
职称: 教授  博士生导师 











• 2010.09—2013.07,中国科学院大学,理学博士
• 2003.09—2006.07,兰州大学,工学硕士 
• 1999.09—2003.07,兰州大学,理学学士


• 环境吸附与催化材料
• 环境分析与污染控制
• 机器学习与溯源识别


• 2017.05—至今,兰州大学,资源环境学院,教授
• 2015.01—2017.05,兰州大学,资源环境学院,副教授
• 2006.07—2015.01,中科院兰州化学物理研究所,研究实习员/助理研究员/副研究员


本科生:<化工原理> 、<环境工程原理>、<环境工程原理实验>、<环境科学与工程前沿与学科交叉>、<专业导读>、<职业生涯规划>


• 环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会委员
• 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家
• 广西省自然科学基金评审专家
• Chinese Chemical Letters第三届青年编委
• 《安全与环境学报》第一、二届青年编委
• 教育部学位中心研究生学位论文评审与抽检评议专家
• 第二届北京市大学生节能节水低碳减排社会实践与科技竞赛函评评委 
• 甘肃省青年生态文明创新创业大赛评审专家


	i) 微塑料光谱数据集创建:遵循开放协议,将部分研究者提供的微塑料光谱数据整合并归一化。测试了部分标准微塑料样品的红外光谱数据,重点补充了所收集数据中缺少的塑料种类。收集了真实环境中的塑料样品并采集了其红外光谱。测试了共计超过170个标准样品和70个环境样品,建立了常用塑料种类的红外光谱数据集。
	ii) 微塑料光谱识别与重建:基于深度学习进行了多至120种混合塑料的红外光谱建模以及识别,开发了包括决策树、随机森林、支持向量机、卷积神经网络在内的机器学习模型,以准确率、精确度、召回率等指标对分类模型进行了对比评价。为了提高模型在环境数据集中的效果,搭建并训练了基于自编码器与卷积神经网络的两个光谱重建模型。
	iii) 微塑料光谱分析软件开发:在模型发展基础上,开发了对应的图形界面程序,即微塑料光谱分析软件(mPSAT,https://github.com/zhengGroupDEV/mPSAT),帮助简化微塑料的识别分类过程,同时为相关人员提供使用范例。研究结果可为微塑料环境调查监测体系的建立提供基础数据和工具支持。

	i) 结合纤维的大中空结构和疏水亲油表面,构筑开发了系列绿色、可生物降解的高效吸油材料。结合接枝、浸渍、热解等技术,实现了纤维表面的功能导向调控;以聚醚砜、聚偏氟乙烯、聚乳酸等辅助纤维成型,结合溶剂置换和冷冻处理,成功构筑出“三明治”、3D泡沫状绿色吸油材料。吸油材料呈现丰富的孔隙结构和出色的力学性质,兼具高效吸油能力(数秒内吸油率>100 g/g),在突发油类污染的应急处理中极具潜力。
	ii) 利用纤维结构导向的生物模板作用,构筑开发了系列兼具吸附与催化活性中心的环境功能材料。聚焦水环境中的典型新污染物(如全氟化合物、抗生素、内分泌干扰物),以功能化纤维作为吸附/催化材料或功能载体,基于过硫酸盐、高碘酸盐、过氧乙酸等高级氧化技术,实现了新污染物的吸附富集—催化降解一体化。研究过程综合了分析方法构建、监测仪器开发、机器学习辅助、内外因子耦合、表征技术升级、毒性进程跟踪手段,其结果不仅有助于形成农业—材料—环境三者的交叉融合与良性互动,同时可为新污染物的赋存解析和转化研究提供独特的解决方案。

