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Name:Mei Mei Wang

Title: Lecturer 


Graduate College:Lanzhou University


Academic degree:PhD

On-the-job information:Incumbency


Initiation time:

Office location:

Mail box:wangmm@lzu.edu.cn

Learning Experience

2013.09-2016.06, Doctor, human geography, college of resources and environment, Lanzhou University.
2010.09-2013.06, Master, human geography, college of resources and environment, Ningxia University.
2006.09 2010.06, Bachelor, human geography, history and culture institute, Longdong College.

Research Direction

Habitat environment and cultural transformation.

Work Experience

2016.07-2018.07, Lanzhou University, Post-doctoral research.
2018.09-present, Lanzhou University, Lecturer.

In-progress Projects

2019-2020: Special fund for basic scientific research business expenses of central universities (lzujbky-2019-31) : Analysis of the impact of cultural values on the living arrangements of the elderly in towns and villages in liupanshan district.

Publishing Works

1. Meimei Wang, Yongchun Yang, Shuting Jin, Lei Gu, Heng Zhang. Social and cultural factors that influence residential location choice of urban senior citizens in China – The case of Chengdu city[J]. Habitat International, 2016, 53:55-65. 
2. Meimei Wang, Yongchun Yang; Bo ,Zhang; Mengqing Liu.; Qing Liu. How Does Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy Influence Residents’ Perceptions of Rural Living Conditions? A Study of 16 Villages in Gansu Province, Northwest China. Sustainability 2019, 11, 6944. 
3. Yongchun Yang *, Qing Liu and Meimei Wang. Comparing the Residential Sustainability of Two Transformation Models for Chinese Urban Villages: Demolition/Relocation Market-Oriented and New Rural Construction[J]. Sustainability,2019, 11(15), 4123. 
4. 王梅梅, 杨永春, 谭一洺, 刘润. 中国城市居民的家庭代际分/合居行为及其影响要素-以成都市为例[J]. 地理学报, 2015, 70(8):1296-1312. 
5. 王梅梅, 任婕, 杨永春.银川市回汉居民婚恋选择的影响因素分析[J].回族研究,2018(02):102-109. 
6. 王梅梅, 朱志玲, 吴咏梅. 宁夏中部干旱带土地沙漠化评价[J].中国沙漠, 2013, 33(2):320-324.
7. Baijun Wu, Meimei Wang*. Economic Evaluation Model of Geothermal Resource Development Based on the Method of DEA[J]. Boletín Técnico /Technical Bulletin. 2017, 55(16):380-385. 
8. Qingxu Xin, Meimei Wang *. The Social and Cultural Factors for Institution-Care Pension in Urban China, With Chengdu City as an Example[J]. Canadian Social Science, 2017,13 (12): 34-37.
9. 徐惠梅, 王梅梅*, 杨永春.中国大陆城市家庭结构的时空变化及其影响因素分析[J]. 甘肃科技, 2018(12):35-41.
10. 刘润, 杨永春, 王梅梅,等. 转型期中国城市更新背景下旅游地视觉景观生产研究——以成都宽窄巷为例[J].人文地理,2016(3):136-144.
11. 王重玲, 朱志玲, 王梅梅, 李燕飞. 宁夏沿黄经济区城市群人居环境与经济协调发展评价[J]. 水土保持研究, 2014, 21(2):189-193.
12. 王重玲, 朱志玲, 王梅梅, 程淑杰, 路彩玲.基于生态服务价值的宁夏隆德县生态补偿研究. 水土保持研究,2014(1), 208-212.
13. 吴启蒙, 朱志玲, 吴咏梅, 王梅梅, 程淑杰,王重玲.宁夏水土保持的产业结构影响评价. 水土保持研究, 2012,19(4), 116-121.
14. 蒋小荣, 杨永春, 汪胜兰, 王梅梅, 杨亚斌. 基于上市公司数据的中国城市网络空间结构. 城市规划, 2017. (6), 18-26.
15. 杨永春, 宋美娜, 史坤博, 金淑婷, 王梅梅,张伟芳.渐进制度变迁模式下中国城市转型测度的空间分异. 地理科学, 2016. 36(10), 1466-1473.
16. 金淑婷, 李博, 杨永春, 石培基, 王梅梅,宋美娜.石羊河流域水资源对武威市经济发展模式的影响. 水土保持通报, 2015. 35(3), 283-287.
17. 金淑婷, 杨永春, 李博, 石培基,魏伟,刘润,王梅梅,卢红. 内陆河流域生态补偿标准问题研究——以石羊河流域为例[J]. 自然资源学报, 2014,29(4):610-622.