职称: 教授  博士生导师 
2006.9-2012.6,兰州大学,资源环境学院/西部环境与气候变化研究院,博士 2002.9-2006.6,信阳师范学院,城市与环境科学系,学士
2019.12-今,兰州大学,资源环境学院,教授,西部环境教育部重点实验室副主任 2017.03-2018.03,美国亚利桑那大学,访问学者 2015.02-2020.12,兰州大学,资源环境学院,副教授 2014.07-2015.02,兰州大学,资源环境学院,讲师 2012.07-2014.07,兰州大学,地质学博士后流动站,博士后,合作导师:陈发虎 院士
本科生课程:《地质公园:探索地球历史的窗口》,《全球变化与应对》 研究生课程:《磁性地层与新生代环境》
主要从事新生代亚洲内陆干旱化历史与机制,主要在伊朗黄土高原、塔吉克盆地、塔里木盆地等地,沿“西风影响区-季风影响区”环境断面开展研究工作,主要取得了三方面研究成果: 1. 阐明了副特提斯海退缩和帕米尔高原隆升的时代及其对亚洲内陆干旱环境格局形成演化的影响; 2. 通过对蜗牛壳体的创新研究,发展了古气候季节干湿变化新指标,并据此揭示了轨道尺度西风-季风协同作用的季节性特征及其对亚洲内陆干旱环境变化的影响; 3. 明确了现代黄河水系和部分沙漠(参与完成)的形成时代。
2022年度兰州大学“萃英学者” 入选2014年度100名中国博士后基金资助者选介名录。
1. 主持第三次新疆综合科学考察项目课题:塔克拉玛干沙漠形成演化环境事件调查,批准号:2021xjkk0302,执行年限:2020年11月-2024年11月,经费:987万; 2. 主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目:中亚塔吉克盆地晚新生代干旱环境演化及其影响因素初步研究,批准号:42072211,执行年限:2021年01月-2024年12月,经费:61万; 3. 主持兰州大学优秀青年教师科研创新项目:黄河贯通三门峡的过程和机制,批准号:lzujbky-2021-ey12,执行年限:2021年01月-2023年12月,经费:100万; 4. 主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目:塔吉克盆地晚始新统-中新统风成沉积序列的年代学和古环境记录研究,批准号:41672158,执行年限:2017. 01- 2020.12,经费:71万;(已结题) 5. 主持国家自然科学基金委青年项目:伊朗黄土高原晚新生代风成红粘土序列的磁性地层和古环境记录研究,批准号:41302144,执行年限:2014.01-2016.12,经费:28万;(已结题) 6. 主持中国博士后基金面上项目:公海湖泊岩芯记录的全新世地磁场长期变化和相对古强度, 批准号:2013M542394。
2022 1. Wang, X.*, Hu, G.*, Saito, Y., Ni, G., Hu, H., Yu, Z., Chen, J., Wang, M., Yuan, X., Wang, L., Hu, Z., Nie, J., Pan, B., 2022. Did the modern Yellow River form at the Mid-Pleistocene transition? Science Bulletin 67, 1603-1610. (封面文章) 2. Murodov, D., Mi, W., Murodov, A., Oimuhmmadzoda, I., Abdulov, S., Xin, Wang*, 2022. Deep crustal structure beneath the Pamir–Tibetan Plateau: Insights from the Moho depth and Vp/Vs ratio variation. Frontiers in Earth Science 10. 3. Li, Z.*, Wang, F.*, Luo, C., Liu, C., Wang, X., Yang, S., Ayyamperumal, R., Zhang, J., Li, B., Fan, Y., 2022. Enhanced drying of the Tengger desert, northwest margin of East Asian summer monsoon during warming interglacials after 500 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews 293, 107735. 4. 王蜜, David Dettman, 倪观忠, 胡涵, 余子莹, 陈京平, 丁璇, 王鑫*. 陆生蜗牛壳体高分辨率的稳定氧同位素记录与季节的干湿变化. 第四纪研究, 2022 42(4): 1159-1167. 5. 陈京平,余子莹,杨帆,王蜜,胡涵,倪观忠,高鑫,王鑫*. 塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘暴和地表沙物质的粒度特征. 中国沙漠(已接收). 2021 1. Chen, S., Liu, J., Wang, X., Zhao, S., Chen, J., Qiang, M., Liu, B., Xu, Q., Xia, D., Chen, F., 2021. Holocene dust storm variations over northern China: transition from a natural forcing to an anthropogenic forcing. Science Bulletin. 2. Wang, F., Li, Z., Sun, X., Li, B., Wang, X., Chen, F., 2021. A 1200 ka Stable Isotope Record from the Center of the Badain Jaran Desert, Northwestern China: Implications for the Variation and Interplay of the Westerlies and the Asian Summer Monsoon. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22, e2020GC009575. 2020 1. Wang, X.*, Carrapa, B., Sun, Y., Dettman, D.L., Chapman, J.B., Caves Rugenstein, J.K., Clementz, M.T., DeCelles, P.G., Wang, M., Chen, J., Quade, J., Wang, F., Li, Z., Oimuhammadzoda, I., Gadoev, M., Lohmann, G., Zhang, X., Chen, F.*, 2020. The role of the westerlies and orography in Asian hydroclimate since the late Oligocene. Geology 48, 728-732.1. 2. Wang, X.*#, Dettman, D.L.