	i) 工艺与技术方面:采用水溶液分散聚合技术,突破性地一步实现了3D网络水凝胶的制备从常规胶体状到粒状产品的转化,解决了材料成粒性的关键科学问题。在实验室5 L和30 L反应釜放大基础上,完成了500升工业中试试验,形成企业标准。利用Fenton试剂创新性地实现了室温空气氛条件下粒状水凝胶的成功构筑,阐明了温和条件下材料成粒化的过程机理,为功能吸附材料的规模化应用提供了绿色、经济和清洁的可控生产途径。借助Pickering乳液模板,发展了粒状多孔、柱状多孔等多层次孔隙结构的水凝胶,揭示了Pickering乳液的稳定机制,明确了不同层次孔隙的演化规律,为功能性传质过程提供了重要通道,也为迅即响应型材料的研发提供了重要指导。
	ii) 结构与性能方面:基于不同精细结构(层状、层链状、管状)和维数(一维、二维、三维)的黏土矿物,通过分子设计成功构筑了系列具有3D网络结构的有机/无机纳米复合水凝胶,实现了功能导向的黏土矿物表面性质的有效调控,揭示了不同类型黏土矿物对所构筑功能材料微观结构和宏观性能的影响规律,解决了黏土矿物在复合材料中均匀性分散的关键科学问题,为黏土矿物的高值利用提供了理论和技术支撑,为延伸黏土矿物产业链开辟了新的利用途径。
	iii) 功能与应用方面:通过功能导向调控,以水凝胶的3D网络作为尺寸限域的微纳反应器,构筑了应用导向的环境吸附与催化材料,开展了材料在重金属离子、有机染料、无机氨氮、新污染物吸附以及有机污染物催化转化等方面的应用基础研究。总结了基于水凝胶的环境吸附与催化材料对污染物的吸/脱附机理,加深了对功能材料内部结构、本身特性与外界环境之间相互作用关系的理解;通过分子设计增强了材料对不同类型污染物的吸附选择性,为新型环境材料在水深度处理和稀散元素回收领域的应用提供了有益借鉴。

	i) 引入具有良好化学活性和生物活性的腐植酸,开展了具有缓释肥料功能保水节水材料的研究工作。在科技部863项目“低成本多功能仿生固沙新材料”(编号2006AA03Z0454)、科技部863现代农业技术专项“绿色环保多功能节水制剂”(编号2006AA100215)和中国科学院“西部行动”项目“困难立地条件造林用新材料的研制与应用示范”(编号KGCX2-YW-501)的联合资助下,先后开展了单纯有机聚合物、有机-无机复合以及新一代可生物降解的多功能保水节水材料的研制工作及其与土壤、作物之间的耦合关系研究。
	ii) 多功能保水节水材料在生态修复中的应用示范。多功能保水节水材料经放大生产后,试用于甘肃周边地区马铃薯等农作物种植,取得了良好的社会和经济效益。同时,探索了复合型多功能保水节水材料在困难立地条件下用于植被修复的应用模式研究。以甘肃民勤应用基地种植的梭梭树为例,经多功能保水节水材料干预之后,植被的生态修复功能有了显著改善,应用成果受到当地部门的充分肯定。



2021年,  2019-2020学年甘肃省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师
2019、2017年, "䇹政学者”指导教师
2014年, 江苏省“双创博士”资助人选


• 主持国家自然科学面上项目:多活性位点植物纤维的构筑成型及其界面反应过程(No. 22178156)
• 主持国家自然科学面上项目:木棉和牛角瓜植物纤维的亲疏水改性及油水分离性能(No. 21477135)
• 主持国家自然科学青年基金:基于木棉纤维三维网络水凝胶吸附材料的可控设计及构效关系研究(No. 21107116)
• 主持甘肃省自然科学基金重点项目:黄河流域水污染分析及新兴污染物源头控制(No. 21JR7RA441)
• 主持“甘肃省省委组织部”陇原青年创新创业人才(团队项目):新型植物纤维集油材料的开发(2020RCXM137)
• 主持“中国科学院青年创新促进会”人才项目(No. 2015343)
• 主持江苏省“双创博士”人才项目(苏人才办〔2014〕27号)
• 主持甘肃省自然科学基金项目:不同功能化修饰方式对牛角瓜纤维改性机理以及吸油性能的影响研究(No. 17JR5RA205)
• 主持兰州市城关区科技计划项目:油页岩半焦催化体系构建与应用(No. 2021-5-4)
• 主持兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(No.lzujbky-2015-127,No. lzujbky-2017-209和No. lzujbky-2019-95)
• 主持兰州大学2019年度创新创业培育项目(No. cxcy201909)

