
职称: 副教授  硕士生导师  专业硕士生导师 











2016/01-2018/01, 佐治亚理工学院 (Gatech),材料科学与工程,博士后, 合作导师:Prof. Dong Qin;
2010/01-2011/07, Vienna University, 无机化学系,联合博士生, 合作导师:Prof. R. Krachler;
2008/09-2010/01, 兰州大学,资源环境学院,博士,导师:李彦锋;
2005/09-2008/07, 兰州大学,资源环境学院,硕士,导师:张成君;
2001/09-2005/07, 兰州大学,资源环境学院,本科 


1. 超深度脱硫材料的设计和应用;
2. 生态保护和修复,温室气体排放核算;
3. SERS高通量快速检测环境新污染物及病毒;




1. 本科生课程:《环境化学》;《Environmental toxicology》
2. 研究生课程: 《Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications》; 《环境化学原理与方法》




1. 利用SERS探针实现了亚原子级Pt原子在银纳米立方体{110}面沉积的原位表征。
2. 运用QSI-XPS和QSI-XRD实验观测了催化剂在光催化CO2还原过程中CO2分子的吸附、活化、反应等整个化学反应过程中催化剂表面原子的化学态的变化、晶体结构演变。此工作首次通过实验证据解释了二维SnS2纳米催化剂的光催化CO2还原机理。


宝钢教育奖学金 (2011) 
CSC-FWF 奥地利联合培养博士生奖学金 (2010-2011) 


1. 技术开发项目:环境友好型室温脱硫锰基吸附剂的开发(2022),59.7 万元,在研,主持
2. 地方政府委托项目:甘肃省固体废物与化学品中心新污染物化学物质基本信息调查项目(2023),48.6 万元,在研,主持
3. 地方政府委托项目:2023年甘肃省生态环境标准化建设项目(2023),179.6 万元,在研,主持
4. 地方政府委托项目:基于排放源统计数据的甘肃省大气污染治理政策实施效果评估(2023),29.5 万元,在研,主持
5. 地方政府委托项目:基于生态环境数据的多情景下甘肃省减污降碳协同治理效果预测研究项目(2023),29.8 万元,在研,主持
6. 地方政府委托项目:甘肃省固体废物与化学品中心环境风险优先评估化学物质详细信息调查项目(2023),39.8 万元,在研,主持
7. 中央高校项目:Ag@Au-Pd自组装SERS检测河水与沉积物中溴代阻燃剂分布与降解过程:以黄河兰州段为例(2020),10 万元,已结题,主持
8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21304040,聚合物基离子液体掺杂nZVI 柱撑层状钛酸盐制备及其快速富集和降解水中TBBPA 的研究:吸附形态及还原途径,2014/01-2016/12,25万元,已结题,主持
9. 中央高校基本科研专项,lzujbky-2015-48,赖氨酸修饰磁性淀粉纳米颗粒的制备及其在检测和去除汞离子中的应用,2015/06-2016/06, 6万元,已结题,主持
10. 甘肃省自然科学青年基金,1308RJYA027,构筑聚合物基微球及其富集与降解有机污染物的微观机制研究,2013/08-2016/05,2万元,已结题,主持
11. 博士后自然科学基金,2013M532090,聚合物微球参杂无机金属氧化物对水中污染物去除的研究,2013/05-2014/05,5万元,已结题,主持
12. 中央高校基本科研专项,lzujbky-2012-80, PVA/ILs 胶囊的制备及其对天然水体中重金属离子的去除,2011/06-2012/12, 6万元,已结题,主持


