











2004年-2008年:兰州大学  本科;
2008年-2015 年:兰州大学  硕博连读




2015年- 今 :兰州大学





1. 通过对中国第二大沙漠——巴丹吉林沙漠进行岩心钻探,获取了沙漠地区代表性的地层记录,在此基础上明确了巴丹吉林沙漠形成演化的地质历史及其驱动机制;围绕沙漠记录重建了过去1.2 Ma以来西风与西伯利亚高压、东亚夏季风的时空演化历史及其相互作用过程,并讨论了其驱动机制;对沙漠物源的研究发现巴丹吉林沙漠自形成以来,其沙物质主要来自于北部阿尔泰地区,这与中国黄土的物源存在显著差异,表明近源沙漠并非中国黄土的潜在源区。
2. 发现东亚地区早白垩世存在两次显著的沙漠扩张过程,主要发生在Late Barremian-Early Aptian(124-130 Ma)和Late Aptian-Early Albian (110-114 Ma), 沙漠的扩张主要与大气CO2的升高密切相关。大气CO2的升高增强了中低纬哈德来环流的强度,使得与下沉气流相关干旱带扩大,最终引起沙漠的扩张。这一发现为当前全球变暖背景下中低纬地区干旱带的扩大提供了地质证据。
3. 基于中国黄土记录和粉尘源区的地貌和沉积学证据,发现中更新世(1百万年)以来东亚粉尘的盐碱度显著增强,粉尘中的盐主要来自藏高原北部柴达木盆地和戈壁沙漠的湖泊沉积。全球气候变化引起的粉尘源区湖泊盐度和水位的变化,是造成东亚含盐粉尘增加的主要因素。



1. 主持国家自然科学基金项目:塔里木盆地西缘早白垩世风成沉积记录及其古气候意义研究,2019-2021.
2. 主持兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目:白银地区早白垩世沙漠年代学研究,2019-2020.
3. 参与科技部项目第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究-粉尘气溶胶及其气候环境效应,2019-2024
4. 参与科技部第三次新疆科考项目:塔里木河流域干旱与风沙灾害调查和风险评估,2021-2024
5. 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目:毛乌素沙地形成年代、物质来源和干湿变化模式研究,2020-2025


Sun, X.Y., Wang, F.*,  Fan, Y., Li, Z.*, Liu, X.,  Zhao, J., Li, B., Xia, D.,2023. Transformation of lakebed into a major soluble-salt-bearing dust source for Asia since the mid-pleistocene. Global and Planetary Change, 230, 104282.
Wang, F.*, Li, Z.*, Sun, X., Zhao, J., Fan, Y., Ayyamperumal, R., Xia, D., Li, B., 2023. Early Cretaceous (late Barremian–Early Albian) expanding aeolian activity in East Asia: Evidence from the stratigraphic evolution of aeolian deposition in the Baiyin-Jingyuan Basin, Northern China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, https://doi.org/10.1130/B36747.1.
Li, Z.*, Wang, F.*, Luo, C., Liu, C., Wang, X., Yang, S., Fan, Y., 2022. Enhanced drying of the Tengger desert, northwest margin of East Asian summer monsoon during warming interglacials after 500 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, 293, 107735. 
Yang, G., Fan, Y., Cai, Q., Wang, F.(共同一作), Zhang, Q., Yan, X., Chen, F., 2022. Provenance of Quaternary aeolian silts in western China and its spatial difference with source of the Yellow River sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 296, 107785. 
Wang, F.*, Li, Z.*, Sun, X., Li, B., Wang, X., Chen, F., 2021. A 1200 ka stable isotope record from the center of the Badain Jaran Desert, Northwestern China: implications for the variation and interplay of the westerlies and the Asian summer monsoon. monsoon. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2020GC009575.
Fan, Y., Wang, F.(共同一作), Yang, G., Cai, Q., Zhang, Q., Li, Z., Chen, F., 2021. Decoupling of the detrital linkage between proximal dunefields and early and middle Pleistocene accumulation in the Chinese Loess Plateau: evidence from the Badain Jaran and Tengger sandy deserts. Quaternary Science Reviews, 264, 107026.
Li, B., Feng, Q., Wang, F., XinWang, Zaijun Li, Chengqi Zhang, Xiaoyan Guo, Wen Liu, Ruolin Li, 2020. A 1.68 Ma organic isotope record from the Hetao Basin, upper reaches of the Yellow River in northern China: Implications for hydrological and ecological variations. Global and Planetary Change, 184, 103061.
Fan, Y., Li, Z., Wang, F, Jun Ma, Xuesong Mou, Xiaohu Li, Qingsong Zhang, Hui Zhao, Fahu Chen, 2019. Provenance variations of the Tengger Desert since 2.35 Ma and its linkage with the Northern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons, Quaternary Science Reviews,223, 1, 105916.
Wang, F.*, Li, Z., Wang, X., Li, B., Chen, F., 2018. Variation and interplay of the Siberian High and westerlies in central-east Asia during the past 1200 kyr. Aeolian Research, 33, 62-81.
Li, Z., Wang, F., Wang, X., Li, B., Chen, F., 2018. A multi-proxy climatic record from the central Tengger Desert, southern Mongolian Plateau: Implications for the aridification of inner Asia since  the late Pliocene. J. Asian Earth Sci. 160, 27-37. 
Before 2018
Li Baofeng., Sun Donghuai, Xu weihong, Wang Fei, Liang Baiqing, Ma Zhiwei, Wang Xin, Li Zaijun, Chen Fahu, 2017. Paleomagnetic chronology and paleoenvironmental records from drill cores from the Hetao Basin and their implications for the formation of the Hobq Desert and the Yellow River. Quaternary Science Review 156, 69–89.
Wang, F., Sun Donghuai, Chen Fahu, Bloemendal Jan, Li Zaijun, Guo Feng, Zhang Yuebao, Li Baofeng, Wang Xin, 2015. Formation and evolution of the Badain Jaran Desert, North China, as revealed by a drill core from the desert centre, and  by geological survey. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.03.011.
Li Zaijun, Sun donghuai, Chen Fahu, Wang Fei, Zhang Yuebao, Guo Feng, Wang Xin, Li Baofeng, 2014. Chronology and paleoenvironmental records of a drill core in the central Tengger Desert of China. Quaternary Science Review 85, 85-98.
Zhang Yuebao, Sun Donghuai, Li Zaijun, Wang Fei, Wang Xin, Li Baofeng, Guo Feng, WuSheng, 2014. Cenozoic record of aeolian sediment accumulation and aridification fromLanzhou, China, driven by Tibetan Plateau uplift and global climate. Global and Planetary Change 120, 1-15.
王飞, 孙东怀, 张月宝, 李再军, 王鑫, 李宝锋, 吴晟, 郭峰, 2012. 过去8 Ma兰州盆地古温度、古降水和古高度的半定量估算. 第四纪研究, 32(5), 1022-1035.
王飞, 孙东怀, 郭峰, 李再军, 张月宝, 李宝锋, 吴晟, 2012. 黄土高原灵台剖面过去7 Ma古温度、古降水的半定量重建. 地球环境学报, 3(2), 781-791.
