











1. 2005年-2008年:兰州大学数学与统计学院,应用数学专业,研究生/博士;
2. 2002年-2005年:兰州大学资源环境学院,水文与水资源工程专业,研究生/硕士;
3. 1998年-2002年:兰州大学资源环境学院,水文地质与工程地质专业,本科生/学士;




2016年-至今   :兰州大学,资源环境学院,教授
2015年-至今   :兰州大学,资源环境学院,博士生导师;






1. 发展了简单陆地水文循环过程模型(SiTH),实现了关键水文变量的模拟;
2. 结合演化算法和顺序蒙特卡罗算法,提出水文模型高维参数估计的新方法--粒子演化顺序蒙特卡罗方法。该成果发表在Advances in Water Resources;
3. 发展了基于多源数据进行水文模型参数估计的贝叶斯方法,该方法可有效克服水文模型“异参同效性”问题,为降低模型参数不确定性和识别模型的结构误差提供了研究框架。该成果发表在Geoscientific Model Development上;
5. 建立了干旱区典型植被胡杨的光合作用-气孔导度-蒸腾作用耦合模型。利用Farquhar等(1980)光合模型和Ball等(1987)气孔导度模型,建立了胡杨叶片光合作用-气孔导度-蒸腾作用耦合模型,发现Ball等气孔导度模型在干旱区水分亏缺条件下,对蒸腾速率模拟结果偏低;因而,在干旱区应用Ball气孔导度模型需要考虑水分亏缺对植被气孔运动的影响。




1. 2018年-2021年,国家自然基金面上项目“极端干旱绿洲农田生态系统土壤-植被-大气连续体水分传输机制与模拟研究”(41871078),主持,经费70万元;
2. 2018年-2021年,国家重点研发计划环盆山地云水资源高效利用与水源涵养功能提升技术,第二课题“高寒内陆盆地水循环全过程高效利用与生态保护技术”负责人,经费280万元;
3. 2016年-2019年,国家自然基金面上项目“干旱灌丛生态系统蒸散发的生物、物理控制机制与模型研究”(41571016),主持,经费70万元;
4. 2016年-2020年,国家重点研发计划重点专项“基于多源数据融合的生态系统评估技术及其应用研究”(2016YFC0500203),子课题负责人,经费55万元


1. Zhu, G. F, Zhang, K.,Chen, H.L., Wang, Y.Q., Su, Y.H., Zhang, Y., Ma, J.Z., Development and evaluation of a simple hydrologically based model for       terrestrial evapotranspiration simulations. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.123928. 

2.Wang X.F., Xiao J.F., Li X., Cheng G.D., Ma M.G., Zhu G.F., Arain, M. A., Black, T. A., Jassal, R. S. No trends in spring and autumn phenology during the global warming hiatus. Nature Communications, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10235-8. 

3. Zhang K., Zhu G.F., Ma J.Z., Yang Y.T., Shang S.S., Gu C.J. Parameter Analysis and Estimates for the MODIS Evapotranspiration Algorithm and Multiscale Verification. Water Resource Research, 55, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR023485, 2019. (SCI 1区,IF=4.36)

4. Wang S.T., Zhu G. F.*, Xia D. S., Ma J. Z., Han T., Ma T., Zhang K., Shang S. S. The characteristics of evapotranspiration and crop coefficients of an irrigated vineyard in arid Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 212, 388-398, 2019. (SCI 2区,IF=3.182)  

5. Su Y.H., Feng Q., Zhu G.F.*, Gu C.J., Wang Y.Q., Shang S.S., Zhang K., Han T., Chen H.L., Ma J. Z. A hierarchical Bayesian approach for multi‐site optimization of a satellite‐based evapotranspiration model. Hydrological Processes, 32, 3907-3923, 2018. (SCI 2区,IF=3.181)

6. Gu C.J., Ma J.Z., Zhu G.F., Yang H., Zhang K., Wang Y.Q., Gu C.L., Partitioning evapotranspiration using an optimized satellite-based ET model across biomes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 259,355–363, 2018.

7. Zhu G.F.*, Li X., Ma J.Z., Wang Y.Q., Liu S.M., Huang C.L., Zhang K., Hu X.L. A new moving strategy for the sequential Monte Carlo approach in optimizing the hydrological model parameters. Advances in Water Resources, 114, 164-179, 2018.

8. Zhu G.F.*, Zhang K., Li X., Liu S.M., Ding Z.Y., Ma J.Z., Huang C.L., Han T., He J.H. Evaluating the complementary relationship for estimating evapotranspiration using the multi-site data across north China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 230-231, 33-44, 2016.

9. Zhu G.F.*, Li X., Zhang K., Ding Z.Y., Han T., Ma J.Z., Huang C.L., He J.H., Ma T., Multi-model ensemble prediction of terrestrial evapotranspiration across north China using Bayesian model averaging. Hydrological Process, 30, 2861-2879, 2016.

