
职称: 教授  博士生导师 


毕业院校:美国University of Idaho









2006年-2013年:美国University of Idaho,博士,自然资源




2016年-2019年:美国 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Earth and Environmental Sciences Division 博士后
2015年-2016年:美国 University of Missouri, Department of Forestry博士后
2013年-2015年:美国 University of Idaho, Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences 博士后及任课老师


地理学文献精读 (2021年起研究生课程,兰州大学;文献阅读讨论、培养批判性思维能力)
Exploring Natural Resources (2014 University of Idaho本科课程; 《探索自然资源》,包含森林资源、草地资源、动物资源、水资源等)


1. 利用植物稳定同位素提高植被模拟质量
2. 改进3-PG模型 ,参与测试研发新一代植被模型FATES
3. 模拟观测揭示小流域中土壤厚度对植物生产力的影响强于微气候
4. 揭示Western White Pine的消亡对美国爱达荷州森林水循环的影响
5. 根据植物功能性状与生存策略的联系将木本植物划分为两大组群:Tolerators vs. Avoiders


1. 观测和模拟气候变化中干旱对中国西部森林的威胁(自然基金面上项目支持 2023-2026)
2. 利用树轮宽度和稳定同位素提高森林的模拟质量 (自然基金面上项目支持 2020-2023)
3. 利用功能性状揭示中国西部植物的耐旱能力 (科技部项目支持 2022-2024)


