Name:JinZhu Ma
Title: Professor  Ph.D. advisor 
Graduate College:Lanzhou University
Academic degree:Dr.
On-the-job information:Incumbency
Unit:Hydrology and Water Resources
Initiation time:
Office location:
Mail box:jzma@lzu.edu.cn
Learning Experience
1999: Ph.D., Lanzhou Desert Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1994: M.Sc., Hydrogeology and Engineering geology, Lanzhou University. 1987: B.Sc., Hydrogeology and Engineering geology, Lanzhou University.
Research Direction
Geochemistry, Isotope Hydrology, Vadose Hydrology, Ecohydrology, Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology.
Work Experience
2015- present: Professor, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University. 2013-2019: Vice-Director, Key Laboratory of West China’s Environmental System, Ministry of Education, China. 2010-2015: Vice- Director, Research School of Arid Environment and Climate Change, Lanzhou University. 2007-2015: Professor, Research School of Arid Environment and Climate Change, Lanzhou University. 2007-2008: Visiting Professor, Oxford University, UK. 2003-2006: Associate Professor, Department of Geology, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University. 1994-2002: Lecturer, Department of Geology, Lanzhou University.
Principles of Hydrology, Isotope Hydrology
Part-time Academic Job
Chinese Committee on Isotope Hydrology,CNC-IAHS Palaeo-Groundwater Commission, INQUA Director, Committee on Resources of Arid and Semi-arid Regions, Executive Director of China Natural Resources Society (2016-present)
Achievement Of Honor
2020, Cui Ying Scholars, Lanzhou University 2011,2017,2020, First Prize, Gansu Science and technology Award 2009, Gansu Leading Talents 2007 Gansu Outstanding Youth Medal 2006, New Century Talents, Ministry of Education
Publishing Works
[1] Yan X., Ma J., Ma X., Chen P., Wang S., Wei Y., Zhu G., Zhang W.2021. Hydrothermal combination and geometry control the spatial and temporal rhythm of glacier flow. Sci. Total Environ. 760, 144315. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144315. [2] Yan X., Ma J., Ma X., Wang S., Chen P., He Y.2021. Accelerated glacier mass loss with atmospheric changes on Mt. Yulong, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology 603,126931. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126931 [3] Li Z., Ma J., Gui J., Xue J., Zhang B.J. (2020). Investigation of soil water hydrological process in the permafrost active layer using stable isotopes, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES,2810-2822. [4] Li Z., Ma J.,Gui J., Yu H.C., Yang H. (2020). Geochemical evidence of ions' sources and influences of meteorological factors on hydrochemistry of glacier snow meltwater in the source region of the Yangtze River. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES. 10.1007/s12665-020-08993-6 [5] Shu H.P., Ma J., Guo J., Qi S., Guo Z.,Zhang P.(2020). Effects of rainfall on surface environment and morphological characteristics in the Loess Plateau. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. 37455-37467. 10.1007/s11356-020-10365-3 [6] Shu H.P., Ma J., Chen P. Qi S., Guo Z.,Zhang P. (2020). Experimental results of the impact pressure of debris flows in loess regions. NATURAL HAZARDS. 33229-3356. 10.1007/s11069-020-04132-3 [7] Zhang K., Zhu G., Ma J., Yang, Y., Shang, S., & Gu, C. (2019). Parameter analysis and estimates for the MODIS evapotranspiration algorithm and multiscale verification. Water Resources Research, 55, 2211–2231. [8] Shu H.P., Ma J., Zhang P., Yu HC; Ren SY., Qi S., Yang H. 2019. Debris-flow risk assessment: from catchment to regional scale: A case study from southern Gansu Province, China. Ekoloji, 28(107) [9] Gu C., Ma J., Zhu, G., Yang, H., Zhang, K., & Wang, Y., et al. 2018. Partitioning evapotranspiration using an optimized satellite-based et model across biomes. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 259, 355-363. [10] Qi S., Ma J., Feng, Q., Liu, F., He, J.H., Shu, H.P., Jia, B. (2018) NO3- sources and circulation in the shallow vadose zone in the edge of Dunhuang Mingsha sand dunes in an extremely arid area of Northwestern China.Catena,162, 193-202. [11] Qi S., Ma J., Ling, X.Y., Feng, Q., He, J.H., Shu, H.P., Jia, B. (2018) NO3- circulation and associated driving factors in the unsaturated zone of southwestern Tengger Desert, Northwestern China. Catena,173, 394-409. [12] Shu, H.P., Ma, J., Yu, H.C., Hürlimann, M., Zhang, P., Liu, F., Qi, S. (2018) Effect of Density and Total Weight on Flow Depth, Velocity, and Stresses in Loess Debris Flows.Water, 10,1784. [13] Wang J.P., Ma J., Afton C.S., Qu, J.S. (2018) Estimating Changes in the Green Water Productivity of Cropping Systems in Northern Shaanxi Province in China’s Loess Plateau. Water, 10(9),1-26. [14] Zhang K; Ma J., Zhu, G.; Ma, Ting; Han, Tuo; Feng, Li Li, 2017. Parameter sensitivity analysis and optimization for a satellite-based evapotranspiration model across multiple sites using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and