Name:Xingpeng Chen
Title: Professor 
Graduate College:Lanzhou University
Academic degree:
On-the-job information:Incumbency
Initiation time:
Office location:
Mail box:chenxp@lzu.edu.cn
Learning Experience
2002.6—2004.7 Postdoctoral researcher of Eco-economy & Sustainable Development, Institute of Geography Sciences and Resources, Chinese Academy of Science. 1998.9--2002.3 Ph.D, Institute of Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1986.9--1989.9 Master of Human Geography, the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1982.9--1986.7 Bachelor of Geography. Northwest Normal University, P.R.China.
Research Direction
Economic geography; Circular ecomomy; Tourism planning
Work Experience
2003.12-- 2018 Doctoral Supervisor, Professor, of human geography with the direction of ecological economy, regional sustainable development, development and management of tourism resources, and GIS & city spatial analysis. 2001.10--2003.12 Professor, in Earth and Environment Institute, Lanzhou University, P.R.China. key member of the Key Laboratory of Western China’s Environment Research, Ministry of Education. P.R.China. 1999.6--2001.10 Associate Professor, in Earth and Environment Institute, Lanzhou University, P.R.China. 1996.12--1999.6 Associate Professor, in Institute of the Integrated Development Research of Northwest China, Lanzhou University, P.R.China. 1991.12--1996.12 Assistant Researcher, in Institute of the Integrated Development Research of Northwest China, Lanzhou University, P.R.China. 1989.9--1991.11 Researcher on Probation, in Institute of the Integrated Development Research of Northwest China, Lanzhou University, P.R.China.
1. An Analysis Based on SD Model for Energy-Related CO2 Mitigation in the Chinese Household Sector, ENERGIES, 9,(12) 1-18, Chen, Xingpeng; Wang, Guokui; Guo, Xiaojia, 2016, SCI/SSCI 2. Sustainability Assessment of Solid Waste Management in China: A Decoupling and Decomposition Analysis, SUSTAINABILITY, 6(12), 9268-9281, Xingpeng Chen, Jiaxing Pang, Zilong Zhang,Hengji Li, 2014, SCI/SSCI 3. Greenhouse cultivationmitigates metal-ingestion-associated health risks from vegetables in wastewater-irrigated agroecosystems, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, (560)204-211, Cao, Chun; *Chen, Xing-Peng; Ma, Zhen-Bang, 2016, SCI 4. Measuring Eco-Efficiency of Agriculture in China, SUSTAINABILITY, 8,(4) 1-15, Jiaxing Pang, * Xing Peng Chen, Zilong Zhang, 2016, SCI/SSCI 5. Influencing Factors of Energy-Related CO2 Emissions in China: A Decomposition Analysis, SUSTAINABILITY, 7,(10) 14408-14426, Wang, Guokui; *Chen, Xingpeng; Zhang, Zilong, 2015, SCI/SSCI 6. Empirical study on the environmental pressure versus economic growth in China during 1991-2012, RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING, (101),182-193, Zhang, Zilong; *Chen, Xingpeng; Heck, Peter,2015, SCI 7. Emergy-Based Regional Socio-Economic Metabolism Analysis: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis and Decomposition Analysis, SUSTAINABILITY, 6,(12) 8618-8638, Zhang, Zilong; *Chen, Xingpeng; Heck, Peter,2014, SSCI 8. An Entropy-Perspective Study on the Sustainable Development Potential of Tourism Destination Ecosystem in Dunhuang, China, SUSTAINABILITY, 6(12), 8980-9006, Huihui Feng, *Xingpeng Chen, Peter Heck,Hong Miao,2014, SCI/SSCI