
职称: 研究员  教授级高级工程师  硕士生导师  专业硕士生导师 











兰州大学资源环境学院,教授级高级工程师,兰州大学青藏高原人文环境研究院,特聘研究员, 兰州大学地理信息虚拟仿真实验教学中心主任(省级),中国地理学会地理大数据工作委员会委员(第二届),澳大利亚迪肯大学访问学者,甘肃省减灾委员会第一批防灾减灾救灾专家。 先后参与国家级、省部级科研项目10多项,发表SCI/EI/CSCD论文40多篇,获得授权发明专利4项,软件著作权15件,出版教材(专著)3部。主要研究领域有地理空间数据分析建模和基于大数据的深度学习及应用。主要学术贡献有:利用计算机和GIS大数据,开发完成了多个GIS应用软件,实现了GIS应用、空间数据分析、三维地形展示、虚拟仿真应用、预警分析及决策支持功能,并成功应用在相关的机构。利用深度学习技术,完成了区域土地利用模拟预测、基于遥感影像的密集目标检测、基于语义分割的农村居民点提取、遥感影像农业塑料大棚提取等论文、专利和软件著作权成果。





2021—今,        兰州大学地理信息虚拟仿真实验中心(省级),主任
2019—今,        兰州大学资源环境学院,教授级高级工程师
2015—今,        兰州大学资源环境学院,硕士生导师




1. 中国地理学会地理大数据专业委员会委员
2. 甘肃省减灾委员会第一批防灾减灾救灾专家委员
3. 甘肃省测绘地理信息学会专家库专家委员


1. 开发完成地理信息系统软件,分别是“中国土遗址地理信息系统”(软件著作权2016SR377621)、“数字祁连山三维地理信息系统”(软件著作权2019SR1374656)和“甘肃省多源固废地理信息系统1.0(2020SR0910274)”、“基于深度学习的土地利用模拟系统“软件登记号:2021SR112094541等14余项。
2. 出版专著3部,分别是《地理信息系统开发实例教程》、《土地利用时空变化模拟分析》和《地图学实习指导》。
3. 获得授权发明专利4项,申请发明专利6项。
4. 发表论著等研究成果50余篇(部,项)。




