhou, A.F. 2016. Effects of climate change and local human activity on lake shrinkage in Gonghe Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, during the past 60 years. Journal of Arid Land, 8(4): 479-491.

(12) Wu, D., Zhou, A.F., Liu, J.B., Chen, X.M., Wei, H.T., Sun, H.L., Yu, J.Q., Bloemendal, J., Chen, F.H.* 2015. Changing intensity of human activity over the last 2,000 years recorded by the magnetic characteristics of sediments from Xingyun Lake, Yunnan, China. Journal of Paleolimnology, 53: 47-60.
(11) Wu, D., Zhou, A.F.*, Chen, X.M., Yu, J.Q., Zhang, J.W., Sun, H.L. 2015. Hydrological and ecosystem response to abrupt changes in the Indian monsoon during the last glacial, as recorded by sediments from Xingyun Lake, Yunnan, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 421: 15-23.
(10) Zhou, A.F., He, Y.X., Wu, D., Zhang, X.N., Zhang, C., Liu, Z.H., Yu, J.Q. 2015. Changes in the radiocarbon reservoir age in Lake Xingyun, southwestern China during the Holocene. PLOS ONE, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121532
(9) Li, G.Q., Jin, M., Wen, L.J., Zhao, H., Madsen, D., Liu, X.K., Wu, D., Chen, F.H. 2015. Quartz and K-feldspar optical dating chronology of eolian sand and lacustrine sequence from the southern Ulan Buh Desert, NW China: Implications for reconstructing late Pleistocene environmental evolution. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 393(1): 111-121.
(8) Li, G.Q., Jin, M., Chen, X.M., Wen, L.J., Zhang, J.W., Madsen, D., Zhao, H., Wang, X., Fan, T.L., Duan, Y.W., Liu, X.K., Wu, D., Li, F.L., Chen, F.H. 2015. Environmental changes in the Ulan Buh Desert, southern Inner Mongolia, China since the middle Pleistocene based on sedimentology, chronology and proxy indexes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 128: 69-80.
(7) 张晓楠, 张灿, 吴铎, 周爱锋. 2015. 基于XRF岩芯扫描的中国西部湖泊沉积物元素地球化学特征. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 35(1):163-174.
(6) 张灿, 周爱锋, 张晓楠, 吴铎, 郝盛吞. 2015. 湖泊沉积记录的古洪水事件识别及与气候关系. 地理科学进展, 34(7): 898-908.

(5) Chen, F.H., Chen, X.M., Chen, J.H., Zhou, A.F., Wu, D., Tang, L.Y., Zhang, X.J., Huang, X.Z., Yu, J.Q. 2014. Holocene vegetation history, precipitation changes and Indian summer monsoon evolution documented from sediments of Xingyun Lake, southwest China. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29(7): 661-674.
(4) Chen, X.M., Chen, F.H., Zhou, A.F., Huang, X.Z., Tang, L.Y., Wu, D., Zhang, X.J., Yu, J.Q. 2014. Vegetation history, climatic changes and Indian summer monsoon evolution during the Last Glaciation (36400-13400 cal yr BP). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 410: 179-189
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(3) 董广辉, 马敏敏, 吴铎, 等. 2024. 青藏高原东南缘及毗邻地区人类活动遗迹与生存环境调查. 科学出版社.(In Press)
(2) 杨晓燕主编, 2022. 藏东南人类活动遗迹与生存环境调查. 科学出版社.(编写委员会委员)
(1) 陈发虎, 吴铎, 王鑫, 饶志国, 张家武. 2019. 中国的自然地理要素—自然地理环境的演变过程. 见: 郑度, 蔡运龙, 主编. 中国地学通鉴∙地理卷. 西安: 陕西师范大学出版总社. 031-042.