*#, Wang, M., Zhang, J., Saito, Y., Quade, J., Feng, S., Liu, J., Chen, F., 2020. Seasonal wet-dry variability of the Asian monsoon since the middle Pleistocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 247, 106568. (邀请文章) 3. Chen, F.*#, Chen, S. #, Zhang, X., Chen, J., Wang, X., Gowan, E.J., Qiang, M., Dong, G., Wang, Z., Li, Y., Xu, Q., Xu, Y., Smol, J.P., Liu, J.*, 2020. Asian dust-storm activity dominated by Chinese dynasty changes since 2000 BP. Nature Communications 11, 992. 4. Li, B.*, Feng, Q., Wang, F., Wang, X., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Guo, X., Liu, W., Li, R., 2020. A 1.68 Ma organic isotope record from the Hetao Basin, upper reaches of the Yellow River in northern China: Implications for hydrological and ecological variations. Global and Planetary Change 184, 103061. 5. Ling, Z., Yang, S., Wang, X., Wang, J., Xia, D., Chen, F., 2020. Spatial-temporal differentiation of eolian sediments in the Yarlung Tsangpo catchment, Tibetan Plateau, and response to global climate change since the Last Glaciation. Geomorphology 357, 107104. 6. Cheng, B., Liu, J., Chen, S., Zhang, Z., Shen, Z., Yan, X., Li, F., Chen, G., Zhang, X., Wang, X., Chen, J., 2020. Impact of Abrupt Late Holocene Monsoon Climate Change on the Status of an Alpine Lake in North China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125, e2019JD031877. 2019 1. Wang, X.*, Carrapa, B., Chapman, J.B., Henriquez, S., Wang, M., DeCelles, P.G., Li, Z., Wang, F., Oimuhammadzoda, I., Gadoev, M., Chen, F., 2019. Parathethys Last Gasp in Central Asia and Late Oligocene Accelerated Uplift of the Pamirs. Geophysical Research Letters 46, 11773-11781. (封面文章) 2. Wang, Q., Wang, X.*, Wei, H.*, Khormali, F., Xie, H., Zhang, J., Chen, F., 2019. Climatic significance of the stable carbon isotopic composition of surface soils in northern Iran and its application to an Early Pleistocene loess section. Organic Geochemistry 127, 104-114. (通讯作者) 3. Taheri, M., Khormali, F.*, Wang, X., Amini, A., Landi, A., Wei, H., Kehl, M., Chen, F., 2019. Clay mineralogy and geochemistry of the Lower Pleistocene Loess in the Iranian Loess Plateau (Agh Band section) and implications for its provenance and paleoclimate change. Quaternary International. 4. Chapman, J.B.*, Carrapa, B., DeCelles, P.G., Worthington, J., Mancin, N., Cobianchi, M., Stoica, M., Wang, X., Gadoev, M., Oimahmadov, I., 2019. The Tajik Basin: A composite record of sedimentary basin evolution in response to tectonics in the Pamir. Basin Research 0. 5. Chen, F.*, Fu, B., Xia, J., Wu, D., Wu, S., Zhang, Y., Sun, H., Liu, Y., Fang, X., Qin, B., Li, X., Zhang, T., Liu, B., Dong, Z., Hou, S., Tian, L., Xu, B., Dong, G., Zheng, J., Yang, W., Wang, X., Li, Z., Wang, F., Hu, Z., Wang, J., Liu, J., Chen, J., Huang, W., Hou, J., Cai, Q., Long, H., Jiang, M., Hu, Y., Feng, X., Mo, X., Yang, X., Zhang, D., Wang, X., Yin, Y., Liu, X., 2019. Major advances in studies of the physical geography and living environment of China during the past 70 years and future prospects. Science China Earth Sciences 62, 1665-1701. 6. 王鑫*,张金辉,贾佳,王蜜,王强,陈建徽,王飞,李再军,陈发虎*, 2019. 中亚干旱区第四系黄土和干旱环境研究进展. 地球科学进展 34, 34-47. (通讯作者) 7. 