职称: 教授 
2001年-2005年:兰州大学生命科学学院,生态学专业, 数学生态学方向,获理学博士学位
生态水文过程; 生态安全评价; 地质灾害遥感监测与风险评价; 恢复生态学; 生态经济学;
2006年-2009年:北京师范大学生命科学学院生态学博士后流动站,博士后 2009年-2010年: 美国耶鲁森林与环境学院,访问学者 2005年-2012年:兰州大学资源环境学院,副研究员,硕士生导师 2012年-2015年: 兰州大学西部环境与气候变化研究院,教授,博士生导师 2015年-至今: 兰州大学资源环境学院,教授,博士生导师 2017年-2018年 美国德克萨斯理工大学,高级访问学者
《流域生态学》 《宏观生态学》 《环境灾害学》
2009年,获得Elsevier Economics Journals Most Cited Chinese Authors Award(2004-2008) ; 2009年,教育部新世纪人才;
1、主持国家重点研发计划课题:强震区地质灾害链预测评价与综合监测预警,起止时间:2018年1月-2021年12月 编号:2017YFC1501005,296万 在执行 2、主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:疏勒河流域生态承载力-水资源耦合机制及优化调控模拟研究,起止时间:2017年1月-2020年12月 编号:41671516,66万 在执行
1. Jianjun Guo, Dongxia Yue*, Kai Li, Cang Hui. 2017,Biocapacity optimization in regional planning[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7.doi:10.1038/srep41150(SCI收录) 2. Yue, D.X.,Guo,J.J,Hui,C.,2013. Scale dependency of biocapacity and the fallacy of unsustainable development, Journal of Environmental Management126:13-19.(SCI收录) 3. Yue, D.X., Zhang, S., Zhao, F.M.,X.Z., MO, F., Zhang, J., Wang, R., Wang, G.R., Hickey, G.M., Wang, H.L., Wang, Y.Q., and Xiong,Y.C., 2012. Policy Strategy for Ecosystem Conservation of Minqin Oasis of Northwest China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44(2): 51-57. (SCI、SSCI收录) 4. Yuan, B.C., Yue, D.X.*, 2012. Soil Microbial and Enzymatic Activities Across a Chronosequence of Pinus Tubulaeformis Plantation Development on the Loess Plateau of China. Pedosphere 22(1): 1–12. (SCI收录) 5. Yue, D.X., Xu, X.F., Hui, C., Xiong, Y.C., Han, X.M., Ma, J.H., 2011. Biocapacity supply and demand in Northwestern China: a spatial appraisal of sustainability. Ecological Economics. 70 (5):988–994.DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2010.12.017 (SCI、SSCI收录) 6. Yue, D., Xu, X., Li, Z., Cang Hui ,Wenlong Li ,Hequn Yang , Jianping Ge. 2006. Spatiotemporal analysis of ecological footprint and biological capacity of Gansu, China 1991–2015: Down from the environmental cliff. Ecological Economics, 58(2):393– 406 (SCI、SSCI收录) 7. Yue, D., Hui, C., Xu, X., Li, Z.Z.. 2004.Niche construction for desert plants in individual and population scales: theoretical analysis and evidences from Saksaul (Haloxylon ammodendron) forests. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 52:235-244. (SCI收录) 8. Cang,H., Yue, D*. 2005. Niche construction and polymorphism maintenance in metapopulations. Ecological Research, 20: 115–119 (SCI收录) 9. Hui, C., Li, Z. & Yue, D., 2004.Metapopulation dynamics and distribution, and environmental heterogeneity induced by niche construction. Ecological Modelling, 177: 107-118. (SCI收录) 10. Yue, D.X., Ma, J.H., Guo, J.J., Zhang,J.J., Du,J., Song, Y.J, Hui, C., 2012. RS & GIS-based Spatialtemporal Analysis of Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity Pattern of Jinghe River Watershed in China: Does Supply Meet Demand? , Advanced Materials Research, 356-360 : 2820-2832, (EI核心收录) 11. Yue, D.X., Zhang,J.J., Guo, J.J., Du,J., Ma, J.H., Meng,X.M., 2012. An Analysis of Sustainable Development Based on a Comparison of The Pre- and Post- disaster Biocapacity and Ecological Footprint in Zhouqu County, China, Advanced Materials Research, 361-363 : 663-670. (EI核心收录) 12. Jun Du, Yue,D.X.*, Jianjun Guo, Jiajing Zhang, Hewen Niu, Jinhui Ma, 2012.The Dynamic Analysis of Biocapacity and Driving Force in Minqin Oasis of Western China over the Past 20 Years. Advanced Materials Research, 356-360:2838-2847. (EI核心收录) 13. Zhang,J.J., Yue,D.X.*, Wang,Y.Q., Du, J., Guo, J.J., Ma, J.H., Meng, X.M., 2012. Spatial Pattern Analysis of Geohazards and Human Activities in Bailong River Basin,Advanced Materials Research, 518-523:5822-5829. (EI核心收录)