
职称: 副教授  硕士生导师  专业硕士生导师 













■ 水土界面过程与污染控制
■ 废弃物资源化与环境材料
■ 生态环境规划与管理







Scientific Reports, Water Research, Science of the Total Environment, Chemical Engineering Journal, Chemosphere, Environmental Pollution, Geoderma, Environmental Research, Journal of Environmental Quality, Environmental Sciences Europe, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering等杂志审稿人




■  国家重点研发计划项目子课题:稳定渗滤液中污染物在黄土区土壤-植物系统中的迁移转化规律研究(主持)
■  国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄河上游水体中溶解态黑碳的来源、分布与结构特性及其对典型抗生素环境行为的影响(参与)
■  甘肃省自然科学基金项目:干旱区设施菜地土壤、蔬菜中典型抗生素污染特征及其健康风险(主持)
■  兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目:干旱区菜地土壤中典型抗生素污染特征及环境行为研究(主持) 
■  兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目:有机废弃物制备生物炭钝化修复土壤中重金属的效应及机制(主持)
■  地方政府委托项目:酒泉市\玉门市\合作市\迭部县国家生态文明建设示范市(县)规划(主持)
■  地方政府委托项目:庆阳市市级饮用水水源地保护项目总体方案(主持)
■  地方政府委托项目:庆阳市正宁县良好水体生态环境保护方案(主持)
■  地方政府委托项目:庆城县\正宁县生态环境保护规划研究(主持)
■  地方政府委托项目:酒泉市\张掖市土壤环境保护与综合治理方案研究(主持)



1. Yuping Ye, Zhaowei Wang*, Lijuan Liu, Kemin Qi, Xiaoyun Xie*. Novel insights into the temporal molecular fractionation of dissolved black carbon at the iron oxyhydroxide-water interface. Water Research, 2023, 229 119410. (SCI-1)

2. Xing Yang, Xiaoli Zhang, Zhaowei Wang*, Shan Li, Jing Zhao, Guiwei Liang, Xiaoyun Xie. Mechanistic insights into removal of norfloxacin from water using different natural iron ore-biochar composites: more rich free radicals derived from natural pyrite-biochar composites than hematite-biochar composites. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 255: 117752. (SCI-1)

3. Yuping Ye, Xuewei Cai, Zhaowei Wang*, Xiaoyun Xie. Characterization of dissolved black carbon and its binding behaviors to ceftazidime and diclofenac pharmaceuticals: Employing the molecular weight fractionation. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 315, 120449. (SCI-2)

4. Yijie Liu, YiYuan, Zhaowei Wang*, Yuan Wen, Lijuan Liu, Tianyu Wang, Xiaoyun Xie. Removal of ofloxacin from water by natural ilmenite-biochar composite: A study on the synergistic adsorption mechanism of multiple effects. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 363, 127938. (SCI-1) 

5. Zhaowei Wang*, Zhao Yang, Lijuan Liu, YupingYe, XiaoyunXie. Electron transfer mechanism of chitosan-modified natural manganese ore-cornstalk biochar composites with activated peroxymonosulfate: The role of functional groups on the surface of biochar-based composites. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 302, 122107. (SCI-1)

6. Yuan Wen, Zhaowei Wang*, Yonghui Cai, Mengxi Song, Kemin Qi, Xiaoyun Xie. S-scheme BiVO4/CQDs/β-FeOOH photocatalyst for efficient degradation of ofloxacin: Reactive oxygen species transformation mechanism insight.  Chemosphere, 2022, 295, 133784. (SCI-2)

7. Zhao Yang, Zhaowei Wang*, Guiwei Liang, Xiaoli Zhang, Xiaoyun Xie. Catalyst bridging-mediated electron transfer for nonradical degradation of bisphenol A via natural manganese ore-cornstalk biochar composite activated peroxymonosulfate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 426: 131777.(SCI-1)