flux data, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 122(1): 230~245. [15] Sun P., Ma J., Qi Shi., Zhao Wei, Zhu Gaofeng. The effects of a dry sand layer on groundwater recharge in extremely arid areas: field study in the western Hexi Corridor of northwestern China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2016, 24(6):1515-1529. [16] Zhao W., Ma J., Gu Chunjie, Qi Shi, Zhu Gaofeng. Distribution of isotopes and chemicals in precipitation in Shule River Basin, northwestern China: an implication for water cycle and groundwater recharge. Journal of Arid Land, 2016, 8(6):973-985. [17] Ma J., He J., Qi S., Zhu G., Zhao W., Edmunds WM., Zhao Y. 2013. Groundwater recharge and evolution in the Dunhuang Basin, Northwestern China. Applied Geochemistry 28: 19-31. [18] Ma J., Chen L., He J., Zhang Y., Li X., Edmunds WM. 2013. Trends and periodicities in observed temperature, precipitation and runoff in a desert catchment: case study for the Shiyang River Basin in Northwestern China. Water and Environment Journal 27,86-98. [19] Ding Z, Ma J., Zhao W., Jiang Y., Love A. 2013. Profiles of geochemical and isotopic signatures from the Helan Mountains to the eastern Tengger Desert, northwestern China. Journal of Arid Environments 90: 77-87. [20] Wang Y, Ma J., Zhang Y., Zhao M., Edmunds WM. 2013. A new theoretical model accounting forfilm flow in unsaturated porous media.Water Resources Research 49 (8),5021-5028. [21] Pan F., Ma J., Wang, YQ., Zhang, YL., Chen, LH, Edmunds WM. 2013. Simulation of the migration and transformation of petroleumpollutants in the soils of the Loess plateau: a case study in the Maling oilfield of northwestern China. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 185(10):8023-8034. [22] Ma J., Zhang P., Zhu GF., Wang YQ., Edmunds WM., Ding Z., He J., 2012. The composition and distribution of chemicals and isotopes in precipitation in the Shiyang River system, northwestern China. Journal of Hydrology 436–437: 92–101. [23] Ma J., Wang YQ., Zhao YP., Jin X., Ning N., Edmunds WM., Zhou X., 2012. Spatial distribution of chloride and nitrate within an unsaturated dune sand of a cold-arid desert: Implications for palaeoenvironmental records. Catena 96: 68-75. [24] Ma J., Pan F., He J., Chen L., Fu S., Jia B., 2012. Petroleum pollution and evolution of water quality in the Malian River Basin of the Longdong Loess Plateau, Northwestern China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66: 1769-1782 [25] He J., Ma J*., Zhang P., Tian L., Zhu GF, Edmunds WM., Zhang Q., 2012. Groundwater recharge environments and hydrogeochemical evolution in the Jiuquan Basin, Northwest China. Applied Geochemistry 27: 866–878. [26] Ma J., Pan F., Chen L., Edmunds W.M., Ding Z., He J., Zhou K., Huang T., 2010. Isotopic and geochemical evidence of recharge sources and water quality in the Quaternary aquifer beneath Jinchang city, NW China. Applied Geochemistry, 25, 996-1007. [27] Ma J., Ding Z., Edmunds W.M., Gates, J.B., Huang, T., 2009. Limits to recharge of groundwater from Tibetan Plateau to the Gobi desert, implication for management in the Mountain front. Journal of Hydrology, 364: 128-141. [28] Ma J., Edmunds W.M, He J., Jia B., 2009. A 2000 year geochemical record of palaeoclimate and hydrology derived from dune sand moisture. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 276: 38-46. [29] Ma J., Ding Z., Wei G., Zhao H., Huang T. 2009. Sources of water pollution and evolution of water quality in the Wuwei basin of Shiyang river, Northwest China. Journal of Environmental Management, 90: 1168-1177. [30] Ma J., Ding Z., Gate J.B., Su Y. 2008. Chloride and the Environmental Isotopes as the Indicators of the Groundwater Recharge in the Gobi Desert, Nothwest China. Environmental Geology, 55: 1407-1419. [31] Gates, J.B., Edmunds, W.M., Ma, J., Paul, R.-S., 2008, A 700-year history of groundwater recharge in the drylands of NM china. The Holocene, 18: 1045-1054. [32] Gates, J.B., Edmunds, W.M., Ma, J., Scanlon, B.R., 2008. Estimating groundwater recharge in a cold desert environment in northern China using chloride. Hydrogeology Journal, 16: 893-910. [33] Ma J., Wang X.S., Edmunds WM. 2005. The characteristics of groundwater resources and their changes under the impacts of Human activity in the arid northwest China-a case study of Shiyang river basin. Journal of Arid Environments, 61(2): 277-295. [34] Ma J., WM Edmunds. 2006. Groundwater and lake evolution in the Badain Jaran desert ecosystem, Inner Mongolia. Hydrogeology Journal, 14: 1231-1243. [35] Edmunds W.M, Ma J., Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Kipfer, R., Darbyshire, D.P.F., 2006. Groundwater recharge history and hydrogeochemical evolution in the Minqin Basin, North West China. Applied Geochemistry, 21: 2148-2170. [36] Ma J., Li D., Zhang J., Edmunds WM, Prudhomme C. 2003. Groundwater recharge and climatic change during the last 1000 years from unsaturated zone of SE Badain Jaran desert. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48: 1469-1474.