
职称: 万人计划  教授  博士生导师 











2012–2014,美国University of Nebraska-Lincoln,联合培养博士








Science Bulletin 青年编委;
Journal of Climate、Climate Dynamics、Atmospheric Research、International Journal of Climatology 等地学权威期刊审稿人


1. 利用观测资料和树轮资料,并结合数理统计分析等方法,厘清了年代际尺度西风区和季风区湿度/降水的时空变化差异,并划分出“西风模态”核心区范围。在此基础上,利用多种再分析数据集和气候模式开展综合研究,系统厘清了干旱区的水汽来源特征,进一步揭示了海-陆-气相互作用对百年~年代际尺度“西风模态”的动力影响过程。该部分工作对亚洲气候时空格局差异及动力机制进行了深入探索,这将为区域水资源对气候变化的响应和西风-季风相互作用提供了气候学背景和坚实基础。相关成果作为“西风模态”理论框架的重要组成部分,获2018年国家自然科学二等奖(第四完成人)。
2. 综合大气科学和地理学,建立了具有明确气候-生态-地理界限意义的东亚夏季风气候北界新指标,评估其可靠性并探讨其在全球变暖背景下的时空变化特征。在此基础上,利用现代观测和具有可靠年代的高分辨率代用资料,揭示了中国水文气候存在“三极子”的空间格局,进一步采用合适的干湿指数,系统对比了我国现代降水和湿度的时空特征差异,并定量评估了不同影响因子的贡献。该部分工作将现代与古气候水文变化研究统一在同一框架下,并将气候变化落脚到如何影响区域水资源。
3. 选用全国可靠台站观测资料和考虑地形因素的先进插值方法,建立了一套全国约2.5公里的高分辨率网格气温-降水数据集,利用该数据集揭示了过去60年来我国高分辨率的气候类型演变及影响因子。进一步地,利用气候类型的演变作为联系气候变化和陆面植被分布的中间桥梁,结合CMIP5中的多模式实验,定量评估了过去千年、现在及未来全球气候类型演变,揭示了不同时期气候类型演变的影响因子,为理解植被生态系统对气候变化响应提供了新视角。




1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,“亚洲中部干旱区极端干旱事件变化的模拟、归因和预估研究”,2019-2022,批准号:41877446。 
2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,“年代际时间尺度北大西洋海-气相互作用对夏季降水‘西风模态’的影响”,2016-2018,批准号:41505043。 
3. 参与国家重点研发计划全球变化及应对重点专项课题四,“气候变化-东西方文化交流及其对丝路文明的影响”,2018-2023,批准号:2018YFA0606404。
4. 参与国家基金委重大项目课题一,“中国北方干旱半干旱区气候变化的时空分异及驱动机制”,2018-2022,批准号:41790421。


