Name:Lei Lu

Title: Lecturer 


University one is graduated from:


Academic degree:

On-the-job information:Incumbency


Initiation time:

Office location:



2005:  Bachelor, Lanzhou University 

2009:  Master, ITC Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation

2011:  Ph.D, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Research Interests

Remote Sensing of Environment 


2011.07- present:  Lecture, Key laboratory of west China’s Environmental System (Ministry of Education), College of Earth and Environment Sciences, Lanzhou University 


1.  Teaching the course of Remote Sensing of Environment for undergraduate students

2.  Teaching the course of Microwave Remote Sensing for undergraduate students

3.  Teaching the course of Quantitative Remote Sensing for postgraduate students 

Professional Activities


Achievement Summary


Honors and Awards


In-progress Projects



1.         Chudi Huang, Lei Lu, Yong Liu, and Jufeng Liu. Inversion of maize field leaf area index based on high-resolution remote sensing image. Acta Agriculture Zhejiangensis, 2018, 30(2), 339-349.

2.         Ya-ni Li, Lei Lu, and Yong Liu. Tasseled cap-triangle (TCT)-leaf area index (LAI) model of rice fields based on PROSAIL model and its application. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2017, 28(12), 3976-3984.

3.         Lei Lu, Geping Luo, and Ji-Yan Wang. Development of an ATI-NDVI method for estimation of soil moisture from MODIS data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 35(10), 3797-3815.

4.         Hong Zhao, Lei Lu, Yao-wen Xie. Screening a suitable vegetation index for retrieval of leaf area index based on PROSPECT+SAIL models. Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2014, 50(1), 89-94.

5.         Lei Lu, Valentijn Venus, Andrew Skidmore, Tiejun Wang, and Geping Luo. Estimating land-surface temperature under clouds using MSG/SEVIRI observations. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2011, 13, 265-276. 

Books Edited