职称: 副研究员  硕士生导师 
2009年9月-2015年12月:兰州大学,资源环境学院,博士 2013年9月-2015年9月:美国俄勒冈州立大学,森林学院,联合培养博士 2005年9月-2009年6月:信阳师范学院,城市环境科学系,学士
2019年12月-至今:兰州大学,资源环境学院,副研究员 2018年9月-2019年12月:兰州大学,资源环境学院,讲师 2016年7月-2018年9月:兰州大学,资源环境学院,师资博士后
本科课程:《气象与气候学》、《水文学原理》、《环境地理学》 研究生课程:《论文写作指导与专业英语》、《树木年轮与全球变化》、《水土保持与生态工程》
1. 主持国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目:基于3-PG模型的祁连山地区青海云杉树木生长模拟研究,批准号:41701048,2018.01-2020.12 2. 主持国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目:气候变化影响树木径向生长的树轮记录与模拟研究,批准号:42071057,2021.01-2024.12 3. 参加国家重点研发计划项目:祁连山自然保护区生态环境评估、预警与监控关键技术研究,课题:人类活动和气候变化对祁连山自然保护区的影响,批准号:2019YFC0507401,2019.12-2022.11
1. Shuangjuan Wang, Yang Deng*, Linlin Gao*, Yuhang Zhang, Xingying Shi, Xiaohua Gou. Influence of monsoon anomalies on intra-annual density fluctuations of Chinese pine in the Loess Plateau. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2023, doi:10.1007/s00484-023-02459-7 2. Gang Li, Linlin Gao*, Fengwen Liu, Menghan Qiu, Guanghui Dong*. Quantitative studies on charcoalification: Physical and chemical changes of charring wood. Fundamental Research, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.fmre.2022.05.014 3. Kai Wang, Xiaohua Gou*, Linlin Gao*, Wenhuo Liu, Haowen Fan, Weiguo Zhang, Haijiang Yang. Whether increased water‐use efficiency of Picea crassifolia promotes radial growth of trees in the eastern Qilian Mountains. International Journal of Climatology, 2022, 42:8201-8213. 4. Qian Li, Yang Deng*, Shuangjuan Wang, Linlin Gao*, Xiaohua Gou. A half-millennium perspective on recent drying in the eastern Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena, 2022, 212: 106087. 5. Linlin Gao, Yang Deng, Xiaoya Yan, Qian Li, Yu Zhang, Xiaohua Gou. The unusual recent streamflow declines in the Bailong River, north-central China, from a multi-century perspective. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2021, 260:106927 6. Linlin Gao, Xiaohua Gou, Yang Deng, Zhenqian Wang, Fu Gu, Fang Wang. Increased growth of Qinghai spruce in northwestern China during the recent warming hiatus period. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 260: 9-16. 7. Linlin Gao, Xiaohua Gou, Yang Deng, Meixue Yang, Fen Zhang. Assessing the influences of tree species, elevation and climate on tree-ring growth in the Qilian Mountains of northwest China. Trees-Structure and Function, 2017, 31(2): 393-404. 8. Linlin Gao, Xiaohua Gou, Yang Deng, Meixue Yang, Fen Zhang, Jin Li. Dendroclimatic reconstruction of temperature in the eastern Qilian Mountains, northwestern China. Climate Research, 2015, 62(3): 241-250. 9. Linlin Gao, Xiaohua Gou, Yang Deng, Wenhuo Liu, Meixue Yang, Zhiqian Zhao. Climate-growth analysis for Qilian juniper across an altitude gradient in the central Qilian Mountains, northwest China. Trees-Structure and Function, 2013, 27 (2), 379-388 10. Linlin Gao, Xiaohua Gou, Yang Deng, Zhiqian Zhao, Zongying Cao. Dendroclimatic response of Picea crassifolia along an altitudinal gradient in the eastern Qilian Mountains, northwest China. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 2013, 45(4): 491–499. 11. 高琳琳, 勾晓华, 邓洋, 杨梅学, 霍玉侠, 陈秋艳. 西北干旱区树轮气候学研究进展. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2013, 33(4): 25-35 12. 高琳琳, 勾晓华, 邓洋, 张芬, 方克艳. 树轮气候学中分异现象的研究进展. 冰川冻土, 2011, 33(2): 453-460. 13. Yang Deng, Linlin Gao, Xiaohua Gou. Spatiotemporal drought variation in mid‐latitude East Asia over the past half millennium. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2023, doi: 10.1029/2022JD037793 14. Xiaohua Gou, Linlin Gao, Yang Deng, Fahu Chen, Meixue Yang, Christoper Still. An 850-year tree-ring based reconstruction of drought history in the western Qilian Mountains of northwestern China. International Journal of Climatology, 2015,35: 3308-3319 15. Richard H. Waring, Linlin Gao. Recent reduction in the frequency of frost accounts for most of the increased growth of a high elevation spruce forest in northwestern China. Trees-Structure and Function, 2016, 30: 1225-1236.