  >>16. Liang Wei*, John D. Marshall, J. Renée Brooks (2022) 章节: Process-based ecophysiological models of tree-ring stable isotopes. In: Stable Isotopes in Tree Rings: Inferring Physiological, Climatic and Environmental Responses . Eds. Rolf Siegwolf, J. Renée Brooks, John Roden, Matthias Saurer. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92698-4_26 (树轮同位素领域第一本专著) 
  >>15. Liang Wei*, Hang Zhou, Andrew T. Hudak, Timothy E. Link, Adrienne Marshall, Katy L. Kavanagh, John T. Abatzoglou, Theresa B. Jain, John C. Byrne, Robert Denner, Patric A. Fekety, Jonathan Sandquist, Xizi Yu, John D. Marshall (2022) White Pine Blister Rust, Logging, and Species Replacement Increased Streamflow in a Montane Watershed in the Northern Rockies, USA. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022):128230.
  >>14. Chonggang Xu*, Nate G. McDowell, Rosie A. Fisher, Liang Wei, Sanna Sevanto,Bradley O. Christoffersen, Ensheng Weng, Richard Middleton (2019) Increasing impacts of extreme droughts on vegetation production under future climate change. Nature Climate Change 9(12): 948-953.
  >>13. Charlotte Grossiord*, Bradley Christoffersen, Aura M. Alonso-Rodríguez , Kristina Anderson-Teixeira, Heidi Asbjornsen, Luiza Maria T. Aparecido, Z. Carter Berry, Christopher Baraloto, Damien Bonal, Isaac Borrego, Benoit Burban, Jeffrey Q. Chambers, Danielle S. Christianson, Matteo Detto , Boris Faybishenko, Clarissa G. Fontes, Claire Fortunel, Bruno O. Gimenez, Kolby J. Jardine, Lara Kueppers, Gretchen R. Miller, Georgianne W. Moore, Robinson Negron-Juarez, Clément Stahl, Nathan G. Swenson, Volodymyr Trotsiuk, Charu Varadharajan, Jeffrey M. Warren, Brett T. Wolfe, Liang Wei, Tana E. Wood, Chonggang Xu, Nate G. McDowell (2019) Precipitation mediates sap flux sensitivity to evaporative demand in the neotropics. Oecologia 191(3): 519-530.
  >>12. Elias C. Massoud, Chonggang Xu*, Rosie Fisher, Ryan Knox, Anthony Walker, Shawn Serbin7, Bradley Christoffersen, Jennifer Holm, Lara Kueppers, Daniel M. Ricciuto, Liang Wei, Daniel Johnson, Jeff Chambers, Charlie Koven, Nate McDowell,  Jasper Vrugt ( 2019) Identification of key parameters controlling demographically structured vegetation dynamics in a Land Surface Model [CLM4.5(ED)]; Geoscientific Model Development;  12(9):4133-4164
  >>11. Liang Wei*, Chonggang Xu, Hang Zhou, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Steven Jansen, William T. Pockman, Richard S. Middleton, Nate G. McDowell. (2019) Woody plants’ contrasting drought survival strategies: desiccation tolerance and avoidance. Tree Physiology 39(5): 767-781. (封面照片by魏亮: https://academic.oup.com/treephys/issue/39/5 )
  >>10. Liang Wei, Hang Zhou, Timothy E. Link, Kathleen L. Kavanagh, Jason A. Hubbart, Enhao Du, Andrew T. Hudak, John D. Marshall*. (2018) Forest productivity varies with soil moisture more than temperature in a small montane watershed. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 259: 211-221 .
  >>09. Liang Wei*, Jason Hubbart, Hang Zhou. (2018) Variable streamflow contributions in nested subwatersheds of a US Midwestern urban watershed. Water Resources Management 32(1): 213-228.
  >>08. Liang Wei*, Timothy E. Link, Andrew T. Hudak, John D. Marshall, Kathleen L. Kavanagh, John T. Abatzoglou, Hang Zhou, Robert E. Pangle, Gerald N. Flerchinger. (2016) Simulated Water Budget of a Small Forested Watershed in the Continental/Maritime Hydroclimatic Region of the United States. Hydrological Processes, 30: 2000-2013.
  >>07. Enhao Du*, Timothy E. Link, Liang Wei, John D. Marshall. (2016) Evaluating hydrologic effects of spatial and temporal patterns of forest canopy change using numerical modeling. Hydrological Processes, 30: 217-231.
  >>06. William J. Elliot, Liang Wei, John Imhoff, Randy B. Foltz, Victoria E. Nystrom. (2015) Impacts of road design on sediment generation. In 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting, p. 1. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, New Orleans, LA. DOI: 10.13031/aim.20152181402
  >>05. Liang Wei*, John D. Marshall, Jianwei Zhang, Hang Zhou, Robert F. Powers. (2014) 3-PG simulations of young ponderosa pine plantations under varied management intensity: why do they grow so differently? Forest Ecology and Management, 313: 69-82 (一次投稿无修改接收).
  >>04. Liang Wei*, John D. Marshall, Timothy E. Link, Kathleen L. Kavanagh, Enhao Du, Robert E. Pangle, Peter J. Gag, Nerea Ubierna. (2014) Constraining 3-PG with a new δ13C sub-model: a test using the δ13C of tree ring. Plant, Cell, &Environment, 37(1): 82-100.
  >>03. Elizabeth M. Powers*, John D. Marshall, Jianwei Zhang, Liang Wei. (2013) Post-fire management regimes affect carbon sequestration and storage in a Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 291, 268-277.
  >>02. Jing Liu, Gen-Xuan Wang*, Liang Wei, Chun-Ming Wang. (2008). Reproductive allocation patterns in different density populations of spring wheat. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 50(2): 141–146.
  >>01. Jing Liu, Liang Wei, Chun-Ming Wang, Gen-Xuan Wang*, Xiao-Ping Wei. (2006). Effect of water deficit on self-thinning line in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) populations. J Integrat Plant Biol 48(4): 415-419.

Timothy E.Link, Liang Wei. Robert J. Denner (2015). Streamflow data for the Priest River Experimental Forest. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2737/RDS-2015-0006 

《怎么也没想到,我会被一棵树的故事感动》 (https://daily.zhihu.com/story/8000624)
《说正经的,树可以永生吗?》 (https://daily.zhihu.com/story/7225204)

**** 每年招收硕士和博士研究生。欢迎生态学,生物科学,林学,自然地理学等背景的同学联系/报考 