10. Bai Y., Zhu G.F.*, Su Y.H., Zhang K., Han T., Ma J.Z., Wang W.Z., Ma T., Feng L.L. Hysteresis loops between canopy conductance of grapevines and meteorological variables in an oasis ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 214-215: 319-327, 2015(通讯作者).

11. Zhu G.F.*, Su Y.H., Li X., Zhang K., Li C.B. Estimating actual evapotranspiration from an alpine grassland on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau using a two-source model and parameter uncertainty analysis by Bayesian approach. Journal of Hydrology, 476, 42-51, 2013.

12. Zhu G.F.*, Su Y.H., Li X., Zhang K., Li C.B., Ning N. Modelling evapotranspiration in an alpine grassland ecosystem on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Hydrological Processes, 28, 610-619, 2014.

13. Zhu G.F.*, Li X., Su Y.H., Zhang K., Bai Y., Ma J.Z., Li C.B., Hu X. L., He J.H. Simultaneous parameterization of the two-source evapotranspiration model by Bayesian approach: application to spring maize in an arid region of northwest China. Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 741-775, 2014. 

14. Zhu G.F.*, Lu L, Su Y.H., Wang X.F., Cui X., Ma J.Z., He J.H., Zhang K., Li C.B. Energy flux partitioning and evapotranspiration in a sub-alpine spruce forest ecosystem. Hydrological Processes, 28, 5093-5104, 2014.

15. Zhu G.F.*, Li X., Su Y.H., Lu L., Huang C.L., Seasonal fluctuations and temperature dependence in photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance at the leaf scale of Populu euphratica Oliv. Tree Physiology, 31, 178-195, 2011.

16. Zhu G.F.*, Su Y.H., Huang C.L., Qi F., Liu Z.G. Hydrogeochemical processes in the groundwater environment of Heihe River Basin, northwest China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 60, 139-153, 2010.

17. Zhu G.F.*, Li X., Su Y.H., Huang C.L. Parameterization of the coupling CO2 and H2O gas exchange model at the leaf scale of Populus euphratica. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14, 419-431, 2010.

18. Zhu G.F.*, Su Y.H., Feng Q. The hydrochemical characteristics and evolution of groundwater and surface water in the Heihe River Basin, northwest China. Hydrogeology Journal, 16: 167-182, 2008.

19. Zhu G.F.*, Li Z.Z., Su Y.H., Ma J.Z., Zhang Y.Y. Hydrogeochemical and isotope evidence of groundwater evolution and recharge in Minqin Basin, Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 333, 239-251, 2007.

20. Li Y., Huang C.L., Hou J.l., Gu J., Zhu G.F., Li X. Mapping daily evapotranspiration based on spatiotemporal fusion of ASTER and MODIS images over irrigated agricultural areas in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 244-245, 82-97, 2017.

21. Zhang Z., Zimmermann N.E., Zimmermann Stenke A., Li X., Hodson E.L., Zhu G.F., Huang C.L., Poulter B. Emerging role of wetland methane emissions in driving 21st century climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 9647-9652, 2017.

22.Wang Y.Q., Ma J.Z., Guan H.D., Zhu G.F. Determination of the saturated film conductivity to improve the EMFX model in describing the soil hydraulic properties over the entire moisture range. Journal of Hydrology, 549, 2017.

23. Zhang K., Ma J.Z., Zhu G.F., Ma T., Han T., Feng L.L. Parameter sensitivity analysis and optimization for a satellite-based evapotranspiration model across multiple sites using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and flux data. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 122, 2017.

24. Ran Y.H., Li X., Sun R., Kljum N., Zhang L., Wang X.F., Zhu G.F. Spatial representativeness and uncertainty of eddy covariance carbon flux measurements for upscaling net ecosystem productivity to the grid scale. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 230-231, 114-127, 2016.

25. Sun P., Ma J.Z., Qi S., Zhao W., Zhu G.F. The effects of a dry sand layer on groundwater recharge in extremely arid areas: field study in the western Hexi Corridor of northwestern China. Hydrogeology Journal, 24, 2016.

26. Zhao W., Ma J.Z., Gu C.J., Qi S., Zhu G.F., He J.H. Distribution of isotopes and chemicals in precipitation in Shule River Basin, northwestern China: an implication for water cycle and groundwater recharge. Journal of Arid Land, 9, 318-318, 2016.

27. Song Y., Jin L., Zhu G.F., Ma M.G. Parameter estimation for a simple two-source evapotranspiration model using Bayesian inference and its application to remotely sensed estimations of latent heat flux at the regional scale. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 217, 230-231, 2016.

28. Wang X.F., Cheng G.D., Li X., Lu L., Ma M.G., Su P.X., Zhu G.F., Tan J.L. A comparison of two photosynthesis parameterization schemes for an alpine meadow site on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 126, 751-764, 2015.