8. Guiwei Liang, Zhao Yang, Zhaowei Wang*, Xuewei Cai, Xiaoli Zhang, Xiaoyun Xie. Relying on the non-radical pathways for selective degradation organic pollutants in Fe and Cu co-doped biochar/peroxymonosulfate system: The roles of Cu, Fe, defect sites and ketonic group. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 279: 119697.(SCI-1)
9. Xiaoli Zhang, Xuewei Cai, Zhaowei Wang*, Xing Yang, Shan Li, Guiwei Liang, Xiaoyun Xie. Insight into metal binding properties of biochar-derived DOM using EEM-PARAFAC and differential absorption spectra combined with two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28: 13375-13393.(SCI-3)

10. Guiwei Liang, Zhongzheng Hu, Zhaowei Wang*, Xing Yang, Xiaoyun Xie, Jing Zhao. Effective removal of carbamazepine and diclofenac by CuO/Cu2O/Cu-biochar composite with different adsorption mechanisms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 45435-45446.(SCI-3)

11. Jing Zhao, Xing Yang, Guiwei Liang, Zhaowei Wang*, Shan Li, Zirun Wang, Xiaoyun Xie. Effective removal of two fluoroquinolone antibiotics by PEG-4000 stabilized nanoscale zero-valent iron supported onto zeolite (PZ-NZVI). Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 710: 136289. (SCI-1)

12. Guiwei Liang, Zhaowei Wang*, Xing Yang, Tingting Qin, Xiaoyun Xie, Jing Zhao, Shan Li. Efficient removal of oxytetracycline from aqueous solution using magnetic montmorillonite-biochar composite prepared by one step pyrolysis. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 695: 133800.(SCI-2)

13. Jing Zhao, Guiwei Liang, Xiaoli Zhang, Xuewei Cai, Ruining Li, Xiaoyun Xie, Zhaowei Wang*. Coating magnetic biochar with humic acid for high efficient removal of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in water. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 688: 1205-1215.(SCI-2)

14. Xiaoyun Xie, Shan Li, Hanyu Zhang, Zhaowei Wang*, Hong Huang. Promoting charge separation of biochar-based Zn-TiO2/pBC in the presence of ZnO for efficient sulfamethoxazole photodegradation under visible light irradiation. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 659: 529-539.(SCI-2)

15. Zhaowei Wang*, Xing Yang, Tingting Qin, Guiwei Liang, Xiaoyun Xie. Efficient removal of oxytetracycline from aqueous solution by a novel magnetic clay–biochar composite using natural attapulgite and cauliflower leaves[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 7463-7475.(SCI-3)

16. Tingting Qin, Zhaowei Wang*, Xiaoyun Xie, Chaoran Xie, Junmin Zhu, Yan Li. A novel biochar derived from cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) roots could remove norfloxacin and chlortetracycline efficiently. Water Science & Technology, 2017, 76(12): 3307-3318.(SCI-4)

17. 谢超然, 秦婷婷, 王兆炜*, 朱俊民, 李艳, 谢晓芸. 干旱区绿洲土壤对磺胺甲恶唑的吸附特性及影响因素研究. 兰州大学学报: 自然科学版, 2018, 54(5): 626-632.

18. 秦婷婷, 王兆炜*, 朱俊民, 谢超然, 李艳, 谢晓芸. 花椰菜基生物炭对水中铅(II)的吸附性能. 环境科学学报, 2017, 37(8): 2977-2988.

19. 朱俊民, 王兆炜*, 高俊红, 谢超然, 张涵瑜, 谢晓芸, 金诚. 蔬菜废弃物基生物炭对铅的吸附特性研究. 安全与环境学报,  2017, 17(1): 232-239.

20. 谢超然, 王兆炜*, 朱俊民, 高俊红, 张涵瑜, 谢晓芸, 金诚. 核桃青皮生物炭对重金属铅、铜的吸附特性研究. 环境科学学报, 2016, 36(4): 1190-1198.