陈发虎, 吴铎, 王鑫, 饶志国, 张家武. 2019.中国的自然地理要素-自然地理环境的演变过程. 见: 郑度, 蔡运龙, 主编. 中国地学通鉴∙地理卷. 西安: 陕西师范大学出版总社. 031-042. 8. 陈发虎*, 傅伯杰, 夏军, 吴铎, 吴绍洪, 张镱锂, 孙航, 刘禹, 方小敏, 秦伯强, 李新, 张廷军, 刘宝元, 董治宝, 侯书贵, 田立德, 徐柏青, 董广辉, 郑景云, 杨威, 王鑫, 李再军, 王飞, 胡振波, 王杰, 刘建宝, 陈建徽, 黄伟, 侯居峙, 蔡秋芳, 隆浩, 姜明, 胡亚鲜, 冯晓明, 莫兴国, 杨晓燕, 张东菊, 王秀红, 尹云鹤, 刘晓晨, 2019. 近70年来中国自然地理与生存环境基础研究的重要进展与展望. 中国科学:地球科学, 49, 1659. 2018 1. Wang, F.*, Li, Z., Wang, X., Li, B., Chen, F., 2018. Variation and interplay of the Siberian High and westerlies in central-east Asia during the past 1200 kyr. Aeolian Research 33, 62-81. 2. Li, Z.*, Wang, F., Wang, X., Li, B., Chen, F., 2018. A multi-proxy climatic record from the central Tengger Desert, southern Mongolian Plateau: Implications for the aridification of inner Asia since the late Pliocene. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 160, 27-37. 3. Zhang, X.*, Zhou, A., Wang, X., Song, M., Zhao, Y., Xie, H., Russell, J.M., Chen, F.*, 2018. Unmixing grain-size distributions in lake sediments: a new method of endmember modeling using hierarchical clustering. Quaternary Research 89, 365-373. 4. Wang, L.*, Jia, J.*, Li, G., Li, Z., Wang, X., Chen, F., 2018. Fine-grained quartz OSL dating chronology of loess sequence from southern Tajikistan: Implications for climate change in arid central Asia during MIS 2. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 155, 116-123. 2017 1. Wang, X.*, Wei, H., Khormali, F., Taheri, M., Kehl, M., Frechen, M., Lauer, T., Chen, F., 2017. Grain-size distribution of Pleistocene loess deposits in northern Iran and its palaeoclimatic implications. Quaternary International 429, 41-51. 2. Taheri, M., Khormali, F.*, Wang, X.*, Amini, A., Wei, H., Kehl, M., Frechen, M., Chen, F., 2017. Micromorphology of the lower Pleistocene loess in the Iranian Loess Plateau and its paleoclimatic implications. Quaternary International 429, Part B, 31-40. (通讯作者) 3. Li, B.*, Sun, D., Xu, W., Wang, F., Liang, B., Ma, Z., Wang, X., Li, Z., Chen, F., 2017. Paleomagnetic chronology and paleoenvironmental records from drill cores from the Hetao Basin and their implications for the formation of the Hobq Desert and the Yellow River. Quaternary Science Reviews 156, 69-89. 4. Karimi*, A., Khormali, F., Wang, X., 2017. Discrimination of sand dunes and loess deposits using grain-size analysis in northeastern Iran. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 275. 5. 王强, 魏海涛, 吴铎, 金明, 王鑫*, 陈发虎, 2017. 中国中部全新世古地磁长期变和相对古强度研究. 第四纪研究 37, 45-56.(通讯作者) 6. 陈圣乾*, 王鑫, 陈建徽, 刘建宝, 王宗礼, 强明瑞, 陈发虎, 2017. 山西公海湖泊沉积物记录的大气粉尘现代过程. 中国沙漠, 228-236. 2016 1. Wang, X.*, Wei, H., Taheri, M., Khormali, F., Danukalova, G., Chen, F.*, 2016. Early Pleistocene climate in western arid central Asia inferred from loess-palaeosol sequences. Scientific Reports 6, 20560. 2. Wang, X.*, Kraatz, B., Meng, J., Carrapa, B., Decelles, P., Clementz, M., Abdulov, S., Chen, F.*, 2016. Central Asian aridification during the late Eocene to early Miocene inferred from preliminary study of shallow marine-eolian sedimentary rocks from northeastern Tajik Basin. Science China Earth Sciences 59, 1242-1257. 3. Li, B.