职称: 教授  博士生导师  硕士生导师  专业硕士生导师 
2015年8月—2016年8月,美国华盛顿大学市政与环境工程系,访学交流 2007年9月—2011年6月,兰州大学化学化工学院,分析化学专业,获理学博士学位 2001年9月—2004年6月,兰州大学化学化工学院,物理化学专业,获理学硕士学位 1997年9月—2001年6月,兰州大学化学化工学院,化学专业,获理学学士学位
■ 水污染控制与环境功能材料 ■ 水污染化学与河流有机碳 ■ 流域水生态环境保护与饮用水安全保障
2022年1月—至今,兰州大学,资源环境学院,教授 2012年5月—2022年1月,兰州大学,资源环境学院,副教授 2007年8月—2012年5月,兰州大学,资源环境学院,讲师 2004年7月—2007年8月,兰州大学,资源环境学院,助教
《环境化学》(本科生) 《环境化学实验》(本科生) 《饮用水安全保障技术》(本科生) 《水污染控制原理与工艺》(研究生) 《水污染控制新技术》(研究生) 《环境分析化学》(研究生)
Chinese Chemical Letters青年编委 甘肃省化学会环境化学专业委员会委员 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心通讯评议专家 Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Science of The Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, Chemosphere, Separation and Purification Technology, Bioresource Technology, Colloids and Surfaces A, Journal of Environmental Sciences及《环境化学》《农业环境科学学报》等杂志审稿人
中国科学技术信息研究所中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文(F5000)(2020年) 兰州大学创新创业项目优秀指导教师(2016年) 兰州大学“䇹政学者”项目指导老师(2015年) 兰州大学资源环境学院青年教师讲课比赛一等奖(2014年) 兰州大学青年教师讲课比赛优秀奖(2013年) 甘肃省高等学校精品课程(3/3)(2011年) 兰州大学优秀班主任称号(2008年)
■ 国家自然科学基金委区域创新发展联合基金重点项目:黄河上游全氟化合物和有机磷酸酯的污染特征、环境行为与源汇机制(子任务主持人) ■ 国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄河上游水体中溶解态黑碳的来源、分布与结构特性及其对典型抗生素环境行为的影响(项目主持人) ■ 国家自然科学基金青年基金:黄河兰州段水环境中典型抗生素的污染特征及环境行为研究(项目主持人) ■ 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目:城市污水处理系统中典型抗生素的分布与迁移转化研究(项目主持人) ■ 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目:天然水体中溶解性有机质对典型抗生素环境行为的影响及机制(项目主持人) ■ 国家重点研发计划课题:西北黄土区域基于污染源头控制的生活垃圾填埋技术集成与示范(课题参与人) ■ 地方政府委托项目:庆阳市市级饮用水水源地保护项目总体方案(主要参与人) ■ 地方政府委托项目:庆阳市正宁县良好水体生态环境保护方案(主要参与人)
以第一或通讯作者发表的学术论文(*代表通讯作者): 1. Liangyu Li, Wan Cheng, Xiaoyun Xie*, Ranran Zhao, Yaodong Wang, Zhaowei Wang*. Photo-Reactivity of dissolved black carbon unveiled by combination of optical spectroscopy and FT-ICR MS analysis: Effects of pyrolysis temperature. Water Research, 2024, 251, 121138.(SCI-1)(Nature Index 期刊) 2. Ye Yuping, Wang Zhaowei*, Liu Lijuan, Qi Kemin, Xie Xiaoyun*. Novel insights into the temporal molecular fractionation of dissolved black carbon at the iron oxyhydroxide-water interface. Water Research, 2023, 229, 119410. (SCI-1)(Nature Index 期刊) 3. Yi Yuan, Jiancheng He, Wenrui Dong, Xiaoyun Xie*, Yijie Liu, Zhaowei Wang. Nanoarchitectonics of CuO/α-Fe2O3/BiVO4 photocatalysts with double heterojunctions on PVDF membranes: Investigating sulfadiazine removal and antifouling properties. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 487, 150445. (SCI-1) 4. He Jiancheng, Wang Yaodong, Xie Xiaoyun*, Qi Kemin, Yuan Yi, Dong Wenrui, Wang Zhaowei. N-CQDs modified BiOBr with different nitrogen configurations synthesized from different precursors for efficient photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 335, 126124. (SCI-1) 5. Wei Bin, Li Liangyu, Xie Xiaoyun*, Qi Kemin, Wang Yaodong, Wang Zhaowei. Effect of adsorption on ferrihydrite on the photoreactivity of dissolved black carbon for photodegradation of sulfadiazine. Chemosphere, 2023, 337, 139359.(SCI-2) 6. Qi Kemin, Wang Zirun, Xie Xiaoyun*, Wang Zhaowei. Photocatalytic performance of pyrochar and hydrochar in heterojunction photocatalyst for organic pollutants degradation: Activity comparison and mechanism insight. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 467, 143424. (SCI-1) 7. Yuan Yi, Liu Yijie, Xie Xiaoyun*, Wen Yuan, Song Mengxi, He Jiancheng, Wang Zhaowei. 