











2008年9月-2011年7月 兰州大学大气科学学院,应用气象学,博士 
2006年9月-2008年7月 兰州大学信息科学与工程学院,计算机软件与理论,硕士 
1999年9月-2003年7月 兰州大学信息科学与工程学院,计算机科学与技术专业,学士




2018年7月-至今 兰州大学,资源环境学院,副教授
2014年7月-2018年7月 兰州大学,资源环境学院,讲师
2011年7月-2014年7月 兰州大学西部环境与气候变化研究院 博士后研究 
2003年7月-2006年7月 兰州大学信息科学与工程学院




 国际地理联合会水资源可持续发展专业委员会(the Steering Committee of the IGU Water Sustainability)常务理事、中国地理学会会员


1)  山区土壤水分运移过程。分别基于遥感数据和观测数据,在流域、区域尺度上分析了祁连山区土壤水分的时空间变异规律,并对比了不同植被类型上的剖面土壤水分特征。
2)模型应用及改进。针对山区陆面水文过程,评估分析了陆面过程模型CLM 5.0对山区土壤水分、蒸散发过程的模拟性能及误差来源,并进行改进;针对流域水文过程,比较分析了分布式水文模型SWAT和DLBRM在祁连山区黑河上游的模拟性能,改进了基于物理机制的降水插值模型Micromet,并应用其改进水文模型DLBRM更准确地模拟分析山区水文过程;基于区域气候模式RegCM3和分布式水文模型DLBRM开发了耦合模型CRCHMS (Coupled Regional Climate and Hydrological Modeling System)。
3) 机器学习方法应用。采用随机森林法、BP人工神经网络法等分析了大尺度土壤水分变异规律及环境因素的影响,并构建了土壤水分时序变化动态模型。





