
职称: 教授 











1994年9月—1997年6月:中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所(后来的中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,现在的中国科学院西北生态资源环境研究院);自然地理专业、风沙地貌研究方向, 获理学硕士学位;


湖泊沉积记录与环境变化, 全新世气候变化


2003年1月—2003年12月:英国伦敦大学环境变化研究中心博士后,合作者Jonathan A. Holmes教授;




中国第四纪研究会会员、中国海洋与湖沼学会湖泊学分会理事、《Frontiers of Earth sciences》编委






1. 青藏高原东北缘高山湖泊记录的全新世气候与环境变化,国家自然科学基金(批准号:41271220);
2. 科技部973项目《湖泊与湿地生态系统对全球变化的响应及生态恢复对策》第二课题《西北干旱区湖泊水文-生态系统演变过程与机制》(项目首席:沈吉研究员;课题负责人:赵艳研究员;2012CB956102)。


1. Zhang J., Ma X., Qiang M., Huang X., Li S., Guo X., Henderson A.C.G., Holmes J.A., Chen F., 2016. Developing inorganic carbon-based radiocarbon chronologies for Holocene lake sediments in arid NW China. Quaternary Science Reviews 144, 66–82.
2. Zhang J., Chen F., Holmes J.A., Wang J., Li H., Guo X., Li S., Lu Y., Zhao Y., Qiang M., 2011. Holocene monsoon climate documented by oxygen and carbon isotopes from lake sediments and peat bogs in China: a review and synthesis. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 1973–1987.
3. Zhang J., Holmes J.A., Chen F., Qiang M., Zhou A., Chen S., 2009. An 850-year ostracod-shell trace-element record from Sugan Lake, northern Tibetan Plateau, China: Implications for interpreting the shell chemistry in high-Mg/Ca waters. Quaternary International 194:119–133.
4. Zhang J., Chen F., Battarbee R. et al, 2003. High-resolution precipitation variations in the North Tibet Plateau over the last 800 years documented by sediment cores of Lake Qinghai. Chinese Science Bulletin 48(14): 1451–1456. (张家武,金明,陈发虎,R.W. Battarbee,A.C.G. Henderson,2004. 青海湖沉积岩芯记录的青藏高原东北部过去800年以来的降水变化. 科学通报,49(1):10–14.)
5. Rao Z., Li Y.,Zhang J., Jia G., Chen F., 2016. Investigating the long-term palaeoclimatic controls on the δD and δ18Oof precipitation during the Holocene in the Indian and East Asian monsoonal regions. Earth-Science Reviews 159:292–305.
6. Wu D., Chen F., Li K., Xie Y., Zhang J., Zhou A., 2016. Effects of climate change and human activity on lake shrinkage in Gonghe Basin of northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the past 60 years. Journal of Arid Land 8(4):479–491.
7. Liu H., Cui Y., Zuo X., Li H., Wang J., Zhang D., Zhang J., Dong G., 2016. Human settlements and plant utilization since the late prehistoric period in the Nujiang River valley, Southeast Tibetan Plateau. Archaeological Research in Asia5:63–71.
8. Li Y., Qiang M., Zhang J., Huang X., Zhou A., Chen J., Wang G., Zhao Y., 2016. Hydroclimatic changes over the past 900 years documented by the sediments of Tiewaike Lake, Altai Mountains, Northwestern China. Quaternary International, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2016.07.053
9. Li G., Jin M., Chen X., Wen L., Zhang J., Madsen D., Zhao H., Wang X., Fan T., Duan Y., Liu X., Wu D., Li F., Chen F., 2015. Environmental changes in the Ulan Buh Desert, southern Inner Mongolia, China since the middle Pleistocene based on sedimentology, chronology and proxy indexes.Quaternary Science Reviews128:69–80.
10. Chen F., Xu Q., Chen J., Birks H.J.B., Liu J., Zhang S., Jin L., An C., Telford R.J., Cao X., Wang Z., Zhang X., Selvaraj K., Lu H., Li Y., Zheng Z., Wang H., Zhou A., Dong G., Zhang J., Huang X., Bloemendal J., Rao Z., 2015. East Asian summer monsoon precipitation variability since the last deglaciation. Scientific Reports 5:11186, DOI:10.1038/srep11186
11. Wu D., Zhou A., Chen X., Yu J., Zhang J., Sun H., 2015. Hydrological and ecosystem response to abrupt changes in the Indian monsoon during the last glacial, as recorded by sediments from Xingyun Lake, Yunnan, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 421:15–23.