• 参与国家自然科学面上项目:模板胶束法三维网络纳米复合吸附剂的可控合成及其吸/脱附性能研究(No. 21377135)
• 参与国家自然科学面上项目:模板纳米复合吸附微球的合成及其选择吸附机理研究(No. 20877077)
• 参与国家自然科学青年基金:中空电活性杂化复合材料的可控构筑及其在超级电容器中的应用(No. 51303190)
• 参与科技部863项目:凹凸棒黏土纳米新材料关键技术及产品开发(No. 2013AA032003)
• 参与江苏省科技厅科技支撑项目:凹凸棒黏土基有机无机复合三维网络吸附微球的研制(No. BE2008087)
• 参与甘肃省科技厅科技支撑项目:超级吸附微球的研制及在重金属吸附中的应用(No. 0804GKCA03A)
• 参与江苏省科技厅太湖专项:新型复合凹凸棒黏土饮用水深度处理材料(No. BS2007118)
• 参与863现代农业技术专项:绿色环保多功能节水制剂(No. 2006AA100215)
• 参与科技部863探索类项目:低成本多功能仿生固沙新材料(No. 2006AA03Z0454)
• 参与中科院“西部行动”项目:困难立地条件造林用新材料的研制与应用示范(No. KGCX2-YW-501)
• 参与中科院“西部之光”联合学者项目:具有缓释肥料功能保水剂的研制(No. XBLZ-01)
• 参与兰州大学“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”学科交叉创新团队建设项目:水资源重金属污染物检测及治理创新团队(No. lzujbky-2021-ct12)
• 参与兰州大学“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”学科交叉创新团队建设项目:草种质量提升的材料学解决方案研发团队(No. lzujbky-2023-ct03)


	在Environmental Science & Technology等期刊发表学术论文>110篇(SCI收录>90篇),其中以第一/通讯作者发表论文>80篇(SCI收录>70篇);被引用4200余次,h-指数37 (Web of Science Researcher ID: A-8812-2008);参与出版专著《凹凸棒石棒晶束解离及其纳米功能复合材料》(科学出版社)和《Biomass and Bioenergy》(Springer出版社);授权发明专利7件,软件著作权1件;甘肃省自然科学奖1项。