Xie, T.T., Huang, W., Chang, S.Q., Zheng, F., Chen, J.H., Chen, J., Chen, F.H., 2021. Moisture sources of extreme precipitation events in arid Central Asia and their relationship with atmospheric circulation. International Journal of Climatology, 41(Suppl. 1), E271-E282.
Chen, J., Huang, W., Feng, S., Zhang, Q., Kuang, X.Y., Chen, J.H., Chen, F.H., 2021. The modulation of westerlies‐monsoon interaction on climate over the monsoon boundary zone in East Asia. International Journal of Climatology, 41(Suppl. 1), E3049-E3064.
Liu, C., Feng, S., Huang, W., 2021. An improved method for calculating the freezing/thawing index using monthly and annual temperature data. International Journal of Climatology, 41(9), 4548-4561.
Yan, J.J., Feng, S., Huang, W., Yang, Y.J., Xie, T.T., 2021. Spatiotemporal variations of Spring Indices in China and their physical mechanisms. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 126(8), e2021JG006356.
Xie, T.T., Huang, W., Feng, S., Liu, Y., Chen, J.H., Chen, F.H., 2021. Mechanism of winter precipitation variations in the southern arid Central Asia. International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.7480.
Huang, W., Liu, C., Cao, J.Q., Chen, J.H., Feng, S., 2020. Changes of hydroclimatic patterns in China in the present day and future. Science Bulletin, 65, 1061-1063.
Chen, J., Huang, W., Zhang, Q., Feng, S., 2020. Origin of the spatial consistency of summer precipitation variability between the Mongolian Plateau and the mid-latitude East Asian summer monsoon region. Science China: Earth Sciences, 63(8), 1199-1208.
Chen, F.H.*†, Chen, J.H.†, Huang, W.†, Chen, S.Q., Huang, X.Z., Jin, L.Y., Jia, J., Zhang, X.J., An, C.B., Zhang, J.W., Zhao, Y., Yu, Z.C., Zhang, R.H., Liu, J.B., Zhou, A.F., Feng, S., 2019. Westerlies Asia and monsoonal Asia: spatiotemporal differences in climate change and possible mechanisms on decadal to sub-orbital timescales. Earth-Science Reviews, 192, 337-354.
Huang, W., Yan, J.J., Liu, C., Xie, T.T., 2019. Changes in climate regimes over China based on a high-resolution dataset. Science Bulletin, 64(6), 377-379.
Zhao, H., Huang, W.*, Xie, T.T., Wu, X., Xie, Y.W., Feng, S., Chen, F.H., 2019. Optimization and evaluation of a monthly air temperature and precipitation gridded dataset on 0.025° spatial resolution in China during 1951−2011. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-019-02830-y.
Huang, W., Feng, S., Liu, C., Chen, J., Chen, J.H., Chen, F.H., 2018. Changes of climate regimes during the last millennium and the twenty-first century simulated by the Community Earth System Model. Quaternary Science Reviews, 180, 42-56.
Liu, C., Huang, W.*, Feng, S., Chen, J.H., Zhou, A.F., 2018. Spatiotemporal variations of aridity in China during 1961-2015: decomposition and attribution. Science Bulletin, 63(18), 1187-1199.
Chen, J., Huang, W.*, Jin, L.Y., Chen, J.H., Chen, S.Q., Chen, F.H., 2018. A climatological northern boundary index for the East Asian summer monsoon and its interannual variability. Science China: Earth Sciences, 61(1), 13-22.
Huang, W., Chang, S.Q., Xie, C.L., Zhang, Z.P., 2017. Moisture sources of extreme summer precipitation events in North Xinjiang and their relationship with atmospheric circulation. Advances in Climate Change Research, 8, 12-17.
Huang, W., Feng, S., Chen, J.H., Chen, F.H., 2015. Physical Mechanisms of Summer Precipitation Variations in the Tarim Basin in Northwestern China. Journal of Climate, 28, 3579-3591.
Huang, W., Chen, J.H., Zhang, X.J., Feng, S., Chen, F.H., 2015. Definition of the core zone of the “westerlies-dominated climatic regime”, and its controlling factors during the instrumental period. Science China: Earth Sciences, 58(5), 676-684.(《Science China: Earth Sciences》封面文章,入选2017年热点论文、2018年最佳论文)
Huang, W., Chen, F.H., Feng, S., Chen, J.H., Zhang, X.J., 2013. Interannual precipitation variations in the mid-latitude Asia and their association with large scale atmospheric circulation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(32), 3962-3968.
Chen, F.H., Huang, W., Jin, L.Y., Chen, J.H., Wang, J.S., 2011. Spatiotemporal precipitation variations in the arid Central Asia in the context of global warming. Science China: Earth Sciences, 54, 1812-1821.(《Science China: Earth Sciences》封面文章,入选2016年最佳论文一等奖)
Lu, Y.B., An, C.B., Wang, Z.L., Zhao, J.J., Wei, H.T., Tao, S.C., Huang, W., Ma, M.M., 2013. Mid-Holocene climate change in the eastern Xinjiang region indicated by the grain size and stable isotope record from Lake Barkol, northwest China. Environmental Earth Science, 68, 2163-2169.
Feng, S., Hu, Q., Huang, W., Ho, C.-H., Li, R., Tang, Z., 2014. Projected climate shift under future global warming from multi-model, multi-scenario, CMIP5 simulations. Global and Planetary Change, 112, 41-52.
