姓名: 陈婕

职称: 青年研究员  硕士生导师 











2014/09-2017/06,兰州大学,自然地理学,硕士(导师:靳立亚 教授)
2017/09-2021/06,兰州大学,自然地理学,博士(导师:陈发虎 院士)
2019/09-2021/06,瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学,自然地理学,联合培养博士(导师:Prof. Qiong Zhang)


1. 东亚气候、生态环境变化
2. 古气候数值模拟
3. 全新世植被变化及其气候反馈


2021/07-2023/12,兰州大学,大气科学学院,萃英博士后(导师:黄建平 院士)
2023/07-2023/09,   斯德哥尔摩大学,访问学者
2024/01-至今,     兰州大学,资源环境学院,青年研究员




1. 《Frontiers in Earth Science》评审编委
2. Communications Earth & Environment、Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres、Advances in Atmospheric Sciences等杂志审稿人


近年来,主要利用古气候数值模拟的手段,围绕“一带一路”国家重大战略,从事过去干旱半干旱区气候变化研究工作,重点关注全新世以来东亚季风边缘区气候变化和植被反馈气候变化方面的相关工作。目前针对亚洲夏季风北界、西风-季风相互作用以及西北暖湿化等学界热点问题取得了有影响力的成果,已经与斯德哥尔摩大学、欧洲中期数值预报中心、德国马普所、隆德大学等国际一流大学和研究机构建立了长期良好的合作关系。围绕上述科学问题,主要取得了以下研究成果:1. 构建了具有广泛适用度的东亚夏季风北界新指标和年际尺度西风-季风协同作用指标;2. 探讨了植被-气候反馈对中全新世季风边缘区降水和东亚夏季风北界的重要影响;3. 揭示了植被-气候反馈对于调和全新世模拟结果与代用记录之间差异的重要作用;4. 回答了近几十年西北干旱区是否持续暖施化问题,并提出在未来低排放情景下, 西北干旱区仍将变湿, 但随着排放情景加强, 逐渐向“暖干”转型。




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,42101149,我国西北干旱区植被变化对气候、土壤水和径流反馈的模拟研究,2021-2024,30万元,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42471171,我国东部全新世人类活动引起的自然植被变化及其气候反馈模拟研究,2025.01-2028.12, 47万元,主持
3. 国家自然科学国际(地区)合作与交流项目,42261144670,伊朗北部全新世气候环境变化及其影响,2023-2025,200万元,子课题负责人;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42072211,中亚塔吉克盆地晚新生代干旱环境演化及其影响因素初步研究,2021-2024,61万元,项目骨干;
5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2022M711441,中国西北干旱区植被反馈作用对气候影响的模拟研究, 2022.07 -2024.06,8万元,主持;
6. 兰州大学青年研究员科研启动资金,2024.01-2028.12, 100万元,主持。