1. Lianglin Yan, Guojun Dong,*, Xiaojuan Huang, Yun Zhang*, Yingpu Bi*, Unraveling oxygen vacancy changes of WO3 photoanodes for promoting oxygen evolution reaction, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 345 (2024) 123682
2. Li Chen, Wenkai Yan, Yujie Lan, Qing Liang, Xiaojuan Huang, Zhengchao Wang, Yun Zhang*, Jingjing Cao,* Yajun Zhang. Unveiling the charge migration-induced surface reconstruction of Cu2MoS4 catalyst for boosted CO2 reduction into olefiant gas, Chemical Engineering Journal 478 (2023) 147371 
3. Yuning Chen, Sijie Dong, Huirong Zhang, Yi Wei, Bo Wang*, Yun Zhang*, Boosting electron transfer in Cu2O@PDA hollow fiber membranes to decompose oxytetracycline under visible light with persulfate, Separation and Purification Technology 318 (2023) 124024
4. Xiaorui Jiao, Wei Zhou, Mahmood Hassan Akhtar, Di Demi He, Weiping Zhou, Lang Yao, Yun Zhang*, Ning Liu*, and Cong Yu*. Hollow carbon nanospheres loaded with upconversion nanoparticles for chemo-photothermal synergistic cancer therapy, J Mater Sci(2023) 58:8034–8046
5. Di Wei, Yang Zhang, Yiwen Li, Yun Zhang*, Bo Wang, Hydrothermal Conditions in Deep Soil Layer Regulate the Interannual Change in Gross Primary Productivity in the Qilian Mountains Area, China.  2023, 14, 2422.
6. Yuning Chen, Huijie Hu, Xiaorui Jiao, Mingjiao Du, Bo Wang*, Yun Zhang*, Enhanced electrochemical oxidation of oxytetracycline on oxygen vacancy-rich MnO@N-doped C anode: Transformation pathway and toxicity assessment. Separation and Purification Technology 305 (2023) 122438
7. Yuning Chen, Xiaorui Jiao, Mingjiao Du, Ruiqing Li, Yi Wei, Yun Zhang*, Electrochemically promoted oxidation of oxytetracycline on MnO2@(PSS/ PDDA)Au anode with peroxymonosulfate: Mechanism and toxicity study, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 144 (2023) 104720
8. Ying Shen, Yuning Chen, Mingjiao Du, Yun Zhang*, Bo Wang*, Non-radical transformation of oxytetracycline by Vo-MnO@C/ Pt0.8Au0.2-anode-activated peroxymonosulfate: Influencing factors, mechanism, and toxicity assessment, Chemical Engineering Science 276 (2023) 118666
9. Qingcan Zhou; Li Chen; Lianglin Yan; Teng Cheng; Xiaolong Wang; Yun Zhang*, Singlet oxyge n-dominated transformation of oxytetracycline by peroxymono‐ sulfate with CoAl-LDH modified hier archical porous ceramics: toxicity assessment, Chemical Engineering Journal 436 (2022) 135199
10. Yun Zhang*, Yunping Lv, Yuning Chen, Yilin Li, Yingping Wang, Hong Zhao, Trimetallic Ag@Pt-Rh core-shell nanocubes modified anode for voltammetric sensing of dopamine and sulfanilamide, Chemical Engineering Science 249 (2022) 117326
11. Shanshan Xu, Yun Zhang*, Mingjiao Du, Simeng Wang, Yi Wei, Teng Cheng, Hollow Ag@Au-Rh core-frame nanocubes for electrochemical sensing and catalytic degradation of environmental pollutants, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 129 (2021) 118
12. Shanshan Xu, Yunping Lv, Yun Zhang*, 3D hydrangea-like Mn3O4@(PSS/PDDA/Pt)n with ultrafine Pt nanoparticles modified anode for electrochemical oxidation of tetracycline, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 112 (2020) 240