[1]Liu, J.; Pei, X.; Zhu, W.; Jiao J*, . Simulation of the Ecological Service Value and Ecological Compensation in Arid Area: A Case Study of Ecologically Vulnerable Oasis. Remote Sens. 2023, 15. 
[2]Liu, J.; Pei, X.; Zhu, W.; Jiao, J *. Scenario modeling of ecosystem service trade-offs and bundles in a semi-arid valley basin ,Science of the Total Environment 896 (2023) 166413. 
[3]Xueyuan Zhang , Yaowen Xie *,Jizong Jiao** ,etc, How to accurately assess the spatial distribution of energy CO2 emissions? Based on POI and NPP-VIIRS comparison, Journal of Cleaner Production, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136656.
[4] Bin Xiao, Jiamin Liu, Jizong Jiao*, etc. Modeling Dynamic Land Use Changes in the Eastern Portion of the Hexi Corridor, China by CNN-GRU Hybrid Model, GIScience & Remote Sensing,2022,3,DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2022.2037888.
[5] Xiaoyan Cao ,Jizong Jiao ,*, Xiuli Liu , Wanyang Zhu, Haoran Wang , Huiqing Hao  and Jingtao Lu,Establishment of an Ecological Security Pattern under Arid Conditions Based on Ecological Carrying Capacity: A Case Study of Arid Area in Northwest China,  Sustainability 2022, 14, 15799. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142315799
[6]  Jiamin Liu,BinXiao,Jizong Jiao*,etc,  Modeling the response of ecological service value to land use change through deep learning simulation in Lanzhou, China, Science of The Total Environment,2021,V 796(20), DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148981 
[7] Jiamin Liu,Bin Xiao,Yueshi Li,Xiaoyun Wang,Jizong Jiao*,Simulation of Dynamic Urban Expansion under Ecological Constraints Using a Long Short Term Memory Network Model and Cellular Automata,Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(8), 1499-1512.  
[8] Jiamin Liu, Yueshi Li , Bin Xiao , Jizong Jiao*,Coupling Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and Clustering Algorithm for MSW Landfill Site Selection (Case Study: Lanzhou, China), ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10(6), 398-403. 
[9] Baocheng Wei, Yaowen Xie, Xiaoyun Wang, Jizong Jiao. Land cover mapping based on time-series MODIS-NDVI using a dynamic time warping approach: A casestudy of the agricultural pastoral ecotone of northern China. Land Degrad Dev. 2019;1–19.
[10] Xie Yaowen, Jiao Jizong, Wang Xiaoyun, Practice Course of Cartography, Lanzhou University Press (2018), 180 thousand words (Monograph). (In Chinese)
[11] Jiao Jizong, Spatial and Temporal Changes and Simulation of Land use in Minqin oasis, Lanzhou University Press (2015), 210 thousand words(monograph). (In Chinese)
[12] Jiao Jizong, Xie Yaowen, Shi Jianyao, Case Course of GIS development, Lanzhou University Press (2010), 320 thousand words( monograph). (In Chinese)
[13] Sijia He , Xiaoyun Wang , Jingru Dong, Baocheng Wei , Hanming Duan, Jizong Jiao* (2019), Three-Dimensional Urban Expansion Analysis of Valley-Type Cities: A Case Study of Chengguan District, Lanzhou, China, doi:10.3390/su11205663.
[14] Du Ting, Jiao Jizong* (2019), Land use classification system and IGBP classification system of Chinese Academy of Sciences, A case study of ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry in Northwest China. Journal of Lanzhou University (SCIENCE EDITION). (In Chinese)
[15] Du Ting, Jiao Ji-zong*, Xie Yao-wen, Lu Hui(2019), Analysis of ecological environment changes from 2000 to 2015 in Qingyang, Gansu Province, Journal of Lanzhou University (Science Edition) 55(1), 27-32. (In Chinese)
[16] Dong Jinru, Jiao Jizong*, Wei Baocheng and Duan hanming(2019),The application of the bivariate equivalence region method for thematic map mapping, Science of Surveying and Mapping.
[18] Li Ruyan, Jiao Jizong*, Dong Jinru, Xie Yaowen(2019),A preliminary study on the design of digital map based on famous painting,Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping.
[19] Jiao Jizong, Yang Lu and Du Ting(2019,) Land Use/ cover in the Ecotone of agriculture and husbandry in Northwest China Based on GIS, Gansu science and technology,35(7):139-143. (In Chinese)
[20] Du Ting, Jiao Jizong*(2018),Method Exploration for Quantitative Evaluation of Salinization Using Landsat Satellite Image:A Case Study of Guazhou-Dunhuang Area, Hubei Agricultural Sciences,57(1). (In Chinese)
[21] C.X. Yuan, J.Z. Jiao* (2018),Optimization of Mapping Based on Points Mark, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, V 237(3).
[22] Jizong Jiao, Lijing Zhang(2015), Development and Application of Agricultural Composting Reactor Experimental equipment, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology,8(5):316-321.
[23] Jizong Jiao, Jianming Zhang(2014), Quantitative analysis of the Land use impact on eco-environment based on GIS in Minqin oasis, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 32(6):5753-5758.
[25] Jiao Jizong, Xie Yaowen, et al., China earth site geographic information system (Software copyright, 2016), software registration No.: 2016sr377621.
[26] Jiao Jizong, Dong Jingru,Liu Jiamin, 3D geographic information system of Qilian Mountain(Software copyright, 2019), software registration No.: 2019SR1374656.
[27] Jiao Jizong (2017), A ventilation control system for laboratory, Invention Patent of the people's Republic of China (Authorized), ZL201510524935.4.
[28] Jiao Jizong (2018),An Air Quality Detection Device ,Invention Patent of the people's Republic of China (Authorized), ZL2016121900486720.
[29]  Jiao Jizong (2019),A personal protection system in laboratory(authorized),Invention Patent of the people's Republic of China (Authorized), ZL2016108949822.


1.  《地理信息系统开发实例教程》(2011), 兰州大学出版社,第一作者;
2.  《土地利用时空变化模拟分析》(2015),兰州大学出版社,第一作者;
3.  《地图学实习指导》(2018),兰州大学出版社,第二作者;
4.  《地图学》(2021),全国高校地理信息科学教学丛书,科学出版社,参编;
5.   《祁连山人类活动变化与影响》(2022),第二次青藏科考研究丛书,科学出版社,参编;
6.   《祁连山生态系统发展报告绿皮书》(2020),社会科学文献出版社,参编;