(1)	Changduo Sun, Fenghui Qin, Bingjie Zhu, Qianxi Yang, Zhijun Ma, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Curcumin-mediated balsa wood-derived 3D magnetic biochar with dual active sites to activate peroxymonosulfate for PFOA removal. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 333: 125921.
(2)	Yanlong Liu, Wenli Yao, Fenghui Qin, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Spectral classification of large-scale blended (micro)plastics using FT-IR raw spectra and image-based machine learning. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57: 6656−6663.
(3)	Xinquan Deng, Fangzhi Duan, Yongfeng Zhu, Aiqin Wang*, Yian Zheng*, Fabrication of porous adsorbent by quinoa husk stabilized foam templates for dye adsorption and carbonization for soil remediation. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 388: 129754.
(4)	Wenli Yao, Fenghui Qin, Ziwei Zhao, Zhijun Ma, Chunyang Hu, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Calotropis gigantea fiber confined ZIF-67 derived Co, N in-situ assembled hollow carbon fiber to activate peroxymonosulfate for degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid. Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 206: 117687.
(5)	Mingzhe Li, Mengling Ma, Ziwei Zhao, Mingkun Bao, Nan Zhang, Yun Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Simultaneous degradation of binary fluoroquinolone antibiotics by B and N in-situ self-doped guar gum hydrogel. Chemosphere, 2023, 342: 140197.
(6)	Fenghui Qin, Wenli Yao, Yanlong Liu, Bingjie Zhu, Qianxi Yang, Yian Zheng*, Polyethyleneimine functionalized cellulose-rich agroforestry residues for removing perfluorooctanoic acid: Adsorption performance and mechanism. Cellulose, 2023, 30: 3653–3666. 
(7)	Wenli Yao, Mingzhe Li, Changduo Sun, Yanlong Liu, Mengling Ma, Fengjuan Chen, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Trace Co coupled and tourmaline doped g-C3N4 for visible-light synergistic persulfate system for degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 372: 133745.
(8)	Mingzhe Li, Wenli Yao, Min Yu, Changduo Sun, Xinquan Deng, Fengjuan Chen, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Hydrogel 3D network derived and in-situ magnetized Fe@C for activation of peroxymonosulfate to degrade ciprofloxacin. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 299: 121758.
(9)	刘彦龙, 郑易安*, 黄河干流水质评价与时空变化分析. 环境科学, 2022, 43: 1332–1345.
(10)	Bihui Niu, Luhan Wang, Mingzhe Li, Wenli Yao, Kun Zang, Lei Zhou, Xiaowen Hu, Yian Zheng*, Lattice B-doping evolved ferromagnetic perovskite-like catalyst for enhancing persulfate-based degradation of norfloxacin. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 425: 127949.
(11)	Yian Zheng, Jintao Wang, Aiqin Wang*, Recent advances in the potential applications of hollow kapok fiber-based functional materials. Cellulose, 2021, 28: 5269–5292.
(12)	Min Yu, Changduo Sun, Luhan Wang, Kun Zang, Mingzhe Li, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Semi-coke activated persulfate promotes simultaneous degradation of sulfadiazine and tetracycline in a binary mixture. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 416: 129122.
(13)	Bihui Niu, Min Yu, Changduo Sun, Luhan Wang, Kun Zang, Xiaowen Hu, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Open hollow structured Calotropis gigantea fiber activated persulfate for decomposition of perfluorooctanoic acid at room temperature. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 264: 118200.
(14)	Bihui Niu, Ningfen Wang, Yuming Chen, Min Yu, Ziliang Hou, Zhongguo Li, Yian Zheng*, Tourmaline synergized with persulfate for degradation of sulfadiazine: influencing parameters and reaction mechanism. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 257: 117893.
(15)	Weilong Xiao, Bihui Niu, Min Yu, Changduo Sun, Luhan Wang, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Fabrication of foam-like oil sorbent from polylactic acid and Calotropis gigantea fiber for effective oil absorption. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 278: 123507.
(16)	Bihui Niu, Shuping Yang, Yuting Li, Kun Zang, Changduo Sun, Min Yu, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Regenerable magnetic carbonized Calotropis gigantea fiber for hydrophobic-driven fast removal of perfluoroalkyl pollutants. Cellulose, 2020, 27(10): 5893–5905.
(17)	Lei Zhou, Chenxi Fu, Weilong Xiao, Bihui Niu, Changduo Sun, Min Yu, Yian Zheng*, MoS2-roughened hollow-lumen plant fibers with enhanced oil absorption capacity. Cellulose, 2020, 27(4): 2267–2278.
(18)	Weilong Xiao, Ningfen Wang, Bihui Niu, Chenxi Fu, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Polyether sulfone assisted shape construction of Calotropis gigantea fiber for preparing a sustainable and reusable oil sorbent. Cellulose, 2019, 26 (6): 3923–3933.
(19)	Ningfen Wang, Weilong Xiao, Bihui Niu, Wenzhen Duan, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Highly efficient adsorption of fluoroquinolone antibiotics using chitosan derived granular hydrogel with 3D structure. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 281: 307–314.