13. Li, Yuee*; Tang, Shangqiang; Xu, Shanshan; Duan, Zhizhen; Wang, Zhong; Zhang, Yun*; Ag Nan oframes Deposited on Au Films Generate Optical Cavities for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3(6): 5116-5122 
14. Zhang Luo,Yun Zhang, Jaewan Ahn, Jingyue Liu, Dong Qin*, Defect-Assisted Deposition of Au on Ag for the Fabrication of Core-Shell Nanocubes with Outstanding Chemical and Thermal Stability, Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 1057−1065
15. Y. Zhang, J.Ahn, J.Liu, D.Qin*, Syntheses, Plasmonic Properties, and Catalytic Applications of Ag-Rh Core-Frame Nanocubes and Rh Nanoboxes with Highly Porous Walls, Chem. Mater., 2018, 30, 2151.  
16.Y. Zhang, Y.Wu, D.Qin*, Rational Design and Synthesis of Bifunctional Metal Nanocrystals for Probing Catalytic Reactions by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, J. Mater. Chem. C,2018,6, 5353.
17. M. Jin,X.Liu,X.Zhang,L.Wang,T.Bing,Y. Zhang*,D.Shangguan*, Thiazole Orange-Modified Carbon Dots for Ratiometric Fluorescence Detection of G-Quadruplex and Double-Stranded DNA, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2018,10, 25166-25173.
18. Y. Zhang, J.Liu, J.Ahn, D.Qin*, Observing the overgrowth of a second metal on silver cubic seeds in solution by SERS. ACS Nano,2017,11, 5080.
19. Y. Zhang,  D.Qin*,Watching  submonolayer  deposition  of  platinum  on  colloidal  silver nanocrystals  with  a  molecular  probe. Oralpresentation,254thACSNationalMeetinginWashington,DC,August20-24,2017.
20. Y. Zhang, X.Sun, D.Qin*,Site-selective deposition of Pt atoms on Ag nanocubes for the generation  of  bifunctional  Ag-Pt  core-frame  nanocrystals.254thACSNationalMeetinginWashington,DC,August20-24,2017.
21.  F. He,  Y.Ji,  Y.Wang, Y. Zhang*, Preparation  of bifunctional  hollow  mesoporous Fe0@C@MnFe2O4as  Fenton-like  catalyst  for  degradation  of  Tetrabromobisphenol  A. J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E.,2017, 80, 553. 
22. Y.Wu, X.Sun, Y.Yang, J.Li, Y. Zhang, D.Qin*, Enriching silver nanocrystals with a second noble metal, Acc.Chem. Res., 2017, 50, 1774.
23.  X.Sun,  X.Yang, Y. Zhang,  Y.Ding,  D.Su,  D.Qin*,  Pt-Ag cubicnanocages  with wall thickness less than  2  nm  and their enhanced catalytic activity  toward oxygen reduction, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 15107.                              
24.  Y. Wang, Y. Zhang*,  C.Hou,  Facile  one-pot  assembly  of  adhesive  phenol/FeIII/PEI complexes for preparing magnetic hybrid microcapsules, New J. Chem.,2016, 40, 781. 
25. Y.Wang, Y.Zhang*,C.Hou, M.Liu,Preparation of a novel TETA functionalized magnetic PGMA nano-absorbent by ATRP method and used for highly effective adsorption of Hg (II), J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E.,2016, 16, 292.
26.  Y.Wang,  C.Hou, Y.Zhang*,  Preparation  of  graphene  nano-sheet  bonded  PDA/MOF   microcapsules  with  immobilized  glucose  oxidase  as  a  mimetic  multi-enzyme  system  for electrochemical sensing of glucose. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016, 4, 3695.        
27. Y.Wang, Y.Zhang*, C.Hou, M.Liu, Ultrasensitive electrochemical sensing of dopamine using   reduced   graphene   oxide   sheets   decoratedwith   p-toluenesulfonate-doped polypyrrole/Fe3O4nanospheres, Microchim Acta, 2016, 183, 1145.     