29. Li C.B., Zhang X.L., Qi J.G., Wang S.B., Yang L.S., Yang W.J., Zhu G.F., Hao Q. A case study of regional eco-hydrological characteristics in the Tao River Basin, northwestern China, based   on evapotranspiration estimated by a coupled Budyko Equation-crop coefficient approach. Science China Earth Science, 58, 1-10, 2015.

30. Li C.B., Qi J.G., Wang S.B., Yang L.S., Zou S.B., Zhu G.F., Yang W.J. Spatiotemporal characteristics of alpine snow and ice melt under a changing regional climate: A case study in Northwest China. Quaternary International, 358, 2015.

31. Li C.B., Qi J.G., Yang L.S., Wang S.B., Yang W.J., Zhu G.F., Zou S.B., Zhang F. Regional vegetation dynamics and its response to climate change - A case study in the Tao River Basin in Northwestern China. Environmental Research Letters, 9, 1-12, 2014.

32. Wei G.X., Chen F.H., Ma J.Z., Dong Y., Zhu G.F., W. Mike E. Groundwater recharge and evolution of water quality in China’s Jilantai Basin based on hydrogeochemical and isotopic evidence. Environmental Earth Sciences, 72, 3491-3506, 2014.

33. Li C.B., Qi J.G., Wang S.B., Yang L.S., Yang W.J., Zou S.B., Zhu G.F., Li W.Y. A Holistic System Approach to Understanding Underground Water Dynamics in the Loess Tableland: A Case Study of the Dongzhi Loess Tableland in Northwest China. Water Resources Management, 28, 2937–2951, 2014.

34. Ma J.Z., He J.H., Qi S., Zhu G.F., Zhao W., Edmunds W.M., Zhao Y.P. Groundwater recharge and evolution in the Dunhuang Basin, northwestern China. Applied Geochemistry, 28, 19-31, 2013.

35. Li X., Cheng G.D., Xiao Q., Ma M.G., Jin R., Che T., Liu Q.H., Wang W.Z., Qi Y., Wen J.G., Li H.Y., Zhu G.F., Guo J.W., Ran Y.H., Wang S.G., Zhu Z.L., Zhou J., Hu X.L., Xu Z.W. Heihe Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (HiWATER): Scientific Objectives and Experimental Design. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94, 1145-1160, 2013.

36. He J.H., Ma J.Z., Zhang P., Tian L.M., Zhu G.F., Edmunds W.M., Zhang Q.H. Groundwater recharge environments and hydrogeochemical evolution in the Jiuquan Basin, Northwest China. Applied Geochemistry, 27, 866-878, 2012.

37. Ma Z.J., Zhang P., Zhu G.F., Wang Y.Q., Edmunds W.M., Ding Z.Y., He J.H. The composition and distribution of chemicals and isotopes in precipitation in the Shiyang River system, northwestern China. Journal of Hydrology, 436-437, 92-101, 2012.

38. Su Y.H., Zhu G.F., Miao Z.W., Qi F., Chang Z.Q. Estimation of parameters of a biochemically based model of photosynthesis using a genetic algorithm. Plant Cell and Environment, 32, 1710-23, 2009.

39. Su Y.H., Zhu G.F., Qi F., Li Z.Z., Zhang F.P. Environmental isotopic and hydrochemical study of groundwater in the Ejina Basin, Northwest China. Environmental Geology, 58, 601-614, 2008.

40.Su Y.H., Qi F., Zhu G.F., Si J.H., Zhang Y.W. Identification and Evolution of Groundwater Chemistry in the Ejin SubBasin of the Heihe River, Northwest China. Pedosphere, 17, 331-342, 2007.

41.张琨, 韩拓, 朱高峰*, 白岩, 马婷. 西北内陆河流域典型生态系统通量数据空间代表性研究. 干旱区地理, 38, 743-751, 2017.

42.白岩, 朱高峰*, 张琨, 马婷. 基于树干液流及涡动相关技术的葡萄冠层蒸腾及蒸散发特征研究. 生态学报, 23, 7821-7831, 2015.

43.李新, 刘绍民, 马明国, 肖青, 柳钦火, 晋锐, 车涛, 王维真, 祁元, 李弘毅, 朱高峰, 郭建文, 冉有华, 闻建光, 王树果. 地球学进展, 27, 481-498, 2012.

44.苏永红, 冯起, 刘蔚, 朱高峰, 司建华, 常宗强. 席海洋应用模糊综合评判方法评价石羊河流域水资源承载力. 干旱区研究, 26, 169-175, 2010. 

45.张琨, 朱高峰, 白岩, 马婷. 基于人工神经网络的涡度相关仪观测蒸散量的数据插补方法, 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 3, 348-355, 2014.
