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Name:Qiong Li

Title: Lecturer 


Graduate College:


Academic degree:

On-the-job information:Incumbency


Initiation time:

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Mail box:leeqiong@lzu.edu.cn

Learning Experience

2001:  BA, Physical geography, Lanzhou University 
2008:  PhD, Physical geography, Lanzhou University

Research Direction

Fluvial geomorphology; Landscape evolution model; earth surface processes

Work Experience

2008.10-present:  Lecturer, Key laboratory of west China’s Environmental System (Ministry of Education), College of Earth and Environment Sciences, Lanzhou University.
2012.01- 2013.01:  Visiting scholar, Geology Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA 


1. Geomorphology and Quaternary geology (for undergraduate)
2. Surface processes and numerical modeling (for graduate)


1.  Li, Q(*),Pan, BT,Shangguan, DH,Yang, SL,GIS-based modeling fluvialerosion in arid region of Northwest China,25th IEEE International Geoscienceand Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2005),5354-5356,Seoul, SOUTH KOREA,2005.7.25-2005.7.29.
2.  Guan Qingyu(*),Pan Baotian,Li Na,Li Qiong,Hu Zhenbo,GaoHongshan,Xu Shujian,Wang Yong,An indicator of sand storms in the south ofthe Tengger Desert,THEORETICAL AND APPLIEDCLIMATOLOGY,2010,102(1-2):197-203.
3.  Guan Qing Yu,Pan Bao Tian(*),Li Na,Li Qiong,Zhang Jundi,GaoHongshan,Liu Jia,Pattern of abrupt climatic fluctuation in the East AsianMonsoon during the Last Glacial: Evidence from Chinese loess records,COMPTESRENDUS GEOSCIENCE,2010,342(3):189-196.