(20)	Wenzhen Duan, Minghan Li, Weilong Xiao, Ningfen Wang, Bihui Niu, Lei Zhou*, Yian Zheng*, Enhanced adsorption of three fluoroquinolone antibiotics using polypyrrole functionalized Calotropis gigantea fiber. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 574: 178–187.
(21)	Wenzhen Duan, Ningfen Wang, Weilong Xiao, Youfeng Zhao, Yian Zheng*, Ciprofloxacin adsorption onto different micro-structured tourmaline, halloysite and biotite. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 269: 874–881.
(22)	Enjuan Cao, Weilong Xiao, Wenzhen Duan, Ningfen Wang, Aiqin Wang, Yian Zheng*, Metallic nanopaticles roughened Calotropis gigantea fiber enables efficient absorption of oils and organic solvents. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 115: 272–279.
(23)	Langsha Yi, Guiwei Liang, Weilong Xiao, Wenzhen Duan, Aiqin Wang, Yian Zheng*, Rapid nitrogen-rich modification of Calotropis gigantea fiber for highly efficient removal of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 256: 408–415.
(24)	Lixin Tu, Wenzhen Duan, Weilong Xiao, Chenxi Fu, Aiqin Wang, Yian Zheng*, Calotropis gigantea fiber derived carbon fiber enables fast and efficient absorption of oils and organic solvents. Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 192: 30–35.
(25)	Enjuan Cao, Wenzhen Duan, Langsha Yi, Aiqin Wang, Yian Zheng*, Poly(m-phenylenediamine) functionalized Calotropis gigantea fiber for coupled adsorption reduction for Cr(VI). Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 240: 225–232.
(26)	Enjuan Cao, Wenzhen Duan, Aiqin Wang, Yian Zheng*, Oriented growth of poly(m-phenylenediamine) on Calotropis gigantea fiber for rapid adsorption of ciprofloxacin. Chemosphere, 2017, 171: 223–230.
(27)	Enjuan Cao, Wenzhen Duan, Feng Wang, Aiqin Wang, Yian Zheng*, Natural cellulose fiber derived hollow-tubular-oriented polydopamine: In-situ formation of Ag nanoparticles for reduction of 4-nitrophenol. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 158: 44–50.
(28)	Yian Zheng*, Enjuan Cao, Lixin Tu, Aiqin Wang, Huimin Hu, A comparative study for oil-absorbing performance of octadecyltrichlorosilane treated Calotropis gigantea fiber and kapok fiber. Cellulose, 2017, 24 (2): 989–1000.
(29)	Jintao Wang*, Yian Zheng, Oil/water mixtures and emulsions separation of stearic acid-functionalized sponge fabricated via a facile one-step coating method. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 181: 183–191.
(30)	Yian Zheng*, Enjuan Cao, Yongfeng Zhu, Aiqin Wang, Huimin Hu, Perfluorosilane treated Calotropis gigantea fiber: Instant hydrophobic-oleophilic surface with efficient oil-absorbing performance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 295: 477–483.
(31)	Yian Zheng*, Yongfeng Zhu, Aiqin Wang, Huimin Hu, Potential of Calotropis gigantea fiber as an absorbent for removal of oil from water. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 83: 387–390.
(32)	Yongfeng Zhu, Yian Zheng*, Feng Wang, Aiqin Wang*, Fabrication of magnetic macroporous chitosan-g-poly (acrylic acid) hydrogel for removal of Cd2+ and Pb2+. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 93: 483–492.
(33)	Yongfeng Zhu, Yian Zheng*, Feng Wang, Aiqin Wang*, Fabrication of magnetic porous microspheres via (O1/W)/O2 double emulsion for fast removal of Cu2+ and Pb2+. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 67: 505–510.
(34)	Yongfeng Zhu, Yian Zheng*, Li Zong, Feng Wang, Aiqin Wang*, Fabrication of magnetic hydroxypropyl cellulose-g-poly(acrylic acid) porous spheres via Pickering high internal phase emulsion for removal of Cu2+ and Cd2+. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 149: 242–250.
(35)	Yongfeng Zhu, Yian Zheng*, Feng Wang, Aiqin Wang*, Monolithic supermacroporous hydrogel prepared from high internal phase emulsions (HIPEs) for fast removal of Cu2+ and Pb2+. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 284: 422–430.
(36)	Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Superadsorbent with three-dimensional networks: From bulk hydrogel to granular hydrogel. European Polymer Journal, 2015, 72: 661–686.
(37)	Yian Zheng, Yongfeng Zhu, Guangyan Tian, Aiqin Wang*, In situ generation of silver nanoparticles within crosslinked 3D guar gum networks for catalytic reduction. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 73: 39–44.
(38)	Yian Zheng, Jintao Wang, Yongfeng Zhu, Aiqin Wang*, Research and application of kapok fiber as an absorbing material: A mini review. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015, 27: 21–32.
(39)	Bin Mu, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Facile fabrication of polyaniline/kapok fiber composites via a semidry method and application in adsorption and catalyst support. Cellulose, 2015, 22 (1): 615–624.
(40)	Yongfeng Zhu, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Preparation of granular hydrogel composite by the redox couple for efficient and fast adsorption of La(III) and Ce(III). Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2015, 3 (2): 1416–1425.
(41)	Yongfeng Zhu, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, A simple approach to fabricate granular adsorbent for adsorption of rare elements. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 72: 410–420.