12. Zhao H., Sheng Y., Zhang J., Zhao Y., Li, G., 2015. Oasis evolution processes and mechanisms in the lower reaches of Heihe River, Inner Mongolia, China since 1 ka ago. The Holocene: 25(3): 445–453.
13. Huang X., Chen C., Jia W., An C., Zhou A., Zhang J., Jin M., Xia D., Chen F., Grimm E.C., 2015. Vegetation and climate history reconstructed from an alpine lake in central Tienshan Mountains since 8.5 ka BP. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 432:36–48.
14. Dong G., Zhang F., Ma M., Fan Y., Zhang J., Wang Z., Chen F., 2014. Ancient landslide-dam events in the Jishi Gorge, upper Yellow River valley, China. Quaternary Research 81(3):445–451.
15. Cheng B., Chen F., Zhang J., 2013. Palaeovegetational and palaeoenvironmental changes since the last deglacial in Gonghe Basin, northeast Tibetan Plateau. Joural of Geographical Sciences 23(1): 136–146.
16. Wünnemann B., Wagner J., Zhang Y., Yan D, Wang R., Shen Y., Fang X., Zhang J., 2012. Implications of diverse sedimentation patterns in Hala Lake, Qinghai Province, China for reconstructing Late Quaternary climate. Journal of Paleolimnology, 48(4):725–749.
17. Lü Y., An C., Zhang J., Wang Z., Tao S., Zhao J., 2012. A Holocene dust record in arid central Asia inferred from Lake Barkol, northwest China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(1):213–220.
18. Chen F., Chen J., Holmes J.,Boomer I., Austin P., Gates J.B., Wang N., Brooks S.J., Zhang J., 2010. Moisture changes over the last millennium in arid central Asia: a review, synthesis and comparison with monsoon region. Quaternary Science Reviews 29(7-8): 1055–1068.
19. Wang X., Zhang C., Zhang J., Hua T., Lang L., Zhang X., Wang L., 2010. Nebkha formation: Implications for reconstructing environmental changes over the past several centuries in the Ala Shan Plateau, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297: 697–706.
20. Wang X., Chen F., Zhang J., Yang Y., Li J., Hasi E., Zhang C., Xia D., 2010. Climate, Desertification, and the Rise and Collapse of China’s Historical Dynasties. Human Ecology, 38(1):157–172.
21. Rao Z., Zhu Z., Jia G., Chen F., Barton L., Zhang J., Qiang M., 2010. Relationship between climatic conditions and the relative abundance of modern C 3 and C 4 plants in three regions around the North Pacific. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(18):1931–1936. (饶志国,朱照宇,贾国东,陈发虎,Loukas B.,张家武,强明瑞,2010. 环北太平洋地区现代植物中C3/C4植物相对丰度与气候条件关系研究.科学通报, 55(12): 1134–1140.)
22. Chen J., Chen F., Zhang E., Brooks S., Zhou A., Zhang J., 2009. A 1000–year chironomid–based salinity reconstruction from varved sediments of Sugan Lake, Qaidam Basin, arid Northwest China, and its palaeoclimatic significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(20):3749–3759. (陈建徽,陈发虎,张恩楼,Stephen Brooks,周爱锋,张家武,2009. 柴达木盆地苏干湖年纹层岩芯摇蚊记录的过去1000年干旱区湿度变化及其意义. 科学通报, 54(20): 3127–3135.)
23. Zhao Y., Yu Z., Chen F., Zhang J., Yang B., 2009. Vegetation response to Holocene climate change in monsoon–influenced region of China. Earth–Science Reviews 97: 242–256.
24. Zhou A., Chen F., Wang Z., Yang M., Qiang M., Zhang J., 2009. Temporal changes of radiocarbon reservoir effect in Sugan Lake, Northwest China during the late Holocene. Radiocarbon 51(2):529–535.
25. Wang Z., Zhang J., Zhang Q., Qiang M., Chen F., Ling Y., 2008. Barchans of Minqin: Sediment Transport. Geomorphology 96: 233–238.
26. Rao Z., Jia G., Zhu Z., Wu Y., Zhang J., 2008. Comparison of the carbon isotope composition of total organic carbon and long-chain n-alkanes from surface soils in eastern China and their significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(24):3921–3927. (饶志国,贾国东,朱照宇,吴翼,张家武, 2008. 中国东部表土总有机质碳同位素和长链正构烷烃碳同位素的对比研究及其意义. 科学通报, 53(17): 2077–2084.)