[1] 	Zhang, L.*, C. He*, W. Tian, Y. Zhu. 2021. Evaluation of precipitation datasets from TRMM satellite and downscaled reanalysis products with bias–correction in Middle Qilian mountain. Chinese Geographical Science. 31(3), 1-17. (SCI 3区)
[2] 	Zhang, L., C. He*, M. Zhang, Y. Zhu. 2019. Evaluation of the SMOS and SMAP soil moisture products under different vegetation types against two sparse in situ networks over arid mountainous watersheds, Northwest China. Science China Earth Sciences. 62: 703–718. (SCI 2区).
[3] 	Zhang, L., C. He*, M. Zhang. 2017. Multi-Scale Evaluation of the SMAP Product Using Sparse In-Situ Network over a High Mountainous Watershed, Northwest China. Remote sensing. 9(11), 1111. (SCI 2区).
[4] 	Zhang, L., C. He*, X. Bai, Y. Zhu. 2017. Physically-based adjustment factors for precipitation estimation in a large arid mountainous watershed, Northwest China. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 22 (11), 04017047. (SCI 3区).
[5] 	Zhang, L., C. He*, J. Li, Y. Wang, Z. Wang. 2017. Comparison of IDW and physically-based IDEW method in hydrological modelling for a large mountainous watershed, Northwest China. River research and applications. 33 (6), 912-924. (SCI 3区).
[6] 	Zhang, L, X. Jin, C. He*, B. Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Li, C. Zhao, J. Tian, C. DeMarchi. 2016. Comparison of SWAT and DLBRM for hydrological modelling of a mountainous watershed in arid Northwest China. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 21(5), 04016007. (SCI 3区).
[7] 	Zhang, L., S. Wang, C. He*, K. Shang, L. Meng, X. Li, B. M. Lofgren. 2015. A New Method for Instant Correction of Numerical Weather Prediction Products in China. Science China Earth Sciences. 58(2), 231-244. (SCI 3区).
[8] 	Zhang, L., S. Wang, C. He*, X. Jin. 2014. Development of an instant correction and display system of Numerical Weather Prediction Products in China. Chinese Geographical Science. 24(6), 682-693. (SCI 4区).
[9] 	Tan, X., L. Zhang*, C. He*, Y. Zhu, Z. Han, X. Li. 2020. Applicability of cosmic-ray neutron sensor for measuring soil moisture at the agricultural-pastoral ecotone in northwest China. Science China Earth Sciences. 63, 1730–1744. (SCI 2区).
[10] 	Bai, X., L. Zhang, C. He, Y. Zhu. 2020. Estimating Regional Soil Moisture Distribution Based on NDVI and Land Surface Temperature Time Series Data in the Upstream of the Heihe River Watershed, Northwest China. Remote sensing. 12, 2414. (SCI 2区).
[11] 	Li, J., L. Zhang*, C. He*, C. Zhao. 2018. A Comparison of Markov Chain Random Field and Ordinary Kriging Methods for Calculating Soil Texture in a Mountainous Watershed, Northwest China. Sustainability. 10, 2819. (SCI 4区).
[12] 	Jiang, Y., L. Zhang*, B. Zhang, C. He*, X. Jin, X. Bai. 2016. Modeling irrigation management for water conservation by DSSAT-maize model in arid northwestern China. Agricultural Water Management. 177, 37-45. (SCI 2区).
[13] 	Zhang, B.Q., M. Burnham, C. He*, L. Zhang. 2015. Evaluating the coupling effects of climate aridity and vegetation restoration on soil erosion over the Loess Plateau in China. Science of The Total Environment. 539, 436-449. (SCI 2区). 
[14] 	Zhang, X., L. Zhang, C. He*, J. Li, Y. Jiang, L. Ma. 2014. Quantifying the impacts of land use/land cover change on groundwater depletion in Northwestern China – A case study of the Dunhuang oasis. Agricultural Water Management. 146, 270-279. (SCI 2区).
[15] 	Jin, X., C. He*, L. Zhang, B.Q. Zhang. 2018. A Modified Groundwater Module in SWAT for Better Streamflow Simulation in a Large Arid Endorheic River Watershed, Northwest China. Chinese Geographical Science. 28(1), 47-60.  (SCI 4区) .
[16] 	Jin, X.,L. Zhang,J. Gu,C. Zhao,J. Tian,C. He*. 2015. Modeling the impacts of spatial heterogeneity in soil hydraulic properties on hydrological process in the upper reach of the Heihe River in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China. Hydrological Processes. 29(15), 3318-3327. (SCI 2区).
[17] 	He, C. *, L. Zhang, C. DeMarchi, T.E. Croley II. 2014. Estimating point and non-point source nutrient loads in the Saginaw Bay watersheds. J. Great Lakes Research. 40 (7165), 11-17. (SCI 4区).
[18] 	Fu, L., L. Zhang, C. He*. 2014. Analysis of Agricultural Land Use Change in the Middle Reach of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 11(3), 2698-2712. (SCI 3区).
[19] 	谈幸燕, 张兰慧*, 贺缠生*, 朱昱作, 韩智博, 李旭亮. 2020. 宇宙射线中子法在西北农牧交错带土壤水分测量中的适用性研究. 中国科学: 地球科学, 50(11): 1596-1610.
[20] 	张明敏, 张兰慧*, 李峰, 贺缠生. 2020. 祁连山区DISPATCH、多元回归降尺度方法及SMAP产品的应用对比. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版).56(1), 110-121.
[21] 	向怡衡, 张明敏, 张兰慧*, 贺缠生, 王一博, 白晓. 2017. 祁连山区不同植被类型上的SMOS遥感土壤水分产品质量评估. 遥感技术与应用. 32 (5), 835-843. 
[22] 	白晓, 张兰慧*, 王一博, 田杰, 贺缠生*, 刘国华. 2017. 祁连山区不同土地覆被类型下土壤水分时空变异特征. 水土保持研究. 24(2), 17-25.
[23] 	王忠富, 张兰慧*, 王一博, 贺缠生. 2016. 黑河上游排露沟流域不同时期草地蒸散发日变化规律研究. 应用生态学报. 27 (11), 3495-3504.
[24] 	张喜风, 张兰慧, 顾娟, 贺缠生. 2014. 敦煌绿洲地下水时空变异性分析及其对土地利用/覆盖变化变化的响应分析. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 50(3), 311-317.
[25] 	金鑫, 张兰慧, 赵琛, 田杰, 贺缠生. 2014.复杂地形下太阳辐射计算工具的开发与验证. 地理空间信息. 12(2), 56-59.
[26] 	赵琛, 张兰慧, 李金麟,田杰,吴维臻,金鑫,张喜风,蒋忆文,王晓磊,贺缠生,白晓. 2014. 黑河上游土壤含水量的空间分布与环境因子的关系.兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 50(3), 338-347.
[27] 	李金麟, 赵琛, 张兰慧, 贺缠生, 王忠富. 2014. 地统计方法在黑河上游气象分析中的应用比较. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 50(3), 318-323.
[28] 	张兰慧,王式功,尚可政,李旭. 2012. SharpMap在青海省气象信息网络数据库中的应用.气象科技. 40(1), 57-60.
[29] 	张兰慧,尚可政,程一帆,王式功. 2011. 数值预报产品的误差订正方法研究.兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 47(3), 44-49.
[30] 	程一帆, 张兰慧, 尚可政, 周海, 王式功. 2011.兰州市冬季霾的统计预报研究. 中国沙漠. 31(3), 750-756.


1. 贺缠生,张兰慧,王一博. 土壤水文异质性对流域水文过程的影响. 科学出版社. 201805. ISBN:9787030573315. 
2. He, C., L. Zhang, X. Zhang, S. Eslamian. 2014. Chapter 28: Water Security: Concept, Measurement, and Operationalization. In: SaeidEslamian (ed): Handbook of Engineering Hydrology, Vol. 3: Environmental Hydrology and Water Management (CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group) ISBN:9781466552494, pp.544-555. 20140320. 
3. He, C., L. Zhang, L. Fu, Y. Luo, L. Li, C. De Marchi. 2013. Simulation of River Flow for Downstream Water Allocation in the Heihe River Watershed, Northwest China. In: Bojie Fu and Bruce Jones (ed): LandscapeEcology for Sustainable Environment and Culture (Springer), pp.173-186.