1.	Chen, J., Zhang, Q.*, Lu, Z., Duan, Y., Cao, X., Huang, J., & Chen, F. 2024. Reconciling East Asia's mid-Holocene temperature discrepancy through vegetation-climate feedback. Science Bulletin. (封面文章)
2.	Hou, Y., Long, H., Tsukamoto, S., Lu, Z., Chen, J., Ibarra, D. E., Tamura, T., Zhang, Q., Sun, W.Y., Zhang, J.R., Gao, L., Frechen, M., Shen, J. 2024. Sahara’s surface transformation forced an abrupt hydroclimate decline and Neolithic culture transition in northern China. The Innovation Geoscience, 5(1).
3.	Zheng, Z., Jin, L.*, Li, J., Zhang, X., Chen, J. 2023. Detecting the spatial-temporal pattern of moisture evolution on the Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene by model-proxy comparison. Frontiers of Earth Science, 17, 981-996.
4.	Chen, F.*, Duan, Y., Hao, S., Chen, J., Feng, X., Hou, J., Cao, X., Zhang, X., Zhou, T., 2023. Holocene thermal maximum mode versus the continuous warming mode: Problems of data-model comparisons and future research prospects. Science China Earth Sciences, 66, 1683-1701. (陈发虎, 段炎武, 郝硕, 陈婕, 冯小平, 侯居峙, 曹现勇, 张旭, 周天军. 2023. 全新世温度大暖期模式与持续升温模式: 记录-模型对比问题及其研究展望. 中国科学: 地球科学, 53(08), 1-19)
5.	Chen, F.*, Xie, T., Yang, Y., Chen, S., Chen, F., Huang, W., Chen, J.* 2023. Discussion of the “warming and wetting” trend and its future variation in the drylands of Northwest China under global warming. Science China Earth Sciences, 66, 1241-1257. (陈发虎*, 谢亭亭, 杨钰杰, 陈圣乾, 陈峰, 黄伟, 陈婕*. 2023. 我国西北干旱区“暖湿化”问题及其未来趋势讨论. 中国科学: 地球科学, 53(6), 1246–1262) (ESI前1%高被引)
6.	Huang, L., Chen, J.*, Yang, K., Yang, Y., Huang, W., Zhang, X., Chen, F.* 2023. The northern boundary of the Asian summer monsoon and division of westerlies and monsoon regimes over the Tibetan Plateau in present-day. Science China Earth Sciences, 66(4), 882-893. (黄凌昕, 陈婕*, 阳坤, 杨钰杰, 黄伟, 张旭, 陈发虎*. 2023. 现代青藏高原亚洲夏季风气候北界及其西风区和季风区划分. 中国科学: 地球科学, 53(4), 866–878) (ESI前1%高被引)
7.	Strandberg, G.*, Chen, J., Fyfe, R., Kjellström, E., Lindström, J., Poska, A., Zhang, Q., Gaillard, M. J. 2023. Did the Bronze Age deforestation of Europe affect its climate? A regional climate-model study using pollen-based land-cover reconstructions. Climate of the Past, 19, 1507-1530.
8.	Chen, J., Zhang, Q.*, Kjellström, E., Lu, Z., Chen, F. 2022. The Contribution of vegetation-climate feedback and resultant sea ice loss to amplified Arctic warming during the mid-Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(18), e2022GL098816.
9.	Yang, Y., Huang, W.*, Xie, T., Li, C., Deng, Y., Chen, J., Liu, Y., Ma, S. 2022. Elevation Gradients Limit the Antiphase Trend in Vegetation and Its Climate Response in Arid Central Asia. Remote Sensing, 14(23), 5922.
10.	Zheng, Z., Jin, L.*, Li, J., Chen, J., Zhang, X., Wang, Z. 2022. Influence of May–June frontal precipitation on coherent moisture pattern in east-central China since 1793 based on tree-ring data. Quaternary International, 607, 79–88.
11.	Chen, J., Zhang, Q.*, Huang, W., Lu, Z., Zhang, Z., Chen, F. 2021. Northwestward shift of the northern boundary of the East Asian summer monsoon during the mid-Holocene caused by orbital forcing and vegetation feedbacks. Quaternary Science Reviews, 268, 107136.
12.	Chen, J., Huang, W.*, Feng, S., Zhang, Q., Kuang, X., Chen, J., Chen, F. 2021. The modulation of westerlies-monsoon interaction on climate over the monsoon boundary zone in East Asia. International Journal of Climatology, 41(S1), E3049–E3064.
13.	Chen, F.*, Chen, J., Huang, W. 2021. Weakened East Asian summer monsoon triggers increased precipitation in Northwest China. Science China Earth Sciences, 64(5), 835–837. (陈发虎, 陈婕, 黄伟, 2021. 东亚夏季风减弱诱发我国西北干旱区降水增加. 中国科学: 地球科学, 51(5), 824–826)