(42)	Yian Zheng, Yongfeng Zhu, Aiqin Wang*, Kapok fiber structure-oriented polyallylthiourea: Efficient adsorptive reduction for Au(III) for catalytic application. Polymer, 2014, 55: 5211–5217.
(43)	Yian Zheng, Yongfeng Zhu, Aiqin Wang*, Highly efficient and selective adsorption of malachite green onto granular composite hydrogel. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 257: 66–73.
(44)	Jintao Wang, Yian Zheng, Yuru Kang, Aiqin Wang*. Investigation of oil sorption capability of PBMA/SiO2 coated kapok fiber. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 223: 632–637.
(45)	Jintao Wang, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Investigation of acetylated kapok fibers on the sorption of oil in water. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013, 25 (2): 246–253.
(46)	Jintao Wang, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Coated kapok fiber for removal of spilled oil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013, 69 (1-2): 91–96.
(47)	Yian Zheng, Yi Liu, Aiqin Wang*, Kapok fiber oriented polyaniline for removal of sulfonated dyes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (30): 10079–10087.
(48)	Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Granular hydrogel initiated by Fenton reagent and their performance on Cu(II) and Ni(II) removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 200-202: 601–610.
(49)	Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Ag nanoparticle-entrapped hydrogel as promising material for catalytic reduction of organic dyes. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22 (32): 16552–16559.
(50)	Yian Zheng, Yuntao Xie, Aiqin Wang*, Rapid and wide pH-independent ammonium-nitrogen removal using a composite hydrogel with three-dimensional networks. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 179: 90–98.
(51)	Jintao Wang, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Effect of kapok fiber treated with various solvents on oil absorbency. Industrial Crops and Products, 2012, 40: 178–184.
(52)	Jintao Wang, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Superhydrophobic kapok fiber oil-absorbent: Preparation and high oil absorbency. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 213: 1–7.
(53)	Yi Liu, Jintao Wang, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Adsorption of methylene blue by kapok fiber treated by sodium chlorite optimized with response surface methodology. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 184: 248–255.
(54)	Yian Zheng, Yi Liu, Aiqin Wang*, Fast removal of ammonium ion using a hydrogel optimized with response surface methodology. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 171 (3): 1201–1208. 
(55)	Yian Zheng, Dajian Huang, Aiqin Wang*, Chitosan-g-poly(acrylic acid) hydrogel with crosslinked polymeric networks for Ni2+ recovery. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2011, 687 (2): 193–200. 
(56)	Yian Zheng, Shuibo Hua, Aiqin Wang*, Adsorption behavior of Cu2+ from aqueous solutions onto starch-g-poly(acrylic acid)/sodium humate hydrogels. Desalination, 2010, 263 (1-3): 170–175. 
(57)	Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Nitrate adsorption using poly (dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride)/polyacrylamide hydrogel. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2010, 55 (9): 3494–3500. 
(58)	Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Preparation and ammonium adsorption properties of biotite-based hydrogel composites. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010, 49 (13): 6034–6041. 
(59)	Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Removal of heavy metals using polyvinyl alcohol semi-IPN poly (acrylic acid)/tourmaline composite optimized with response surface methodology. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 162 (1): 186–193. 
(60)	Yi Liu, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Enhanced adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution by chitosan-g-poly (acrylic acid)/vermiculite hydrogel composites. Journal of Environmental Science, 2010, 22 (4): 486-493. 
(61)	Yian Zheng, Junping Zhang, Aiqin Wang*, Fast removal of ammonium-nitrogen from aqueous solution using chitosan-g-poly (acrylic acid)/ attapulgite composite. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 155 (1-2): 215–222. 
(62)	Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Evaluation of ammonium removal using a chitosan-g-poly (acrylic acid)/rectorite hydrogel composite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 171 (1-3): 671–677. 
(63)	Xiaohuan Wang, Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang*, Fast removal of copper ions from aqueous solution by chitosan-g-poly(acrylic acid)/attapulgite composites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 168 (2-3): 970–977. 
(64)	Yian Zheng, Tianpeng Gao, Aiqin Wang*, Preparation, swelling, and slow-release characteristics of superabsorbent composite containing sodium humate. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47 (6): 1766–1773.
(65)	Yian Zheng, Ping Li, Junping Zhang, Aiqin Wang*, Study on superabsorbent composite XVI. Synthesis, characterization and swelling behaviors of poly(sodium acrylate)/vermiculite superabsorbent composites. European Polymer Journal, 2007, 43 (5): 1691–1698.