*, Sun, D., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Hu, W., Wang, F., Li, Z., Ma, Z., Liang, B., 2016. δ18O and δ13C records from a Cenozoic sedimentary sequence in the Lanzhou Basin, Northwestern China: Implications for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological changes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 125, 22-36. 4. 王鑫*, K.B., Meng J, Carrapa B, Decelles P, Clementz M, Abdulov S, 陈发虎*, 2016. 塔吉克盆地东北缘海相-风成沉积序列与中亚晚始新世-早中新世干旱化的初步研究. 中国科学: 地球科学 46, 674-690. 2015 1. Carrapa, B.*, DeCelles, P.G., Wang, X., Clementz, M.T., Mancin, N., Stoica, M., Kraatz, B., Meng, J., Abdulov, S., Chen, F., 2015. Tectono-climatic implications of Eocene Paratethys regression in the Tajik basin of central Asia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 424, 168-178. 2. Wang, F., Sun, D.*, Chen, F., Bloemendal, J., Guo, F., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Li, B., Wang, X., 2015. Formation and evolution of the Badain Jaran Desert, North China, as revealed by a drill core from the desert centre and by geological survey. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 426, 139-158. 3. Li, G.*, Jin, M., Chen, X., Wen, L., Zhang, J., Madsen, D., Zhao, H., Wang, X., Fan, T., Duan, Y., Liu, X., Wu, D., Li, F., Chen, F., 2015. Environmental changes in the Ulan Buh Desert, southern Inner Mongolia, China since the middle Pleistocene based on sedimentology, chronology and proxy indexes. Quaternary Science Reviews 128, 69-80. 2014 1. Wang, X., Sun, D.*, Chen, F., Wang, F., Li, B., Popov, S.V., Wu, S., Zhang, Y., Li, Z., 2014. Cenozoic paleo-environmental evolution of the Pamir–Tien Shan convergence zone. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 80, 84-100. 2. Zhang, Y., Sun, D.*, Li, Z., Wang, F., Wang, X., Li, B., Guo, F., Wu, S., 2014. Cenozoic record of aeolian sediment accumulation and aridification from Lanzhou, China, driven by Tibetan Plateau uplift and global climate. Global and Planetary Change 120, 1-15. 3. Li, Z., Sun, D.*, Chen, F., Wang, F., Zhang, Y., Guo, F., Wang, X., Li, B., 2014. Chronology and paleoenvironmental records of a drill core in the central Tengger Desert of China. Quaternary Science Reviews 85, 85-98. 4. 王鑫*, 王宗礼, 陈建徽, 刘建宝, 王海鹏, 张生瑞, 许清海, 陈发虎, 2014. 山西宁武天池区高山湖泊群的形成原因. 兰州大学学报: 自然科学版, 208-212. 2013 1. Wang, X., Sun, D.*, Wang, F., Li, B., Wu, S., Guo, F., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Chen, F., 2013. A high-resolution multi-proxy record of late Cenozoic environment change from central Taklimakan Desert, China. Climate of the Past 9, 2731. 2. 孙东怀*, 王鑫, 李宝锋, 陈发虎, 王飞, 李再军, 梁百庆, 马志伟, 2013. 新生代特提斯海演化过程及其内陆干旱化效应研究进展. 海洋地质与第四纪地质 33, 135-151. 2012-2010 1. Sun, D.H.*, Bloemendal, J., Yi, Z.Y., Zhu, Y.H., Wang, X., Zhang, Y.B., Li, Z.J., Wang, F., Han, F., Zhang, Y., 2011a. Palaeomagnetic and palaeoenvironmental study of two parallel sections of late Cenozoic strata in the central Taklimakan Desert: Implications for the desertification of the Tarim Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 300, 1-10. 2. 王鑫, 孙东怀, 王飞, 李宝峰, 吴晟, 2012. 塔里木盆地腹地晚新生代沉积序列的超细粒组分记录及其古气候意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质 32, 143-151. 3. 王鑫,孙东怀,王飞,吴晟,李宝锋, 2010. 塔里木盆地腹地新生界平行剖面的磁性地层研究:对塔克拉玛干沙漠形成演化的指示意义. 地质力学学报 16, 412-422.