职称: 教授  博士生导师  硕士生导师 
2004年-2008年:兰州大学资源环境学院,理学学士; 2008年-2013年:兰州大学,理学博士; 2012年2月-2013年2月,剑桥大学,访问学者;
2013年7月-2017年4月:中国科学院自然科学史研究所,助理研究员; 2017年5月-2017年8月:中国科学院自然科学史研究所,副研究员; 2017年9月-2023年9月:兰州大学资源环境学院,副教授; 2023年10月-至今: 兰州大学资源环境学院,教授;
本科生课程《环境考古》《人类简史》《科技考古专题》 研究生课程《环境考古》
以青藏高原东缘及其毗邻地区为主要研究区开展系统的人群生存策略研究,在农业发展传播过程与影响等方面取得一些系列研究成果。近年来,在Science, Science Bulletin, Quaternary Science Reviews等期刊发表SCI/SSCI论文35篇,合作出版学术专著1部。其中,第一/通讯作者(包括共同通讯)SCI/SSCI论文25篇。主持国家自然基金面上项目2项和青年基金项目1项,主持国家重点研发计划子课题1项,并作为学术骨干参与国家自然科学基金重大项目1项,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)1项。已有成果在粟作农业集约化与扩张、史前欧亚大陆南北方向长距离交流路网、农作物长距离交流传播与影响等领域取得了多项重要进展。1)揭示黄土高原西部粟作农业渐进式的集约化过程,提出约5500 BP黄土高原西部高产粟取代黍成为主要农作物的转型促进此后粟黍和新石器文化扩张。2)首次系统梳理了东亚与南亚和东南亚跨境交流路网的时空变化历史,揭示了长距离交流强化前后,关键地区响应跨大陆交流模式的时空差异。3)阐释农业传播对不同地区史前社会影响不一致,提出气候事件通过改变生产生活方式影响文化演化过程。
主持国家自然基金面上项目,42271160,滇中地区新石器-青铜时代生业模式变化及其影响因素,2023/01-2026/12; 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,41871076,丝绸之路东段青铜时代早期人类食谱重建及同位素数据解译,2019/01-2022/12; 主持国家重点研发计划全球变化及应对重点专项课题二子课题2,2018YFA0606402-02,历史时期丝路文明变迁,2018/05-2023/04;
Ma MM†, Lu MX†, Sun R†, Zhu ZH†, Fuller D, Guo JX, He GL, Yang XM, Tan LL, Lu YX, Dong JJ, Liu RL, Yang JS, Li B, Guo TN, Li XR, Zhao DY, Zhang Y, Wang CC*, Dong GH*. Forager-farmer transition at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia 4900 years ago. Science Bulletin, 2024, 69: 103–113. Ma MM†, Dong JJ†, Yang YS†, Jones MK, Wang J, Chen GK, Li G, He LT, Wei WY, Xu YX, Lu YX, Ren LL, Dong GH*, Chen FH. Isotopic evidence reveals the gradual intensification of millet agriculture in Neolithic North China. Fundamental Research, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2023.06.007 Ma MM, Lu YX, Dong GH*, Ren LL, Min R, Kang LH, Zhu ZH, Li XR, Li B, Yang ZJ, Cili NB, Liu RL, Gao Y, Chen, FH. Understanding the transport networks complex between South Asia, Southeast Asia and China during the late Neolithic and Bronze Age. The Holocene, 2023, 33(2), 147-158. Ma, M.M.*, Lu, M.X., Zhang, S.J., Min, R., Dong, G.H.* 2022. Asynchronous transformation of human livelihoods in key regions of the trans-Eurasia exchange in China during 4000-2200 BP. Quaternary Science Reviews, 291, 107665. Ma, M.M., Lu, Y.X., Dong, G.H.*, Ren, L.L., Min R, Kang, L.H., Zhu, Z.H., Li, X.R., Li, B., Yang, Z.J., Cili, N.B., Liu, R.L., Gao, Y., Chen, F.H., (2022). Understanding the transport networks complex between South Asia, Southeast Asia and China during the late Neolithic and Bronze Age. The Holocene. Ma, M.M., Ren, L.L., Li, Z.P., Wang, Q.Q., Zhao, X.Y., Li, R. 2021. Early emergence and development of pastoralism in Gan-Qing region from the perspective of isotopes. Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences, 13(6), 93. Yang, Y.S., Wang, J., Li, G., Dong, J.J., Cao, H.H., Ma, M.M.*, Chen, G.K.*, Dong, G. 2022. Shift in subsistence crop dominance from broomcorn millet to foxtail millet around 5500 BP in the western Loess Plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 939340. Li, H.M.*, Cui, Y.F., James, N., Ritchey, M., Liu, F.W., Zhang, J.N., Ma, M.M.*, Dong, G. 2022. Spatiotemporal variation of agricultural patterns in different geomorphologic and climatic environments in the eastern Loess Plateau, north-central China during the late Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(5), 934-948. Li, X., Zhang, S.J.*, Lu, M.X., Qiu, M.H., Wen, S.Q., Ma, M.M.* 2020. Dietary shift and social hierarchy from the Proto-Shang to Zhou Dynasty in the Central Plains of China. Environmental Research Letters, 15(3), 035002. Ma, M.M, Dong, G.H, Jia, X, Wang, H, Cui, Y.F, Chen, F.H., 2016. Dietary shift after 3600calyr BP and its influencing factors in northwestern China: Evidence from stable isotopes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 145, 57-70. Ma, M.M, Dong, G.H, Liu, X.Y., Lighfoot, E, Chen, F.H, Wang, H, Jones, M.K. 2015. Stable Isotope Analysis of Human and Faunal Remains at Qijiaping site in middle Gansu Province. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 25, 923-934. Ma, M.M, Dong, G.H, Lightfoot, E, Wang, H, Liu, X.Y, Jia, X, Zhang, K.R, Chen, F.H., 2014. Stable Isotope Analysis of Human and Faunal Remains in the Western Loess Plateau, Gansu, China, approximately 2000 Cal BC. Archaeometry, 56(S1), 237-255. Ma, M.M, Dong, G.H, Chen, F.H, Meng, X.M, Wang, Z.L, Elston, R, Li, G.Q., 2014. Process of paleo?oods in Guanting basin, Qinghai Province, China and possible relation to monsoon strength during the mid-Holocene. Quaternary International, 321, 88-96. Cui, Y. F., Liu, Y. J., Ma, M. M.*(通讯作者), 2017. Spatiotemporal evolution of prehistoric Neolithic-Bronze Age settlements and influencing factors in the Guanting basin, northeast Tibetan Plateau. Science China Earth Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-017-9138-8.