
职称: 研究员  硕士生导师 

















1. 米堆冰川-光谢错冰湖灾害西藏自治区野外科学观测研究站副站长
2. Frontiers in Earth Science 编委(2022.02-至今)
3. Frontiers in Remote Sensing(2022)、Atmosphere(2022)和Journal of Geography and Cartography(2023)客座编辑
4. Nature及子刊 等30余个国内外学术期刊审稿人
5. 教育部学位中心学位论文通讯评审专家(2023-至今)



相关研究成果被央视网、新华网、中国日报网、《光明日报》和《中国自然资源报》等国内媒体及AAAS EurekAlert!、ScienceDaily、phys.org、SciTechDaily、UPI、ABC News、Sciences et Avenir、Blick、EcoDebate和SwissInfo等国外媒体以多种语言报道,被Nature子刊、Science子刊、PNAS和IPCC第六次评估报告等多次引用。




1. 主持荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室开放基金,2025-2026,8万
2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2024-2026,30万
3. 主持新疆遥感与地理信息系统应用重点实验室开放基金,2023-2024,10万
4. 主持兰州大学引进人才科研启动经费,2022–2027,100万



[40] Wang, T., Bao, A., Xu, W., Zheng, G., Du, W., Huang, X., Gao, Z., Bao, J., Stoffel, A., De Maeyer, P., & De Wulf, A. Does Central Asian forest growth benefit from a warming-wetting climate? Insights from tree-ring records. Environmental Research Letters, 2024. (二区top)
[39] Wang, T., Xu, W., Bao, A., Yuan, Y., Zheng, G., Naibi, S., Huang, X., Wang, Z., Zheng, X., Bao, J., Gao, X., Wang, D., Wusiman, S., Nzabarinda, V., & De Wulf, A. Mapping of Forest Structural Parameters in Tianshan Mountain Using Bayesian-Random Forest Model, Synthetic Aperture Radar Sentinel-1A, and Sentinel-2 Imagery. Remote Sensing, 16. (二区)
[38] Zhong, Y., Allen, S.K., Zheng, G., Liu, Q., & Stoffel, M. Large rock and ice avalanches frequently produce cascading processes in High Mountain Asia. Geomorphology, 2024, 449:109048.(二区)

[37] Zheng, G., Muhammad, S., Sattar, A., & Ballesteros-Cánovas4, J.A. Editorial: Cryospheric remote sensing. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 2023, 4:1204667.
[36] Wang, T., Bao, A., Xu, W., Zheng, G., Nzabarinda, V., Yu, T., Huang, X., Long, G., & Naibi, S. Dynamics of forest net primary productivity based on tree ring reconstruction in the Tianshan Mountains. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 146:109713.(二区top)

- 2022 -
[35] Chen, W., Yao, T., Zhang, G., Li, F., Zheng, G., Zhou, Y., & Xu, F. Towards ice thickness inversion: an evaluation of global DEMs by ICESat-2 in the glacierized Tibetan Plateau. The Cryosphere, 2022, 16:197‒218. (二区top)
[34] Yu, T., Jiapaer, G., Bao, A., Zheng, G., Zhang, J., Li, X., Yuan, Y., Huang, X., & Umuhoza, J. Disentangling the relative effects of soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit on photosynthesis in dryland Central Asia. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 137:108698. (二区top)
[33] Yuan, Y., Bao, A., Jiang, P., Hamdi, R., Termonia, P., De Maeyer, P., Guo, H., Zheng, G., Yu, T., & Prishchepov, A.V. Probabilistic assessment of vegetation vulnerability to drought stress in Central Asia. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 310:114504. (二区top)
[32] Guo, H., He, S., Li, M., Bao, A., Chen, T., Zheng, G., & De Maeyer, P. Future changes of drought characteristics in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios over Central Asia. International Journal of Climatology, 2022, 42:3888-3908.
[31] Yang, R., Zheng, G., Hu, P., Liu, Y., Xu, W., & Bao, A. Snowmelt flood susceptibility assessment in Kunlun Mountains based on the Swin Transformer deep learning method. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14:6360. (二区)
[30] Huang, X., Bao, A., Zhang, J., Yu, T., Zheng, G., Yuan, Y., Wang, T., Nzabarinda, V., De Maeyer, P., & Van de Voorde, T. Precipitation dominates the distribution of species richness on the Kunlun-Pamir Plateau. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14:6187. (二区)
[29] Huang, X., Bao, A., Guo, H., Meng, F., Zhang, P., Zheng, G., Yu, T., Qi, P., Nzabarinda, V., & Du, W. Spatiotemporal changes of typical glaciers and their responses to climate change in Xinjiang, Northwest China. Journal of Arid Land, 2022, 14: 502–520.
[28] 高梓茜, 包安明, 郑国雄, 黄晓然, 于涛 & 刘铁. 基于空间异质性的库鲁斯台草地退化研究. 中国科学院大学学报, 2022.