27. Holmes J.A., Zhang J., Chen F., Qiang M., 2007. Paleoclimatic implications of an 850-year oxygen-isotope record from the northern Tibetan Plateau. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL.34, L23403, doi:10.1029/2007GL032228,2007
28. Qiang M., Chen F., Zhang J., Zu R., Jin M., Zhou A., Xiao S., 2007. Grain size in sediments from Lake Sugan: a possible linkage to dust storm events at the northern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Geology 51: 1229–1238.
29. Qiang M., Chen F., Zhou A., Xiao S., Zhang J., Wang Z., 2007. Impacts of wind velocity on sand and dust deposition during dust storm as inferred from a series of observations in the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China. Powder Technology 175: 82–89.
30. Rao Z., Zhu Z., Zhang J., 2007. Different climatic controls of soil δ13Corg in three mid–lattitude regions of the Northern Hemisphere since the Last Glacial period. Chinese Science Bulletin 52(2):259–266.
31. Zhou A., Chen F., Qiang M., Yang M., Zhang J., 2007. The discovery of annually laminated sediments (varves) from shallow Sugan Lake in inland arid China and their paleoclimatic significance. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 50(8): 1218–1224. (周爱锋,陈发虎,强明瑞,杨美临,张家武,2007. 内陆干旱区柴达木盆地苏干湖年纹层的发现及其意义. 中国科学(D辑), 37(7): 1–8.)
32. Rao Z., Zhu Z., Chen F., Zhang J., 2006. Does δ13Ccarb of the Chinese loess indicate past C3/C4 abundance? A review of research on stable carbon isotopes of the Chinese loess. Quaternary Science Reviews 25: 2252–2257.
33. Chen F., Huang X., Zhang J., Holmes J. A., Chen J., 2006. Humid Little Ice Age in arid central Asia documented by Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 49(12): 1280–1290. (陈发虎,黄小忠,张家武, Holmes J.A.,陈建徽,2007. 新疆博斯腾湖记录的内陆干旱区小冰期湿润气候研究. 中国科学(D辑), 37(1): 77–85.)
34. Chen F., Rao Z., Zhang J., Jin M., Ma J., 2006. Variations of organic carbon isotopic composition and its environmental significance during the last glacial on western Chinese Loess Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin 51(3): 1593–1602. (陈发虎,饶志国,张家武,金明,马剑英,2006. 陇西黄土高原末次冰期有机碳同位素变化及其意义. 科学通报, 51(11): 1310–1317.)
35. Qiang M., Chen F., Zhang J., Gao S., Zhou A., 2005. Climatic changes documented by stable isotopes of sedimentary carbonate in Lake Sugan, northern Tibetan Plateau of China, since 2 ka BP. Chinese Science Bulletin 50(17): 1930–1939. (强明瑞,陈发虎,张家武,高尚玉,周爱锋,2005. 2ka苏干湖沉积碳酸盐稳定同位素记录的气候变化. 科学通报, 50(3): 1385–1393.)
36. Feng Z., Wang H., Olson C., Pope G.A., Chen F., Zhang J., An C., 2004. Chronological discord between the last interglacial paleosol (S1) and its parent material in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary International 117: 17–26.
37. Wang X., Dong Z., Yan P., Zhang J., Qian G., 2005. Wind energy environments and dunefield activity in the Chinese deserts. Geomorphology 65: 33–48.
38. Wang X., Dong Z., Zhang J., Liu L., 2004. Modern dust storms in China: An overview. Journal of Arid Environments 58(4): 559–574.
39. Wang X., Dong Z., Zhang J., Qu J., 2004. Formation of the complex linear dunes in the central Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(6):677–686.
40. Mischke S., Herzschuh U., Kürschner H., Fuchs D., Zhang J., Meng F., Sun Z., 2003. Sub–Recent Ostracoda from Qilian Mountains (NW China) and their ecological significance. Limnologica 33: 280–292.
41. Henderson A.C.G., Holmes J.A., Zhang J., Leng M.J., Carvalho L.R., 2003. A carbon– and oxygen–isotope record of recent environmental change from Qinghai Hu, NE Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulltein 48(14):1463–1468.
42. Ma J., Li D., Zhang J., Edmunds W.M., Prudhomme C., 2003. Groundwater recharge and climatic change during the last 1000 years from unsaturated zone of SE BadainJaran Desert. Chinese Science Bulletin 48(14): 1469–1474.