Fang K.Y., Chen, F.H., Sen, A.K., Davi, N., Huang, W., Li, J.B., Seppä, H., 2014. Hydroclimate Variations in Central and Monsoonal Asia over the Past 700 Years. PLoS ONE, 9(8), e102751.
Liu, X.K., Rao, Z.G., Zhang, X.J., Huang, W., Chen, J.H., Chen, F.H., 2015. Variations in the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation in the Tianshan Mountains region and their significance for the Westerly circulation. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 25(7), 801-816.
Chen, J.H., Chen, F.H., Feng, S., Huang, W., Liu, J.B., Zhou, A.F., 2015. Hydroclimatic changes in China and surroundings during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age: spatial patterns and possible mechanisms. Quaternary Science Reviews, 107, 98-111.
Shakir, H., Song, X.F., Iqtidar, H., Liu, J.R., Han, D.M., Yang, L.H., Huang, W., 2015. Controlling Factors of the Stable Isotope Composition in the Precipitation of Islamabad, Pakistan. Advances in Meteorology, 2015, 817513.
Chen, J.H., Rao, Z.G., Liu, J.B., Huang, W., Feng, S., Dong, G.H., Hu, Y., Xu, Q.H., Chen, F.H., 2016. On the timing of the East Asian summer monsoon maximum during the Holocene – does the speleothem oxygen isotope record reflect monsoon rainfall variability? Science China: Earth Sciences, 59(12), 2328-2338.
Zhang, X.J., Jin, L.Y., Huang, W., Chen, F.H., 2016. Forcing mechanisms of orbital-scale changes in winter rainfall over northwestern China during the Holocene. The Holocene, 26(4), 549-555.
Chen, F.H., Jia, J., Chen, J.H., Li, G.Q., Zhang, X.J., Xie, H.C., Xia, D.S., Huang, W., An, C.B., 2016. A persistent Holocene wetting trend in arid central Asia, with wettest conditions in the late Holocene, revealed by multi-proxy analyses of loess-paleosol sequences in Xinjiang, China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 146, 134-146.
Chen, F.H., Huang, W., 2017. Multi-scale climate variations in the arid Central Asia. Advances in Climate Change Research, 8, 1-2.
Liu, J.B., Rühland, K.M., Chen, J.H., Xu, Y.Y., Chen, S.Q., Chen, Q.M., Huang, W., Xu, Q.H., Chen, F.H., Smol, J.P., 2017. Aerosol-weakened summer monsoons decrease lake fertilization in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Nature Climate Change, 7(3), 190-194.
Chen, J.H., Lv, F.Y., Huang, X.Z., Birks, H.J.B., Telford, R.J., Zhang, S.R., Xu, Q.H., Zhao, Y., Wang, H.P., Zhou, A.F., Huang, W., Liu, J.B., Wei, G.Y., 2017. A novel procedure for pollen-based quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions and its application in China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 60(11), 2059-2066.
Xie, H.C., Zhang, H.W., Ma, J.Y., Li, G.Q., Wang, Q., Rao, Z.G., Huang, W., Huang, X.Z., Chen, F.H., 2018. Trend of increasing Holocene summer precipitation in arid central Asia: Evidence from an organic carbon isotopic record from the LJW10 loess section in Xinjiang, NW China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 509, 24-32.
Gan, Z.W., Guan, X.D., Kong, X.N., Guo, R.X., Huang, H.Y., Huang, W., Xu, Y.J., 2019. The Leading Role of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation in Minimum Temperature over North America during Global Warming Slowdown. Earth and Space Science, doi: 10.1029/2018EA000443.
Jia, J., Gao, F.Y., Xia, D.S., Huang, W., Chen, F.H., 2018. Moisture variations in arid central Asia and its out-of-phase relationship with the Asian Monsoon during MIS 5: evidence from loess records. Journal of Quaternary Science, 33(4), 435-443.
Chen, J.H., Liu, J.B., Zhang, X.J., Chen, S.Q., Huang, W., Chen, J., Zhang, S.R., Zhou, A.F., Chen, F.H., 2019. Unstable Little Ice Age climate revealed by high-resolution proxy records from northwestern China. Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-019-04685-5.
陈婕, 黄伟*, 靳立亚, 陈建徽, 陈圣乾, 陈发虎, 2018. 东亚夏季风的气候北界指标及其年际变化研究. 中国科学: 地球科学, 48(1), 93-101.
张志平, 黄伟*, 陈建徽, 刘建宝, 魏海涛, 陈发虎, 2017. 全新世东亚夏季风演化的多尺度周期变化及其可能机制探讨. 第四纪研究, 37(3), 498-509.
黄伟, 陈建徽, 张肖剑, FENG, S., 陈发虎, 2015. 现代气候条件下降水变化的“西风模态”空间范围及其影响因子初探. 中国科学: 地球科学, 45(4), 379-388.
黄伟, 陈发虎, 冯松, 陈建徽, 张肖剑, 2014. 中纬度亚洲降水年际变化的空间差异与环流异常. 科学通报, 59(7), 630.
黄伟, 吴娴, 陈建徽, 陈发虎, 2012. 中亚干旱区降水准两年周期振荡及突变特征. 气候变化研究进展, 8(6), 448-455.
陈发虎, 陈建徽, 黄伟, 2009. 中纬度亚洲现代间冰期气候变化的“西风模式”讨论. 地学前缘, 16(6), 23-32.
陈发虎, 黄伟, 靳立亚, 陈建徽, 王劲松, 2011. 全球变暖背景下中亚干旱区降水变化特征及其空间差异. 中国科学: 地球科学, 41(11), 1647-1657.
吕雁斌, 赵家驹, 黄伟, 陶士臣, 安成邦, 2011. 新疆巴里坤湖粒度组分分解及其环境指示意义. 沉积学报, 29(1), 134-142.
吴娴, 黄伟, 陈发虎, 2014. 1951−2012年中国大陆0.025°×0.025°高分辨率月气温和降水量格点数据集的建立及其初步应用. 兰州大学学报, 50(2), 213-220.
刘小康, 饶志国, 张肖剑, 黄伟, 陈建徽, 陈发虎, 2015. 天山地区大气降水氧同位素的影响因素及其对西风环流变化的指示意义. 地理学报, 70(1), 97-109.
陈建徽, 饶志国, 刘建宝, 黄伟, FENG, S., 董广辉, 胡玉, 许清海, 陈发虎, 2016. 全新世东亚夏季风最强盛期出现在何时?——兼论中国南方石笋氧同位素的古气候意义. 中国科学: 地球科学, 46(11), 1494-1504.
安成邦,王伟,段阜涛,黄伟,陈发虎, 2017. 亚洲中部干旱区丝绸之路沿线环境演化与东西方文化交流. 地理学报, 72(5), 875-891.
陈建徽, 吕飞亚, 黄小忠, Birks, H.J.B., Telford, R.J., 张生瑞, 许清海, 赵艳, 王海鹏, 周爱锋, 黄伟, 刘建宝, 魏国英, 2018. 基于孢粉的古气候参数定量重建: 一种新思路及其在中国的应用实例. 中国科学: 地球科学, 48(1), 42-50.