2D defect-engineered Ag-doped γ-Fe2O3/BiVO4: The effect of noble metal doping and oxygen vacancies on exciton-triggering photocatalysis production of singlet oxygen. Chemosphere, 2023, 322, 138176. (SCI-2) 8. Kemin Qi, Yuping Ye, Bin Wei, Mengxin Li, Yanxin Lun, Xiaoyun Xie*, Haijiao Xie. N-CQDs from reed straw enriching charge over BiO2−x/BiOCl p-n heterojunction for improved visible-light-driven photodegradation of organic pollutants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 432, 128759. (SCI-1) 9. Kemin Qi, Mengxi Song, Xiaoyun Xie*, Yuan Wen, Zirun Wang, BinWei, Zhaowei Wang, CQDs/biochar from reed straw modified Z-scheme MgIn2S4/BiOCl with enhanced visible-light photocatal. Chemosphere, 2022, 287(2): 132192.(SCI-2) 10. Xuewei Cai, Kemin Qi, Xiaoli Zhang, Xiaoyun Xie*, Zhaowei Wang. The binding characteristics of sediment-derived dissolved organic matter with ceftazidime:a microstructural and spectroscopic correlation study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29, 30712-30723. (SCI 3区) 11. Xiaoyun Xie*, Shan Li, Kemin Qi, Zhaowei Wang. Photoinduced Synthesis of Green Photocatalyst Fe3O4/BiOBr/CQDs Derived from Corncob Biomass for Carbamazepine Degradation: The Role of Selectively More CQDs Decoration and Z-scheme Structure. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 420, 129705.(SCI-1) 12. Zhongzheng Hu, Xiaoyun Xie*, Shan Li, Mengxi Song, Guiwei Liang, Jing Zhao, Zhaowei Wang. Rational construct CQDs/BiOCOOH/uCN photocatalyst with excellent photocatalytic performance for degradation of sulfathiazole. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 404: 126541.(SCI-1) 13. Mengxi Song, Kemin Qi, Yuan Wen, Xiaoli Zhang, Yi Yuan, Xiaoyun Xie*, Zhaowei Wang. Rational design of novel three-dimensional reticulated Ag2O/ZnO Z-scheme heterojunction on Ni foam for promising practical photocatalysis. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 793: 148519.(SCI-2) 14. Zirun Wang, Xuewei Cai, Xiaoyun Xie*, Shan Li, Xiaoli Zhang, Zhaowei Wang. Visible-LED-light-driven photocatalytic degradation of ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin by magnetic biochar modified flower-like Bi2WO6: The synergistic effects, mechanism insights and degradation pathways. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 764, 142879.(SCI-2) 15. Zirun Wang, Yan Li, Xiaoyun Xie*, Zhaowei Wang. Bifunctional MnFe2O4/chitosan modified biochar composite for enhanced methyl orange removal based on adsorption and photo-Fenton process. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 613, 126104.(SCI-2) 16. Shan Li, Zirun Wang, Xiaoyun Xie*, Guiwei Liang, Xuewei Cai, Xiaoli Zhang, Zhaowei Wang. Fabrication of vessel–like biochar–based heterojunction photocatalyst Bi2S3/BiOBr/BC for diclofenac removal under visible LED light irradiation: Mechanistic investigation and intermediates analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 391: 121407.(SCI-1) 17. Xiaoyun Xie, Hongguang Guo, Mingquan Yan*, Gregory Korshin. Interactions between natural organic matter (NOM) and the cationic dye toluidine blue at varying pHs and ionic strengths: Effects of NOM charges and Donnan gel potentials. Chemosphere, 2019, 236, 124272.(SCI-2) 18. Zhongzheng Hu, Xuewei Cai, Zirun Wang, Shan Li, Zhaowei Wang, Xiaoyun Xie*. Construction of carbon-doped supramolecule-based g-C3N4/TiO2 composites for removal of diclofenac and carbamazepine: A comparative study of operating parameters, mechanisms, degradation pathways. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 380, 120812.(SCI-1) 19. Shan Li, Zirun Wang, Xiaoli Zhang, Jing Zhao, Zhongzheng Hu, Zhaowei Wang, Xiaoyun Xie*. Preparation of magnetic nanosphere/nanorod/nanosheet-like Fe3O4/Bi2S3/BiOBr with enhanced (0 0 1) and (1 1 0) facets to photodegrade diclofenac and ibuprofen under visible LED light irradiation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 378: 122169.(SCI-1) 20. Shan Li, Zhaowei Wang, Xiating Zhao, Xing Yang, Guiwei Liang, Xiaoyun Xie*. Insight into enhanced carbamazepine photodegradation over biochar-based magnetic photocatalyst Fe3O4/BiOBr/BC under visible LED light irradiation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 360: 600-611.(SCI-1) 21. Xiating Zhao, Zhongzheng Hu, Xing Yang, Xuewei Cai, Zhaowei Wang, Xiaoyun Xie*. Noncovalent interactions between fluoroquinolone antibiotics with dissolved organic matter: A 1H NMR binding site study and multi-spectroscopic methods. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 248: 815-822.(SCI-2) 22. Xiaoyun Xie, Shan Li, Hanyu Zhang, Zhaowei Wang, Hong Huang. Promoting charge separation of biochar-based Zn-TiO2/pBC in the presence of ZnO for efficient sulfamethoxazole photodegradation under visible light irradiation. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 659: 529-539.(SCI-2) 23. Ruining Li, Zhaowei Wang, Xiating Zhao, Xi Li, Xiaoyun Xie*. Magnetic biochar-based manganese oxide composite for enhanced fluoroquinolone antibiotic removal from water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25: 31136–31148.(SCI-3) 24. Ruining Li, Zhaowei Wang, Jialei Guo, Yan Li, Hanyu Zhang, Junmin Zhu, Xiaoyun Xie*. Enhanced adsorption of ciprofloxacin by KOH modified biochar derived from potato stems and leaves. Water Science & Technology, 2018, 77(4): 1127-1136.(SCI-4) 25. Hanyu Zhang, Zhaowei Wang, Ruining Li, Jialei Guo, Yan Li, Junmin Zhu, Xiaoyun Xie*. TiO2 supported on reed straw biochar as an adsorptive and photocatalytic composite for the efficient degradation of sulfamethoxazole in aqueous matrices. Chemosphere, 2017, 185: 351-360.(SCI-2) 26. Yan Li, Zhaowei Wang, Xiaoyun Xie*, Junmin Zhu, Ruining Li, Tingting Qin. Removal of Norfloxacin from aqueous solution by clay-biochar composite prepared from potato stem and natural attapulgite. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemcal and Engineering Aspects, 2017, 514: 126-136.(SCI-3) 27. Xiaoyun Xie, Wenjuan Lv, Xingguo Chen*. Binding of the endocrine disruptors 4-tert-octylphenol and 4-nonylphenol to Human Serum Albumin. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 248-249: 347-354.(SCI-1) 28. Xiaoyun Xie, Zhaowei Wang, Ximin Zhou, Xiaoru Wang, Xingguo Chen*. Study on the interaction of phthalate esters to human serum albumin by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192(3): 1291-1298.(SCI-1) 29. Xiaoyun Xie, Xiaoru Wang, Xiangmei Xu, Huijun Sun, Xingguo Chen*. Investigation of the interaction between endocrine disruptor bisphenol A and human serum albumin. Chemosphere, 2010, 80(9): 1075-1080.(SCI-2) 30. 赵夏婷, 李珊, 王兆炜, 谢晓芸*. 黄河兰州段水体中有色溶解性有机质组成尧空间分布特征及来源分析. 环境科学, 2018, 39(9): 4105-4113. 31. 李蕊宁, 王兆炜, 郭家磊, 赵夏婷, 李艳, 谢晓芸*. 酸碱改性生物炭对水中磺胺噻唑的吸附性能研究. 环境科学学报. 2017, 37(11): 4119-4128. 32. 张涵瑜, 王兆炜, 高俊红, 朱俊民, 谢超然, 谢晓芸*. 芦苇基和污泥基生物炭对水体中诺氟沙星的吸附性能[J]. 环境科学, 2016, 37(2): 689-696. 33. 高俊红, 王兆炜, 张涵瑜, 朱俊民, 谢超然, 谢晓芸*. 兰州市污水处理厂中典型抗生素的污染特征研究, 环境科学学报, 2016, 36(10): 3765-3773.