43. Wang X., Dong Z., Qu J., Zhang J., Zhao A., 2003. Dynamics processes of a simple linear dune in Taklimakan Sand Sea. Geomorphology 52, 233–241.
44. Wang X., Dong Z., Zhang J., Qu J., Zhao A., 2003. Grain size characteristics of dune sands in the central Taklimakan Sand Sea. Sedimentary Geology 161: 1–14.
45. Zhu Y., Xie Y., Cheng B., Chen F., Zhang J., 2003. Pollen transport in the Shiyang River drainage, arid China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(14):1499–1506. (朱艳,程波,陈发虎,张家武,2004. 石羊河流寓现代孢粉传播研究. 科学通报,49(1): 15–21.)
46. Yang B., Braeuning A., Shi Y., Zhang J., 2003. Temperature variations on the Tibetan Plateau over the last two millennia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(14):1446–1450.
47. Wang X., Dong Z., Zhang J., Chen G., 2002. Geomorphology of sand dunes in the northeast Taklimakan Sand Sea. Geomorphology 42: 183–195.
48. Wang X., Dong Z., Zhang J., Zhao A., 2002. Relations between morphology, airflow, sand flux and particle size on transverse dunes, Taklimakan Sand Sea. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27: 515–526.
49. Wu H., Guo Z., Fang X., Zhang J., Chen F., 2002. Extension of drylands in northern China around 250 kaBP linked with the uplift of the southeast margin of Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(20):1739–1745. (吴海斌,郭正堂,方小敏,张家武,陈发虎,2002. 250 kaBP前后中国北方干旱区的扩张及其原因,科学通报,47(17): 1341–1346.)
50. Zhu Y., Chen F., Cheng B., Zhang J., Madsen D.B., 2002. Pollen Assemblage Features of Modern Water Samples from the Shiyang River Drainage, Arid China. ActaBotanicaSinica 44(3): 367–373.
51. Chen F., Feng Z., Zhang J., 2000. Loess particle size data indicative of stable winter monsoons during the last interglacial in the Western Part of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena 39: 233–244.
52. Chen F., Feng Z., Zhang J., 2000. Stable winter monsoon during the last interglacial documented by eolian deposits in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena, 39(4): 112–121.
53. 张家武,王君兰,郭小燕,李双,何晶,陈硕,黄小忠,陈发虎,2010. 博斯腾湖全新世岩芯沉积物碳酸盐氧同位素气候意义. 第四纪研究,30(6): 1078–1087.
54. 张家武,何晶,陈硕,李双,2009. 第四纪湖相介形类壳体化石在古环境中的应用——种属组合研究进展与问题. 地球科学进展,24(11): 1229–1237.
55. 张家武,赵艳,杨太保,陈发虎,2006. 自然地理学专业研究生课程教学管理探析. 高等理科教育, 69(5): 55–58.
56. 张家武,陈广庭,陈发虎,王建民,1999,塔克拉玛干沙漠中部地区线形沙丘表面动力过程,中国沙漠,(1):128-133.
57. 付霞,张家武,王林,崔雪莉,马雪洋,张玉枝,2016. 近期人类活动对湖泊沉积记录的影响——以托素湖为例. 第四纪研究,36(6):DOI:10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2016.06.
58. 阳亚平,马雪洋,王林,付霞,张玉枝,张家武,2016.湖泊沉积物碳酸盐含量3种测定方法的比较. 湖泊科学,28(4):917–924.
59. 陈豆,马雪洋,张玉枝,阳亚平,张家武,2015. 柴达木盆地东部尕海短钻岩芯记录的过去近400a去与环境变化. 湖泊科学,27(4):735–744.
60. 马雪洋,陈豆,阳亚平,张玉枝,张家武, 2014. 哈拉湖岩芯XRF扫描元素统计分析及其环境意义. 盐湖研究,22(4):1–10.
61. 王君兰,邓伟,张平宇,张家武,2014. 湖泊沉积物不同粒级组分有机碳同位素差异及其对实验结果的影响. 湖泊科学,26(4):625–631.
62. 陈发虎,张家武,程波,杨太保,2012. 青海共和盆地达连海晚第四纪高湖面与末次冰消期以来的环境变化. 第四纪研究, 32(1): 122–131.
63. 王君兰,李晖,邓伟,郭小燕,李双,张家武,2012. 内蒙古嘎顺诺尔湖泊沉积物磁化率与粒度的古环境意义. 中国沙漠, 32(3): 661–668.
64. 郭小燕,张家武,陈雪梅,王君兰,李双,2011. 甘肃省水旱灾害时空分布特征及其与粮食产量的关系. 干旱区资源与环境,25(6):132–137.