- 2021 -
[27] Zheng, G., Allen, S., Bao, A., Ballesteros-Canvas, J.A., Huss, M., Zhang, G., Li, J., Yuan, Y., Jiang, L., Yu, T., Chen, W., & Stoffel, M. Increasing risk of glacial lake outburst floods from future Third Pole deglaciation. Nature Climate Change, 2021, 11:411–417. (一区top,ESI高被引和1‰热点论文)
[26] Zheng, G., Bao, A., Allen, S., Ballesteros-Cánovas, J., Yuan, Y., Jiapaer, G., & Stoffel, M. Numerous unreported glacial lake outburst floods in the Third Pole revealed by high-resolution satellite data and geomorphological evidence. Science Bulletin, 2021, 66:1270–1273. (一区top)
[25] Zheng, G., Mergili, M., Emmer, A., Allen, S., Bao, A., Guo, H., & Stoffel, M. The 2020 glacial lake outburst flood at Jinwuco, Tibet: causes, impacts, and implications for hazard and risk assessment. The Cryosphere, 2021, 15:3159‒3180. (二区top)
[24] Guo, H., Bao, A., Chen, T., Zheng, G., Wang, Y., Jiang, L., & De Maeyer, P. Assessment of CMIP6 in simulating precipitation over arid Central Asia. Atmospheric Research, 2021, 252:105451. (二区top,ESI高被引论文)
[23] Yuan Y., Bao A., Liu T., Zheng G., Jiang L., Guo H., Jiang P., Yu T., & De Maeyer P. Assessing vegetation stability to climate variability in Central Asia. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 298:113330. (二区top)
[22] Chen, T., Xu, Z., Tang, G., Chen, X., Fang, H., Guo, H., Yuan, Y., Zheng, G., Jiang, L., and Niu, X. Spatiotemporal monitoring of soil CO2 efflux in a subtropical forest during the dry season based on field observations and remote sensing imagery. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13:3481. (二区)
[21] Chen, W., Yao, T., Zhang, G., Li, S., & Zheng, G. Accelerated glacier mass loss in the largest river and lake source regions of the Tibetan Plateau and its links with local water balance over 1976–2017. Journal of Glaciology, 2021, 67:577‒591.
[20] Khadka, N., Chen, X., Nie, Y., Thakuri, S., Zheng, G., & Zhang, G. Evaluation of glacial lake outburst flood susceptibility using multi-criteria assessment framework in Mahalangur Himalaya. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021, 8:748.
[19] Yu, T., Jiapaer, G., Bao, A., Zheng, G., Jiang, L., Yuan, Y., & Huang, X. Using synthetic remote sensing indicators to monitor the land degradation in a salinized area. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13:2851. (二区)

- 2020 -
[18] Zhang, G., Chen, W., Zheng, G., Xie, H., & Shum, C.K. Are China's water bodies (lakes) underestimated? PNAS, 2020. (一区top)
[17] Jiang, L., Jiapaer, G., Bao, A., Yuan, Y., Zheng, G., Guo, H., Yu, T., & De Maeyer, P. The effects of water stress on croplands in the Aral Sea basin. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 254:120114. (一区top)
[16] Yu, T., Bao, A., Xu, W., Guo, H., Jiang, L., Zheng, G., Yuan, Y., & Nzabarinda, V. Exploring variability in landscape ecological risk and quantifying its driving factors in the Amu Darya delta. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17:1‒21.

