Name:Wenwu Qing
Title: Lecturer  Young researcher 
Graduate College: Physical geography, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academic degree:doctor
On-the-job information:Incumbency
Initiation time:
Office location:
Mail box:qingww@lzu.edu.cn
Learning Experience
2005: Bachelor, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Lanzhou University 2008: Master, Physical geography, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences 2012: PhD, Physical geography, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research Direction
Hydrological process simulation; Glacial hydrology; Eco-hydrology
Work Experience
2012/09- present: lecturer, Key laboratory of west China’s Environmental System (Ministry of Education), College of Earth and Environment Sciences, Lanzhou University.
1. Engineering Economics 2. Hydrologic Model 3. Fortran program