(1)    Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang. "Kapok Fiber: Structure and Properties (Chapter 6)" in Vol 1: Biomass and Bioenergy-Processing and properties (ISBN: 978-3-319-07640-9), Ed. by Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Mohammad Jawaid and Umer Rashid, Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K, 2014, Chapter 6.
(2)	Yian Zheng, Aiqin Wang. "Kapok Fiber: Applications (Chapter 13)" in Vol 2: Biomass and Bioenergy-Applications (ISBN: 978-3-319-07577-8), Ed. by Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Mohammad Jawaid and Umer Rashid, Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K, 2014, Chapter 13.
(3) 	郑易安 (第三), 凹凸棒石棒晶束解离及其纳米功能复合材料, 科学出版社, 2014年.

(1)	郑易安, 胡惠民, 一种硅烷改性的牛角瓜纤维吸油材料, 专利号: ZL201510619955.X, 授权日: 2017.05.04.
(2)	郑易安, 王爱勤, 杨效和, 一种粒状阳离子染料吸附剂及其制备方法, 专利号: ZL201410622293.7, 授权日: 2016.10.26.
(3)	郑易安, 王爱勤, 一种具有吸附催化双功能水凝胶的制备方法, 专利号: ZL201210226921.0, 授权日: 2016.05.25.
(4)	郑易安, 王爱勤, 一种用于选择吸附六价铬的吸附剂, 专利号: ZL201110343165.5, 授权日: 2014.09.17.
(5)	王爱勤, 施小宁, 郑易安, 一种木棉纤维复合高吸水树脂及其制备方法, 专利号: ZL201210226913.6, 授权日: 2015.11.18.
(6)	张俊平, 郑易安, 王爱勤, 一种原油用复合脱盐剂, 专利号: ZL200910117413.7, 授权日: 2013.10.16.
(7)	王爱勤, 杨效和, 郑易安, 一种高大沙丘飞播用大粒化种子黏结材料, 专利号:ZL200810182211.6, 授权日: 2011.08.03.