- 2019 -
[15] Zheng, G., Bao, A., Li, J., Zhang, G., Xie, H., Guo, H., Jiang, L., Chen, T., Chang, C., & Chen, W. Sustained growth of high mountain lakes in the headwaters of the Syr Darya River, Central Asia. Global and Planetary Change, 2019, 176:84–99. (一区top)
[14] Zheng, G., Bao, A., Li, X., Jiang, L., Chang, C., Chen, T., & Gao, Z. The potential of multispectral vegetation indices feature space for quantitatively estimating the photosynthetic, non-photosynthetic vegetation and bare soil fractions in northern China. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2019, 85:65‒76.
[13] Zhang, G., Luo, W., Chen, W., & Zheng, G. A robust but variable lake expansion on the Tibetan Plateau. Science Bulletin, 2019, 64:1306‒1309. doi:10.1016/j.scib.2019.07.018 (一区top)
[12] Zhang, G., Yao, T., Chen, W., Zheng, G., Shum, C.K., Yang, K., Piao, S., Sheng, Y., Yi, S., Li, J., O'Reilly, C.M., Qi, S., Shen, S.S.P., Zhang, H., & Jia, Y. Regional differences of lake evolution across China during 1960s–2015 and its natural and anthropogenic causes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 221:386‒404. (一区top, ESI高被引论文)
[11] Chen, T., Bao, A., Jiapaer, G., Guo, H., Zheng, G., Jiang, L., Chang, C., & Tuerhanjiang, L. Disentangling the relative impacts of climate change and human activities on arid and semiarid grasslands in Central Asia during 1982–2015. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 653:1311‒1325. (一区top)
[10] Guo, H., Bao, A., Liu, T., Ndayisaba, F., Jiang, L., Zheng, G., Chen, T., & De Maeyer, P. Determining variable weights for an Optimal Scaled Drought Condition Index (OSDCI): Evaluation in Central Asia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 231:111220. (一区top)
[9] Jiang, L., Bao, A., Jiapaer, G., Guo, H., Zheng, G., Gafforov, K., Kurban, A., & De Maeyer, P. Monitoring land sensitivity to desertification in Central Asia: Convergence or divergence? Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 658:669‒683. (一区top)
[8] Jiang, L., Jiapaer, G., Bao, A., Kurban, A., Guo, H., Zheng, G., & De Maeyer, P. Monitoring the long-term desertification process and assessing the relative roles of its drivers in Central Asia. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 104:195‒208. (二区top)
[7] Jiang, L., Jiapaer, G., Bao, A., Li, Y., Guo, H., Zheng, G., Chen, T., & De Maeyer, P. Assessing land degradation and quantifying its drivers in the Amudarya River delta. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 107:105595. (二区top)
[6] 陈桃, 包安明, 郭浩, 郑国雄, 袁野 & 于涛. 中亚跨境流域生态脆弱性评价及其时空特征分析 — 以阿姆河流域为例. 自然资源学报, 2019, 34:2643‒2657.
[5] 于涛, 包安明, 刘铁, 郭浩, 郑国雄 & 陈桃. 不同等级道路对玛纳斯河流域土地利用与景观格局的影响. 自然资源学报, 2019, 34:2427‒2439.

- 2019年之前 -
[4] Zhang, G., Li, J., & Zheng, G. Lake-area mapping in the Tibetan Plateau: an evaluation of data and methods. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017, 38:742‒772.
[3] Zhang, G., Zheng, G., Gao, Y., Xiang, Y., Lei, Y., & Li, J. Automated water classification in the Tibetan Plateau using Chinese GF-1 WFV data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2017, 83:509‒519.
[2] Li, X., Zheng, G., Wang, J., Ji, C., Sun, B., & Gao, Z. Comparison of methods for estimating fractional cover of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic vegetation in the Otindag Sandy Land using GF-1 wide-field view data. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8:800. (二区)
[1] 郑国雄, 李晓松, 张凯选 & 王金英. 浑善达克沙地光合/非光合植被及裸土光谱混合机理分析. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2016, 36:1063‒1068.

[2] Allen, S., Bolch, T., Frey, H., Zhang, G., Zheng, G., Mal, S., Chen, N., Sattar, A., & Stoffel, M. Glacial lake outburst floods in High Mountain Asia: From large scale assessment to local disaster risk management. In EGU General Assembly 2021, 19‒30 April 2021.
[1] Zheng, G., Mergili, M., Emmer, A., Allen, S., Bao, A., Guo, H., & Stoffel, M. Landslide-GLOF cascade at the expanding Jinwuco in Tibet, 2020: a clear consequence of anthropogenic climate change. In EGU General Assembly 2021, 19‒30 April 2021.


参编“一带一路”自然灾害风险与减灾系列《自然灾害风险地图集》,崔鹏 主编. 北京:科学出版社,2022.