14.	Zhang, Z., Liu, J.*, Chen, J., Chen, S., Shen, Z., Liu, X., Wu, D., Sheng, Y., Chen, F. 2021. Holocene climatic optimum in the East Asian monsoon region of China defined by climatic stability. Earth-Science Reviews, 212, 103450.
15.	Zhang, Q.*, Berntell, E., Axelsson, J., Chen, J., Han, Z., de Nooijer, W., Lu, Z., Li, Q., Zhang, Q., Wyser, K., Yang, S., 2021. Simulating the mid-Holocene, last interglacial and mid-Pliocene climate with EC-Earth3-LR. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(2), 1147–1169.
16.	Zheng, Z., Jin, L*., Li, J., Chen, J., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., 2021. Moisture variation inferred from tree rings in north central China and its links with the remote oceans. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 16463.
17.	Xie, T., Huang, W.*, Chang, S., Zheng, F., Chen, J., Chen, J.H., Chen, F. 2021. Moisture sources of extreme precipitation events in arid Central Asia and their relationship with atmospheric circulation. International Journal of Climatology, 41(S1), E271–E282.
18.	Chen, J., Huang, W.*, Zhang, Q., Feng, S. 2020. Origin of the spatial consistency of summer precipitation variability between the Mongolian Plateau and the mid-latitude East Asian summer monsoon region. Science China Earth Sciences, 63(8), 1199–1208. (陈婕, 黄伟, Qiong Zhang, Song Feng, 2020. 现代蒙古高原与中纬度东亚季风区夏季降水一致性变化的空间范围及其成因. 中国科学: 地球科学, 50(8), 1138–1148)
19.	Zhang, Z., Liu, J*., Liu, X., Chen, S., Yu, A., Zhang, X., Chen, J., Shen, Z., Chen, J., Zhang, S., Xia, H., Chen, F. 2020. Seasonal variations in the lake-water oxygen isotope composition of four lakes in the East Asian summer monsoon region: Implications for the interpretation of paleo-isotope records. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 44(4), 572–588.
20.	Wang, X.*, Carrapa, B., Sun, Y., Dettman, D. L., Chapman, J. B., Caves Rugenstein, J. K., Clementz, M. T., DeCelles, P. G., Wang, M., Chen, J., Qusde, J., Wang, F., Li, Z., Oimuhammadzoda, I., Gadoev, M., Lohmann, G., Zhang, X., Chen, F. 2020. The role of the westerlies and orography in Asian hydroclimate since the late Oligocene. Geology, 48(7), 728–732.
21.	Chen, J., Huang, W.*, Jin, L., Chen, J., Chen, S., Chen, F.* 2018. A climatological northern boundary index for the East Asian summer monsoon and its interannual variability. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 61(1), 13–22. (陈婕, 黄伟, 靳立亚, 陈建徽, 陈圣乾, 陈发虎, 2018. 东亚夏季风的气候北界指标及其年际变化研究. 中国科学: 地球科学, 48(1), 93–101) (封面文章, 热点论文二等奖)
22.	Zhang, X., Jin, L.*, Chen, J., Lu, H., Chen, F. 2018. Lagged response of summer precipitation to insolation forcing on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene. Climate Dynamics, 50, 3117–3129.
23.	Zhang, Z., Liu, J.*, Chen, S., Chen, J., Zhang, S., Xia, H., Shen, Z., Wu, D., Chen, F. 2018. Nonlagged Response of Vegetation to Climate Change During the Younger Dryas: Evidence from High-Resolution Multiproxy Records from an Alpine Lake in Northern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(14), 7065–7075.
24.	Huang, W., Feng, S.*, Liu, C., Chen, J., Chen, J., Chen, F. 2018. Changes of climate regimes during the last millennium and the twenty-first century simulated by the Community Earth System Model. Quaternary Science Reviews, 180, 42-56.
25.	Zhang, X., Jin, L.*, Chen, J., Chen, F., Park, W., Schneider, B., Latif, M. 2017. Detecting the relationship between moisture changes in arid central Asia and East Asia during the Holocene by model-proxy comparison. Quaternary Science Reviews, 176, 36-50.
26.	黄凌昕, 张帅, 陈婕, 黄伟, 阳坤, 陈发虎*. 2021. 中全新世青藏高原西南部异常高降水机制探讨. 高原气象, 40(6), 1407–1418.
27.	张琼*, 陈婕. 2020. 末次间冰期127 ka时期植被反馈增强东亚夏季风降水的数值模拟研究. 第四纪研究, 40(6), 1499–1512.
28.	吴铎*, 周爱锋, 张家武, 陈建徽, 程波, 陈婕, 魏海涛. 2019. 我国季风边缘区湖泊沉积记录的全新世亚洲夏季风衰退事件. 第四纪研究, 39(3), 665–677.