65. 孙庆峰,Colin C., 陈发虎,张家武,2011. 气候环境变化研究中影响粘土矿物形成及其丰度因素的讨论. 岩石矿物学杂志,30(2):291–300.
66. 孙庆峰,陈发虎,Colin C.,张家武,2011. 粘土矿物在气候环境变化研究中的应用进展. 矿物学报,31(1):146–152.
67. 程波,陈发虎,张家武,2010. 共和盆地末次冰消期以来的植被和环境演变. 地理学报, 65(11):1336–1344.
68. 李双,陈硕,张家武,2010. 红碱淖湖泊沉积记录的近五十年来的环境变化. 安徽农业科学, 38(5): 2524–2537.
69. 李双,陈硕,张家武,2009. 红碱淖湖泊近50年来的环境变化分析——以湖泊沉积记录数据为依据. 农业科学与技术(英文版),10(6):178–183.
70. 陈建徽,陈发虎,张家武,杨保,2008. 中国西北干旱区小冰期的湿度变化特征. 地理学报, 63(1): 23–33.
71. 周爱锋,强明瑞,张家武,陈发虎,钟艳霞,陈建徽,肖舜,2008. 苏干湖沉积物纹层计年和210Pb,137Cs测年对比. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版),44(6):15–18, 24.
72. 强明瑞,陈发虎,周爱锋,肖舜,张家武,金明,2007. 苏干湖沉积物粒度组成记录尘暴事件的初步研究. 第四纪研究,26 (6) : 915–922.
73. 肖舜,陈发虎,强明瑞,张家武,周爱锋,孙东怀,2007. 青海苏干湖表层沉积物粒度分布模式与大气粉尘记录. 地理学报, 62(11): 1143–1154.
74. 曹洁,张家武,张成君,陈发虎,2007. 青藏高原北缘哈拉湖近800年湖泊沉积及其环境意义. 第四纪研究, 27(1): 100–107.
75. 夏敦胜,魏海涛,马剑英,王训明,张家武,赵晖,2006. 中亚地区现代表土磁学特征及其古环境意义. 第四纪研究, 26(6): 937–946.
76. 强明瑞,鲁瑞洁,张家武,肖舜,陈发虎,2006. 柴达木盆地苏干湖表层沉积与尘暴事件——元素示踪的初步结果. 湖泊科学, 18(6): 590–596.
77. 强明瑞,陈发虎,周爱锋,肖舜,张家武,金明,2006. 苏干湖沉积物粒度组成记录尘暴事件的初步研究. 第四纪研究, 26(6): 915–922.
78. 饶志国,陈发虎,汪海斌,张家武,朱照宇,2006. 九州台古土壤S1记录的末次间冰期东亚夏季风变化. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 26(2): 103–111.
79. 饶志国,朱照宇,陈发虎,张家武,2006. 黄土有机质稳定碳同位素研究进展. 地球科学进展, 21(1): 62–69.
80. 陈发虎,程波,朱艳,陈发虎,张家武,黄小忠,杨美临,2004. 石羊河流域表土抱粉与植被的关系. 冰川冻土, 26(1): 81–88.
81. 冷疏影,宋长青,张立新,刘黎明,张家武,李仁杰,2004. 2004年度地理学基金项目评审及成果分析,地球科学进展,19(6): 1006–1009.
82. 程波,朱艳,陈发虎,张家武,黄小忠,杨美临,2004. 石羊河流域表土抱粉与植被的关系,冰川冻土,26(1): 81–88.
83. 陈一萌,饶志国,张家武,陈兴盛,周爱锋,2004. 临夏塬堡黄土剖面晚马兰黄土地层划分和形成时代,中国沙漠, (5): 539–543.
84. 陈一萌,饶志国,张家武,陈兴盛,2004. 中国黄土高原西部马兰黄土记录的MIS3气候特征与全球气候记录的对比研究,第四纪研究,(3): 359–365.
85. 汪海斌,陈发虎,张家武,2002. 黄土高原西部地区黄土粒度的环境指示意义,中国沙漠,22(1): 1–6.
86. 朱艳,陈发虎,程波,张家武,Madsen D.B., 2002. 干旱区石羊河流域河水孢粉组合特征. 植物学报(英文版),44 (3):367-372.
87. 朱艳,陈发虎,张家武,安成邦,2001. 干旱区沉积环境对孢粉组合影响的初步研究—以石羊河流域为例. 沉积学报, 19(2):186-191.
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