28. Y.Zhang*,  F.He,  X.Li,  Three-dimensional  composite  hydrogel  based  on  polyamine zirconium oxide, alginate and tannic acid with high performance for Pb(II), Hg(II) and Cr(VI) trapping, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E. 2016, 65, 304.        
29. Y.Wang, Y.Zhang*,C.Hou, M.Liu, Mussel-inspired synthesis of magnetic polydopamine-chitosan nanoparticles as biosorbent for dyes and metals removal, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E.2016, 61, 292.
30.  X.Li, Y.Zhang,  L.Jing,  X.He,  Novel  N-doped  CNTs  stabilized  Cu2O  nanoparticles  as adsorbent for enhancing removal of Malachite Green and tetrabromobisphenol A, Chem. Eng. J., 2016, 292, 326.
31. Y.Wang, Y.Zhang*,C.Hou, Magnetic Fe3O4@MOFs decorated graphene nanocomposites as novel electrochemical sensor for ultrasensitive detection of dopamine, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 98260. 
32.L.Jing, Y.Zhang*, X.Li, X.He, J.Ma, L.Yang, Zirconium phosphonate doped PVA/Chitosan hybrid gel beads for enhanced selective extraction of Pb2+from water, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. E.2015,56, 103.
33.Yun Zhang, Xiaoli Li, Yanfeng Li, Influence of solution chemistry on heavy metalsremoval by bioadsorbent tea waste modified by poly(vinyl alcohol), DesalinationWaterTreat., 2015, 53,2134.
34. Y.Wang, Y.Zhang*,C.Hou, Y.Li, Facile synthesis of monodisperse functional magnetic dialdehyde  starch  nano-composite  and  used  for  highly  effective  recovery  of  Hg  (II), Chemosphere, 2015,141, 26.
35. Y. Zhang, L. Jing, X. He, Y. Li, X. Ma, Sorption enhancement of TBBPA from water by flyash-supported nanostructured γ-MnO2, J.Ind. Eng. Chem., 2015,21, 610.
36.Yun Zhang, Zhengfang Ye, Liyuan Wang, Removal of Cd (II) by polystyrene-base chelating resins:   adsorption   properties   and   experiences   of   industrial   wastewater   treatment, DesalinationWaterTreat.,2014, 52, 6481.
37.Yun Zhang, Xiaoli Li,Zhengfang Ye,Enhanced removal of Pb2+from water by adsorption onto   phosphoric   acid-modified   PS-EDTA   resin:   batch   and   column   study, DesalinationWaterTreat., 2013, 51, 7223.
38.Y.Zhang*, D.Kogelnig, C. Morgenbesser,Preparation and characterization of immobilized [A336][MTBA]  in  PVA  beads  as  novel  solid-phase  extractants  for  an  efficient  recovery  of Mercury (II), J. Hazard. Mater., 2011, 196, 201.
39.Y.Zhang, Y. Li, L.Yang, Characterization and adsorption mechanism of Zn2+ removal by PVA/EDTA resin in polluted waters. J. Hazard. Mater., 2010, 178, 1046.
40. Y.Zhang, Y. Li, X. Li, Selective removal for Pb2+in aqueous environment by using novel macroreticular PVA beads, J. Hazard. Mater., 2010, 181, 898. 
41. 张云 , 李彦锋 , 环境中 VOCs 的污染现状及处理技术研究进展 , 化工环保 , 29 (2009) 411 
42. 张云 , 张成君 , 兰州市大气降尘中正构烷烃的分布特征和源解析 , 环境监测管理与技术 , 4 (2010) 23 
43. 张云 , 张成君 , 兰州市大气降尘中 PAHs 分布与生态风险评价 , 环境监测管理与技术 , 20 (2008) 20 
44. 张云 , 杨柳青 , 李晓丽 , 王耀龙 , 李彦锋 , 生物吸附剂处理含镍废水的吸附参数和机理研究进展 , 水处理技术 , 36 (2010) 1 
45. 张云 , 马昕 , 李彦锋 , PSC-PGMA-TETA 树脂的制备及其去除水中典型溴代阻燃剂 TBBPA 的研究 , 2013 年全国高分子学术论文报告会论文摘要集 — 主题 M : 阻燃高分子 , 2013 
46. 张云 , 王丽苑 , 王玮 , 李彦锋 , PS-TETA 螯合树脂吸附 Cd2+ 和 Zn2+ 的线性/非线性 Langmuir 等温吸附线拟合:误差分析 , 中国化学会第 16 届反应性高分子学术研讨会论文集 , 2012


李彦锋, 张云, 李晓丽:现代离子交换与吸附技术(第11章), 清华大学出版社, 2015年 
